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74.6 Questioner: Would you please correct me?
Ra: I am Ra. The indigo center is indeed most important for the work of the adept. However, it cannot, no matter how crystallized, correct to any extent whatsoever imbalances or blockages in other energy centers. They must needs be cleared seriatim* from red upwards.
74.8 Questioner: Would you answer it please?
Ra: I am Ra. We would be happy to answer this query. We understood the previous query as being of other import. The indigo ray is the ray of the adept. A great deal of the answer you seek is in this sentence. There is an identification between the crystallization of that energy center and the improvement of the working of the mind/body/spirit as it begins to transcend space/time balancing and to enter the combined realms of space/time and time/space.
69.18 Questioner: This instrument performs services on Sunday night channeling other members of the Confederation. We are reluctant to continue this because of the possibility of her slipping into trance and being offered the services of the negatively polarized adept. Are there any safeguards to create a situation where she cannot go into trance other than at a protected working such as this one?
Ra: I am Ra. There are three. Firstly, the instrument must needs improve the disciplined subconscious taboo against requesting Ra. This would involve daily conscious and serious thought. The second safeguard is the refraining from the opening of the instrument to questions and answers for the present. The third is quite gross in its appearance but suffices to keep the instrument in its physical complex. The hand may be held.
74.15 Questioner: If we had constructed a ritual of our own with words used for the first time in the sequence of protection what would have been the relative merit of this with respect to the ritual that we chose?
Ra: I am Ra. It would be less. In constructing ritual it is well to study the body of written work which is available for names of positive or service-to-others power are available.
75.26 Questioner: You spoke in a previous session about certain Hebrew and Sanskrit sound vibratory complexes being powerful because they were mathematically related to that which was the creation. Could you expand on this understanding, please, as to how these are linked?
Ra: I am Ra. As we previously stated the linkage is mathematical or that of the ratio. You may consider it musical. There are those whose mind complex activities would attempt to resolve this mathematical ratio but at present the coloration of the intoned vowel is part of the vibration which cannot be accurately measured. However, it is equivalent to types of rotation of your primary material particles.
75.29 Questioner: Then would the adept use this resonant quality to become more one with the creation and, therefore, attain his objective in that way?
Ra: I am Ra. It would, perhaps, be more accurate to state that in this circumstance the creation becomes more and more contained within the practitioner. The balance of your query is correct.
75.30 Questioner: Could you tell me the musical name of the notes to be intoned that are of this quality?
Ra: I am Ra. We may not.
75.38 Questioner: Now the invocation of the magical personality is not necessarily effective for the neophyte. Is there a point at which there is a definite quantum change and that personality does then reside, or can it be done in small degrees or percentages of magical personality as the neophyte becomes more adept?
Ra: I am Ra. The latter is correct.
76.3 Questioner: Of the three things you mentioned that we could do for the instrument’s benefit, would you clarify the last one? I didn’t quite understand that.
Ra: I am Ra. As the entity which you are allows its being to empathize with another being, so then it may choose to share with the other-self those energies which may be salubrious to the other-self. The mechanism of these energy transfers is the thought or, more precisely, the thought-form for any thought is a form or symbol or thing that is an object seen in time/space reference.
76.5 Questioner: Would it be beneficial for us to perform [the] banishing ritual more in this room?
Ra: I am Ra. It is beneficial to regularly work in this place.
76.8 Questioner: Were Ra’s teachings focusing on the archetypes for this Logos and the methods of achieving a very close approach to the archetypical configuration? Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct without being true. We of Ra are humble messengers of the Law of One. We seek to teach/learn this single law. During the space/time of the Egyptian teach/learning we worked to bring the mind complex, the body complex, and the spirit complex into an initiated state in which the entity could contact intelligent energy and so become teach/learner itself that healing and the fruits of study could be offered to all. The study of the roots of mind is a portion of the vivification of the mind complex and, as we have noted, the thorough study of the portion of the roots of mind called archetypical is an interesting and necessary portion of the process as a whole.
76.12 Questioner: But I am assuming that the concepts of the tarot and the magical concepts Tree of Life, etc., were not in use by Ra. I suspect, possibly, some form of astrology was a previous Ra concept. This is just a guess. Am I correct?
Ra: I am Ra. To express Ra’s methods of study of the archetypical mind under the system of distortions which we enjoyed would be to skew your own judgment of that which is appropriate for the system of distortions forming the conditions in which you learn/teach. Therefore, we must invoke the Law of Confusion.
77.22 Questioner: In that case, you would have as a Logos, you would have the advantage of selecting the form of acceleration, I might say, of spiritual evolution by planning for what we call the major archetypical philosophical foundation and planning these as a function of the polarity that would be gained in third density. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is exquisitely correct.
78.12 Questioner: Would you elucidate with respect to the significator you spoke of?
Ra: I am Ra. The original significators may undifferentiatedly be termed the mind, the body, and the spirit.
78.29 Questioner: I understand your limitations in answering that. Thank you.
Could you tell me how, in first density, wind and fire teach earth and water?
Ra: I am Ra. You may see the air and fire* of that which is chaos as literally illuminating and forming the formless, for earth and water were, in the timeless state, unformed. As the active principles of fire and air blow and burn incandescently about that which nurtures that which is to come, the water learns to become sea, lake, and river offering the opportunity for viable life. The earth learns to be shaped, thus offering the opportunity for viable life.
78.31 Questioner: How about the seven bodily energy centers? Are they related to archetypes in some way?
Ra: I am Ra. The same may be said of these. It is informative to view the relationships but stifling to insist upon the limitations of congruency. Recall at all times, if you would use this term, that the archetypes are a portion of the resources of the mind complex.
79.19 Questioner: Could you tell me what you mean by “the significator must become a complex?”
Ra: I am Ra. To be complex is to consist of more than one characteristic element or concept.
79.36 Questioner: Would the Hierophant* then be somewhat of a governor or sorter of these effects so as to create the proper assimilation by the unconscious of that which comes through the conscious?
Ra: I am Ra. Although thoughtful, the supposition is incorrect in its heart.
76.22 Questioner: I had one that is totally, possibly, [of] no value. You don’t have to expand on it, but there is a crystal skull in the possession of a woman near Toronto that may be of some value in investigating these communications with Ra since I think possibly this had some origin from Ra. Can you tell me anything about that? And then, finally, is there anything that we could do to improve the contact or to make the instrument more comfortable?
Ra: I am Ra. Although your query is one which uncovers interesting material we can not answer due to the potential an answer may have for affecting your actions. The appurtenances are carefully placed and requisite care taken. We are appreciative. All is well.
I am Ra. I leave you, my friends, in the love and the light of the One Infinite Creator. Go forth, therefore, glorying and rejoicing in the power and in the peace of the One Infinite Creator. Adonai.
78.36 Questioner: I was asking if the third archetype was the Empress and was it correct to say that this archetype had to do with disciplined meditation?
Ra: I am Ra. The third archetype may be broadly grasped as the Catalyst of the Mind. Thus it takes in far more than disciplined meditation. However, it is certainly through this faculty that catalyst is most efficiently used. The Archetype, Three, is perhaps confusedly called Empress although the intention of this nomer* is the understanding that it represents the unconscious or female portion of the mind complex being first, shall we say, used or ennobled by the male or conscious portion of the mind. Thus the noble name.
79.37 Questioner: What would be the Hierophant?
Ra: I am Ra. The Hierophant is the Significator of the Body* complex, its very nature. We may note that the characteristics of which you speak do have bearing upon the Significator of the Mind complex but are not the heart. The heart of the mind complex is that dynamic entity which absorbs, seeks, and attempts to learn.
* Ra corrected this error in session #80. The Hierophant is the Significator of the Mind complex.
79.39 Questioner: Let me skip over the Hierophant for a minute because I’m really not understanding that at all and just ask you if the Lovers represent the merging of the conscious and the unconscious or a communication between conscious and unconscious?
Ra: I am Ra. Again, without being at all unperceptive, you miss the heart of this particular archetype which may be more properly called the Transformation of the Mind.
79.43 Questioner: Only is there anything that we can do to make the instrument more comfortable or improve the contact?
Ra: I am Ra. All is well. For some small portion of your future the instrument would be well advised to wear upon the hands those aids to comfort which it has neglected to use. There has been some trauma to both hands and arms and, therefore, we have had to somewhat abbreviate this working.
80.0 Ra: I am Ra. We greet you in the love and in the light of the One Infinite Creator.
Before we initiate this working we would wish to correct an error which we have found in previous material. That archetype, Five, which you have called the Hierophant, is the Significator of the Mind complex.
This instrument is prey to sudden flares towards the distortion known as pain. We are aware of your conscientious attempts to aid the instrument but know of no other modality available to the support group other than the provision of water therapy upon the erect spinal portion of the physical body complex, which we have previously mentioned.
This instrument’s distortions of body do not ever rule out, shall we say, such flares during these periods of increased distortion of the body complex. Our contact may become momentarily garbled. Therefore, we request that any information which seems garbled be questioned as we wish this contact to remain as undistorted as the limitations of language, mentality, and sensibility allow.
We communicate now.
80.6 Questioner: What would our fifth-density visitor hope to gain for himself if he were to be successful in terminating this contact?
Ra: I am Ra. As we have previously stated, the entity hopes to gain a portion of that light; that is, the mind/body/spirit complex of the instrument. Barring this, the entity intends to put out the light.
80.9 Questioner: Are you saying, then, that this power is of the spirit and not of the mind or the body?
Ra: I am Ra. The work of the adept is based upon previous work with the mind and the body, else work with the spirit would not be possible on a dependable basis. With this comment we may assert the correctness of your assumption.
80.14 Questioner: [I] didn’t intend to get too far ahead of my questioning process here. The either positively or negatively polarized adept, then, is building a potential to draw directly on the spirit for power. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. It would be more proper to say that the adept is calling directly through the spirit to the universe for its power, for the spirit is a shuttle.
80.16 Questioner: I guess that the nineteenth archetype of the spirit would be the Significator of the Spirit*. Is that correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
80.23 Questioner: Is there anything that we can do to improve the contact or to make the instrument more comfortable?
Ra: I am Ra. The alignments are most conscientious. We are appreciative. The entity which serves as instrument is somewhat distorted towards that condition you call stiffness of the dorsal regions. Manipulation would be helpful.
I am Ra. I leave you, my friends, glorying in the light and the love of the One Infinite Creator. Go forth, therefore, rejoicing in the power and in the peace of the One Infinite Creator. Adonai.
82.16 Questioner: I guess I didn’t state that exactly right. What I mean is, since there was no forgetting, since the mind/body/spirit complexes had the consciousness, in what we call physical incarnation… they knew the same thing that they would know not in the physical incarnation. What was the mechanism of teaching that taught this, the ways of love, in the third-density physical prior to the forgetting process?
Ra: I am Ra. We ask your permission to answer this query in an oblique fashion as we perceive an area in which we might be of aid.
83.13 Questioner: Then for a service-to-others oriented entity at this time meditation upon the nature of these little-expected forms of slavery might be productive in polarization I would think. Am I correct?
Ra: I am Ra. You are quite correct.
83.15 Questioner: Is the veil supposed to be what I would call semi-permeable?
Ra: I am Ra. The veil is indeed so.
83.23 Questioner: Now before the veil the mind could blank out pain. I assume then, that the function of the pain at that time was to signal the body to assume a different configuration so that the source of the pain would leave, but then the pain could be eliminated mentally. Is that correct, and was there another function for pain prior to the veiling?
Ra: I am Ra. Your assumption is correct. The function of pain at that time was as the warning of the fire alarm to those not smelling the smoke.
83.26 Questioner: What I was trying to indicate was that the plan of the Logos in veiling the conscious from the unconscious in such a way that the pain could not so easily be controlled would have created a system of catalyst that was not previously usable. Is this generally correct?
Ra: I am Ra. Yes.
84.2 Questioner: In the last session you mentioned least distorted complex protein in that the body complex of the instrument was capable of greatly increased distortion. Would you define the protein of which you spoke and we would like to know, increased distortion in which direction, towards health or ill-health?
Ra: I am Ra. We were, in the cautionary statement about complex protein, referring to the distortions of the animal protein which has been slaughtered and preservatives added in order to maintain the acceptability to your peoples of this non-living, physical material. It is well to attempt to find those items which are fresh and of the best quality possible in order to avoid increasing this particular entity’s distortions which may be loosely termed allergic.
We were speaking of the distortion towards disease which is potential at this space/time.
84.16 Questioner: What I am trying to determine is the direction of energy transfer as a function of orgasm. Which entity gets the transferred energy? I know it’s a dumb question, but I want to be sure I have it cleared up.
Ra: I am Ra. If both entities are well polarized and vibrating in green-ray love any orgasm shall offer equal energy to both.
85.6 Questioner: Would it be magically bad for us to know that name, or would it make no difference?
Ra: I am Ra. It would make a difference.
85.10 Questioner: You just stated that those who are on the service-to-others* path use the veiling process to potentiate that which is not. I believe I am correct in repeating what you said. Is that correct?
* This should be service-to-self. Don and Ra corrected the error later in the session.
Ra: I am Ra. Yes.
85.13 Questioner: I think simply that the statement was made that we were speaking of the service-to-others path. Would you check that, please?
Ra: I am Ra. May we ask that you be apprised of our intention to have spoken of the service-to-self path as the path of that which is not.
86.16 Questioner: You mentioned loss of knowledge and control over the body as being a factor that was helpful in the evolutionary process due to veiling. Could you enumerate the important losses of knowledge and control over the body?
Ra: I am Ra. This query contains some portions which would be more helpfully answered were some intervening material requested.
86.17 Questioner: I’m at a loss to know what to request. Can you [chuckle] give me an idea of what area of intervening material I should work on?
Ra: I am Ra. No. However, we shall be happy to answer the original query if it is still desired if you first perceive that there is information lacking.
87.3 Questioner: What would be the optimum geometrical arrangement of censer, chalice, and candle with respect to Bible and table and the positions we now have them in?
Ra: I am Ra. Both chalice and candle occupy the optimal configuration with respect to the book most closely aligned with the Law of One in the distortion complexes of this instrument. It is optimal to have the censer to the rear of this book and centered at the spine of its open configuration.
87.4 Questioner: Would a position directly between the chalice and the candle be optimum, then, for the censer?
Ra: I am Ra. This is not an exact measurement since both chalice and candle are irregularly shaped. However, speaking roughly, this is correct.
87.8 Questioner: A reflection of this could be seen in our density in many of those leaders that instigate war and have followers who support, in total conviction that the direction of conquest is correct. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. Any organization which demands obedience without question upon the basis of relative power is functioning according to the above-described plan.
88.19 Questioner: What did Ra use in third density?
Ra: I am Ra. You are aware in your attempts at magical visualization of the mental configuration of sometimes rather complex visualizations. These are mental and drawn with the mind. Another example well-known in your culture is the visualization, in your mass, of the distortion of the love of the One Infinite Creator called Christianity, wherein a small portion of your foodstuffs is seen to be a mentally configured but entirely real man, the man known to you as Jehoshua or, as you call this entity now, Jesus. It was by this method of sustained visualization over a period of training that we worked with these concepts.
These concepts were occasionally drawn. However, the concept of one visualization per card was not thought of by us.
89.6 Questioner: This question may be meaningless but would a fifth-density entity of the Confederation who was positively polarized transmit on the same frequency as our negatively polarized fifth-density companion?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct and is the reason that the questioning of all contacts is welcomed by the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator.
89.12 Questioner: What is its density at present?
Ra: I am Ra. Its core vibrational frequency is sixth density. However we, as a social memory complex, had elected to leave that influence. Therefore, the beings inhabiting this planetary influence at this space/time are fifth-density entities. The planet may be considered a fifth/sixth-density planet.
89.13 Questioner: What was your reason for leaving?
Ra: I am Ra. We wished to be of service.
89.37 Questioner: As a wild guess, one of these entities wouldn’t be the one who has been our companion here for some time in our sessions, would it?
Ra: I am Ra. No.
89.39 Questioner: I just can’t understand why they would think that a planet that was doing as well as Ra was doing as far as I can tell would need Wanderers in order to help with a harvest. Was this at an early point in Ra’s third density?
Ra: I am Ra. It was in the second cycle of 25,000 years. We had a harvest of six out of thirty, to speak roughly, millions of mind/body/spirit complexes, less than 20%. Wanderers are always drawn to whatever percentage has not yet polarized, and come when there is a call. There was a call from those which were not positively polarized as such but which sought to be positively polarized and sought wisdom, feeling the compassion of other-selves upon Venus as complacent or pitying towards other-selves.
89.29 Questioner: What was the attitude just prior to harvest of those harvestable entities of Ra with respect to those who were obviously unharvestable?
Ra: I am Ra. Those of us which had the gift of polarity felt deep compassion for those who seemed to dwell in darkness. This description is most apt as ours was a harshly bright planet in the physical sense. There was every attempt made to reach out with whatever seemed to be needed. However, those upon the positive path have the comfort of companions and we of Ra spent a great deal of our attention upon the possibilities of achieving spiritual or metaphysical adepthood, or work in indigo ray, through the means of relationships with other-selves. Consequently, the compassion for those in darkness was balanced by the appreciation of the light.
89.41 Questioner: Then did they continue striving to polarize negatively for a fifth-density negative harvest or did they do something else?
Ra: I am Ra. They worked with the fourth-density negative for some period until, within this framework, the previously learned patterns of the self had been recaptured and the polarity was, with great effort, reversed. There was a great deal of fourth-density positive work then to be retraced.
90.5 Questioner: You stated previously that fifth-density entities bear a resemblance to those of us in third density on planet Earth but fourth density does not. Could you describe the fourth-density entities and tell me why they do not resemble us?
Ra: I am Ra. The description must be bated under the Law of Confusion. The cause for a variety of so-called physical vehicles is the remaining variety of heritages from second-density physical vehicular forms. The process of what you call physical evolution continues to hold sway into fourth density. Only when the ways of wisdom have begun to refine the power of what you may loosely call thought is the form of the physical complex manifestation more nearly under the direction of the consciousness.
90.6 Questioner: Well, If the population of this planet presently looks similar to the fifth-density entities I was wondering why this is? If I understand you correctly the process of evolution would normally be the third density resembling that from which it evolved in second density and then refining in fourth and then again in fifth, becoming what the population of this planet looks like on third. Why is this planet— It seems to me that this planet is ahead of itself in the way the mind/body/spirit complex, or body complex of that, looks. What is the reason for this?
Ra: I am Ra. Your query is based upon a misconception. Do you wish us to comment or do you wish to re-question?
90.12 Questioner: Was there a reason for choosing the forms that have evolved upon this planet and, if so, what was it?
Ra: I am Ra. We are not entirely sure why our Logos and several neighboring Logoi of approximately the same space/time of flowering chose the bipedal, erect form of the second-density apes to invest. It has been our supposition, which we share with you as long as you are aware that this is mere opinion, that our Logos was interested in, shall we say, further intensifying the veiling process by offering to the third-density form the near complete probability for the development of speech taking complete precedence over concept communication or telepathy. We also have the supposition that the so-called opposable thumb was looked upon as an excellent means of intensifying the veiling process so that rather than rediscovering the powers of the mind the third-density entity would, by the form of its physical manifestation, be drawn to the making, holding, and using of physical tools.
90.25 Questioner: What were these?
Ra: I am Ra. One more; that is, the permeability of the densities so that there may be communication from density to density and from plane to plane or sub-density to sub-density.
90.29 Questioner: That’s OK. I don’t think that was that good a question anyway.
Now, when Ra initially planned for helping the Egyptians with their evolution, what was the most, or the primary concept, and also secondary and tertiary if you can name those, that Ra wished to impart to the Egyptians? In other words, what was Ra’s training plan or schedule for making the Egyptians aware of what was necessary for their evolution?
Ra: I am Ra. We came to your peoples to enunciate the Law of One. We wished to impress upon those who wished to learn of unity that in unity all paradoxes are resolved; all that is broken is healed; all that is forgotten is brought to light. We had no teaching plan, as you have called it, in that our intention when we walked among your peoples was to manifest that which was requested by those learn/teachers to which we had come.
We are aware that this particular line of querying; that is, the nature and architecture of the archetypical mind, has caused the questioner to attempt, to its own mind unsuccessfully, to determine the relative importance of these concepts. We cannot learn/teach for any, nor would we take this opportunity from the questioner. However, we shall comment.
The adept has already worked much, not only within the red, orange, yellow, and green energy centers, but already in the opening of blue and indigo. Up through this point the archetypes function as the great base or plinth of a builded structure or statue keeping the mind complex viable, level, and available as a resource whenever it may be evoked. There is a point at which the adept takes up its work. This is the point at which a clear and conscious consideration of the archetypical mind is useful.
90.31 Questioner: Is there anything that we can do to make the instrument more comfortable or improve the contact?
Ra: I am Ra. It is well that the appliances for the arms were placed upon the instrument. We ask that continued vigilance be accorded these distortions which are, if anything, more distorted towards dis-ease than at our previous cautionary statement.
All is well, my friends, You are conscientious and faithful in your alignments. We appreciate your fastidiousness.
I am Ra. I leave you now, rejoicing merrily in the love and the light of the One Infinite Creator. Go forth, then, rejoicing in the power and in the peace of the One Infinite Creator. Adonai.
91.8 Questioner: Were we successful in re-establishing clear contact?
Ra: I am Ra. There was the misstep which then needed to be re-repeated. This was done. The communication is once again clear. We enjoyed the humorous aspects of the necessary repetitions.
91.13 Questioner: How many different planets have supplied the individuals that now inhabit this planet in this third density?
Ra: I am Ra. This is perceived by us to be unimportant information, but harmless. There are three major planetary influences upon your planetary sphere, besides those of your own second-density derivation, and thirteen minor planetary groups in addition to the above.
91.21 Questioner: The square cage may represent the material illusion, an unmagical shape. Would Ra comment?
Ra: I am Ra. The square, wherever seen, is the symbol of the third-density illusion and may be seen either as unmagical or, in the proper configuration, as having been manifested within; that is, the material world given life.
91.22 Questioner: The dark area around the square would then be the darkness of the subconscious mind. Would Ra comment?
Ra: I am Ra. There is no further thing to say to the perceptive student.
91.30 Questioner: Then was this a representation of the waiting polarity to be tasted by the Matrix of the Mind?
Ra: I am Ra. This is exquisitely perceptive.
91.35 Questioner: How is a knowledge of the facets of the archetypical mind used by the individual to accelerate his evolution?
Ra: I am Ra. We shall offer an example based upon this first explored archetype or concept complex. The conscious mind of the adept may be full to bursting of the most abstruse and unmanageable of ideas, so that further ideation becomes impossible and work in blue ray or indigo is blocked through over-activation. It is then that the adept would call upon the new mind, untouched and virgin, and dwell within the archetype of the new and unblemished mind without bias, without polarity, full of the magic of the Logos.
92.3 Questioner: We have been attempting to figure out how to provide the instrument with the swirling water, which we hope to do very soon. Is there any other thing that we can do to improve this situation?
Ra: I am Ra. Continue in peace and harmony. Already the support group does much. There is the need for the instrument to choose the manner of its beingness. It has the distortion, as we have noted, towards the martyrdom. This can be evaluated and choices made only by the entity.
92.21 Questioner: Card #2, the Potentiator of the Mind: we see a female sitting on a rectangular block. She is veiled and between two pillars which seem to be identically covered with drawings but one much darker than the other. I am assuming that the veil represents the veil between the conscious and subconscious or Matrix and Potentiator. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is quite correct.
92.23 Questioner: In other words, this particular illusion has polarity as its foundation which might be represented by the structural significance of these columns. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
92.29 Questioner: Was the symbol on the front of the Priestess’ shirt given by Ra?
Ra: I am Ra. The crux ansata is the correct symbol. The addition and slight distortion of this symbol thereby is astrological and may be released from its stricture.
92.30 Questioner: Would this crux ansata then be indicating a sign of life or spirit enlivening matter?
Ra: I am Ra. This is quite correct. Moreover, it illuminates a concept which is a portion of the archetype which has to do with the continuation of the consciousness which is being potentiated in incarnation, beyond incarnation.
92.33 Questioner: The protection here seems to be depicted as being on the right-hand side but not the left. Would this indicate greater protection for the positive path than the negative?
Ra: I am Ra. You perceive correctly an inborn bias offering to the seeing eye and listing ear information concerning the choice of the more efficient polarity. We would at this time, as you may call it, suggest one more full query.
93.4 Questioner: Now, if I understand correctly, prior to the veiling process the electrical polarities, the polarities of radiation and absorption, all existed in some part of the creation, but the service-to-others/service-to-self polarity that we’re familiar with had not evolved and only showed up after the veiling process as an addition to the list of possible polarities, you might say, that could be made in the creation. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. No.
93.9 Questioner: The feet of the entity seem to be on an unstable platform that is dark to the rear and light to the front. I am guessing that possibly this indicates that the entity standing on this could sway in either direction, toward the left or the right-hand path. Is this in any way correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is most perceptive.
93.13 Questioner: Would I be correct in saying that the archetype for the Catalyst of the Mind is the Logos’s model for its most efficient plan for the activity or use or action of the catalyst of the mind?
Ra: I am Ra. Yes.
95.8 Questioner: Is any place more appropriate than another to hang the garlic in the rooms; for instance, over the windows or anything like that? I know it is supposed to be hung in the area of the bar but I meant in the bedroom. Is there any more appropriate place than another?
Ra: I am Ra. The windows and the doorways are most appropriate and, in addition, we suggest the salting and sprinkling of any door which may lead elsewhere than out of the dwelling in order to afford to the entities the understanding that they are not desired elsewhere within the dwelling.
95.9 Questioner: Okay, I understand that the garlic is to be used at the bar area and in the bedroom that is close to the kitchen and has an exit onto the carport. If I am correct then, those are the only two places to use the garlic: the bar and that room with the exit to the carport. That’s correct, isn’t it?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
95.12 Questioner: On one end of the house there are four stalls that have been occupied by horses. Would it be appropriate or necessary to modify in any way the condition of that area even though it is outside the living area of the house?
Ra: I am Ra. There has been no undesirable negative energy stored in this area. Therefore, it is acceptable if physically cleaned.
96.16 Questioner: I didn’t think we could ever remove all distortion but some of this is very difficult to interpret because of the quality of the drawing, and as we go through these cards we get [a] better idea of what some of these things are and how they should be drawn, and I think that we can improve greatly on the quality of the card and also remove some of the extraneous material that is misleading.
On the second card, in addition to removing the letters and stars, I assume we should, at the center of the female form here, where something that looks a little like a crux ansata is, we should change that. Is that correct?
Ra: I am Ra. We perceive an incomplete query. Please re-question.
96.18 Questioner: And as to the thing that she wears on her head, that, I believe, is a bit confusing. What should it be shaped like?
Ra: I am Ra. We shall allow the student to ponder this point. We note that although it is an astrologically based addition to the concept complex it is not entirely unacceptable when viewed with a certain feeling. Therefore, we suggest, O student, that you choose whether to remove the crown or to name its meaning in such a way as to enhance the concept complex.
96.19 Questioner: Would Ra please give me any information possible on the ratios of the dimensions, and the dimensions and shape of the crux ansata as it should be made or drawn?
Ra: I am Ra. No.
97.13 Questioner: The red coloration is a mystery to me then. We had originally decided that these represented polarization of the mind, either positive or negative, as its significant self would be either significant as one or the other polarity. Would Ra comment on that?
Ra: I am Ra. The indications of polarity are as presumed by the questioner. The symbolism of old for the left-hand path was the russet coloration.
95.25 Questioner: I have often wondered about the action of random and programmed catalyst with respect to the entity with the very strong positive or negative polarization. Would one or either be free to a great extent from random catalyst occurring such as great natural catastrophes or warfare or something like that [that] generates a lot of random catalyst in the physical vicinity of a highly polarized entity? Does this great cat, then, have effect on such random catalyst upon the right-hand path?
Ra: I am Ra. In two circumstances this is so. Firstly, if there has been the pre-incarnative choice that, for instance, one shall not take life in the service of the cultural group, events shall fall in a protective manner. Secondly, if any entity is able to dwell completely in unity the only harm that may occur to it is the changing of the outward physical, yellow-ray vehicle into the more light-filled mind/body/spirit complex’s vehicle by the process of death. All other suffering and pain is as nothing to one such as this.
We may note that this perfect configuration of the mind, body, and spirit complexes, while within the third-density vehicle, is extraordinarily rare.
97.10 Questioner: Thank you. Card Number Five, the Significator of the Mind, indicates, firstly, as I see it, simply a male within a rectangularly structured form. This suggests to me that the Significator of the Mind in third density is well-bounded within the illusion, as is also suggested by the fact that the base of the male is a rectangular form showing no ability for movement. Would Ra comment on that?
Ra: I am Ra. O student, you have grasped the barest essence of the nature of the Significator’s complete envelopment within the rectangle. Consider for the self, O student, whether your thoughts can walk. The abilities of the most finely honed mentality shall not be known without the use of the physical vehicle which you call the body. Through the mouth the mind may speak. Through the limbs the mind may effect action.
100.11 Questioner: The entities— the small black— or russet— and white entities have been now changed so that they appear to be sphinxes which we are assuming mean that the catalyst has been mastered. I am also assuming that they act as the power that moves the chariot depicted here so as this mastery enables the mind in its transformation to become mobile unlike it was prior to this mastery, locked within the illusion. Would Ra comment on that?
Ra: I am Ra. Firstly, we ask that the student consider the Great Way not as the culmination of a series of seven activities or functions but as a far more clearly delineated image of the environment within which the mind, body, or spirit shall function. Therefore, the culturally determined creatures called sphinxes do not indicate mastery over catalyst.
The second supposition, that of placing the creatures as the movers of the chariot of mind, has far more virtue. You may connote the concept of time to the image of the sphinx. The mental and mental/emotional complex ripens and moves and is transformed in time.
100.14 Questioner: Would there be two more appropriate objects or symbols to have the entity in Card Seven holding in its hands, other than the ones shown?
Ra: I am Ra. We leave this consideration to you, O student, and shall comment upon any observation which you may make.
103.6 Questioner: What is the present situation with respect to our fifth-density, service-to-self oriented companion?
Ra: I am Ra. This entity has, for some period of your space/time, been at rest. However, it has been alerted to the workings taking place and is soon to be your companion once again.
103.13 Questioner: I’ll have to think about that one. Unless… I’ll come back to that.
We were thinking of replacing the sword in the right hand with the magical sphere and a downward scepter in the left hand, similar to Card Five, the Significator, as more appropriate for this card. Would Ra comment on that, please?
Ra: I am Ra. This is quite acceptable, especially if the sphere may be imaged as spherical and effulgent*.
103.16 Questioner: Our appropriate time for working right now, I believe, is close to a close, and I would like to ask, that is, the two times we had to expel breath— what is the problem, or what is— Why in this session do we have to do that, when we didn’t in most others?
Ra: I am Ra. This instrument is unaware of the method used to contact Ra. However, its desire was particularly strong, at the outset of this working, for this working to transpire. Thus it inadvertently was somewhat premature in its leaving of the yellow-ray, physical body.
In this state the object was dropped upon the instrument which you call the tie-pin microphone. The unexpected contact caused injury of the chest muscles and we would advise some care depending from this working to avoid stress so that this injury may heal. There is a metaphysical component to this injury and, therefore, we wished to be quite sure that all portions of the environment were cleansed. Since this place of working has not its usual level of protection we used your breath to so cleanse the environment, which was at risk.
103.19 Questioner: From this I assume that it would be most appropriate to daily perform the Banishing Ritual in this room. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. That is acceptable.
6.3 Questioner: I’m not quite sure what you meant by appurtenances.
Ra: I was referring to the symbolic objects which trigger this instrument’s distortions towards love/light. The placement and loving acceptance of them by all present is important in the nurturing of this instrument. Therefore, the appurtenances involved must be described and their presence explained in your own words of teach/learning, for you have the proper attitude for the required results.
8.25 Questioner: Do you say the United States actually has a manufacturing plant in Mexico?
Ra: I am Ra. I spoke thusly. May I, at this time, reiterate that this type of information is very shallow and of no particular consequence compared to the study of the Law of One. However, we carefully watch these developments in hopes that your peoples are able to be harvested in peace.
8.29 Questioner: Why do we have a plant in Mexico?
Ra: I am Ra. The necessity is both for dryness of the ground and for a near total lack of population. Therefore, your so-called government and the so-called government of your neighboring geographical vicinity arranged for an underground installation. The government officials who agreed did not know the use to which their land would be put, but thought it a governmental research installation for use in what you would call bacteriological warfare.
12.11 Questioner: Does that also apply to answering who was contacting the group that I originally was in, [in] 1962?
Ra: I am Ra. This query may be answered. The group contacted was the Confederation.
12.25 Questioner: What I’m saying is would I be polarizing more toward self-service or toward service for others when I did this act of locking up the thought-form or construct?
Ra: I am Ra. You may consider that question for yourself. We interpret the Law of One, but not to the extent of advice.
8.7 Questioner: I’m puzzled by these craft that we have undersea bases for. They are [inaudible]. Is this technology sufficient to overshadow all other armaments? Do we have just the ability to fly in these craft or are there any weapons like there are… Were they given to us [inaudible] or are they just craft for transport? What is the basic mechanism of their [inaudible]? It’s really hard to believe is what I’m saying.
Ra: I am Ra. The craft are perhaps misnamed in some instances. It would be more appropriate to consider them as weaponry. The energy used is that of the field of electromagnetic energy which polarizes the Earth sphere. The weaponry is of two basic kinds: that which is called by your peoples psychotronic* and that which is called by your peoples particle beam. The amount of destruction which is contained in this technology is considerable and the weapons have been used in many cases to alter weather patterns and to enhance the vibratory change which engulfs your planet at this time.
8.26 Questioner: I am totally aware how this line of questioning is [of] no consequence at all, but this particular information is so startling to me that it makes me question your validity on this. Up until this point, I was in agreement with everything. This is very startling, and [it] does not seem possible that this secret could have been kept twenty-seven years, and that we are operating these craft. I apologize for my attitude, but I thought I would be very honest about this. It is unbelievable to me that we would operate a plant in Mexico, outside of the United States, to build these craft. Maybe I’m mistaken. These craft are physical craft built by our physical people? I could go get in one and ride in one? Is that correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is incorrect. You could not ride one. The United States, as you call your society divisional complex, creates these as a type of weapon.
24.20 Questioner: The only other question that went with that is: was there a crashed spaceship and are there small bodies now stored in our military installations?
Ra: I am Ra. We do not wish to infringe upon your future. Gave we you this information, we might be giving you more than you could appropriately deal with in the space/time nexus of your present somewhat muddled configuration of military and intelligence thought. Therefore, we shall withhold this information.
44.9 Questioner: In that case, since the energy is already lost, we might as well continue with this session, and we should very carefully monitor the instrument and be the sole judge of when the sessions should occur. Am I correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is profoundly correct. This instrument’s determination to continue contact during this period has already extended the low energy period.
45.9 Questioner: I get what I consider to be a tickling in my right and my left ear at different times. Is this any different as far as meaning goes as the tone I get in my right and left ear?
Ra: I am Ra. No.
45.11 Questioner: Can you tell me the purpose or philosophy behind the fourth-, fifth-, and sixth-density positive [bang outside] and negative social memory complexes? [Loud rapping at the door.]
Ra: I am Ra. [Bang outside.] The basic purpose [loud rapping] of a social memory complex is that of evolution. Beyond a certain point the evolution of spirit is quite dependent upon the understanding of self and other-self as Creator. This constitutes the basis for social complexes. When brought to maturity, they become social memory complexes. The fourth density and sixth density find these quite necessary. The fifth positive uses social memory [more rapping] in attaining wisdom, though this is done individually. In fifth negative much is done without aid of others. This is [doorbell in background] the last query as this instrument needs to be [doorbell in background] protected from depletion. Are there brief queries before [doorbell in background] we close?
98.6 Questioner: Thank you. The second question is: “Our oldest cat, Gandalf, has a growth near his spine. Is there any factor that makes the surgical removal of this growth less appropriate than the surgical removal of the growth that we had performed a year ago last April, and would the most appropriate actions on our part to aid his recovery be the visualization of light surrounding him during the surgery and the repeating of ritual phrases at periodical intervals while he is at the veterinarians?”
Ra: I am Ra. No. There is no greater cause for caution than previously and, yes, the phrases of which you speak shall aid the entity. Although this entity is in body complex old and, therefore, liable to danger from what you call your anesthetic, its mental, emotional, and spiritual distortions are such that it is strongly motivated to recover that it might once again rejoin the loved one. Keep in mind that this entity is harvestable third density.
The original Law of One books are copyright ©1982, 1984, 1998 L/L Research. The Ra Contact books are copyright ©2018 L/L Research and Tobey Wheelock.
This site copyright ©2003–2025 Tobey Wheelock.
Questions? Comments? Email me: tw at law of one dot info.