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55.7 Questioner: Can you tell me, in the polarizations in consciousness, if there is any analogy with respect to what you just said in this type of contact with respect to what we are doing right now in communicating with Ra?
Ra: I am Ra. There is no relationship between this type of contact and the bidding process. This contact may be characterized as one typical of the Brothers and Sisters of Sorrow wherein those receiving the contact have attempted to prepare for such contact by sacrificing extraneous, self-oriented distortions in order to be of service.
The Ra social memory complex offers itself also as a function of its desire to serve. Both the caller and the contact are filled with gratitude at the opportunity of serving others.
We may note that this in no way presupposes that either the callers or those of our group in any way approach a perfection or purity such as was described in the bidding process. The calling group may have many distortions and be working with much catalyst, as may those of Ra. The overriding desire to serve others, bonded with the unique harmonics of this group’s vibratory complexes, gives us the opportunity to serve as one channel for the One Infinite Creator.
Things come not to those positively oriented but through such beings.
55.16 Questioner: Why does the King’s Chamber have the various small chambers above it?
Ra: I am Ra. This will be the last full query of this working.
We must address this query more generally in order to explicate your specific question. The positioning of the entity to be healed is such that the life energies, if you will, are in a position to be briefly interrupted or intersected by light. This light then may, by the catalyst of the healer with the crystal, manipulate the aural forces, as you may call the various energy centers, in such a way that if the entity to be healed wills it so, corrections may take place. Then the entity is reprotected by its own, now less distorted, energy field and is able to go its way.
The process by which this is done involves bringing the entity to be healed to an equilibrium. This involves temperature, barometric pressure, and the electrical charged atmosphere. The first two requirements are controlled by the system of chimneys.
59.4 Questioner: At the end of the second major cycle there were a few hundred thousand people incarnate on Earth. There are over four billion incarnate today. Were the over four billion people who are incarnate today, were they in the Earth planes but not incarnate at that time, or did they come in from elsewhere during the last 25,000-year cycle?
Ra: I am Ra. There were three basic divisions of origin of these entities.
Firstly, and primarily, those of the planetary sphere you call Maldek, having become able to take up third density once again, were gradually loosed from self-imposed limitations of form.
Secondly, there were those of other third-density entrance or neophytes whose vibratory patterns matched the Terran experiential nexus. These then filtered in through incarnative processes.
Thirdly, in the past approximate 200 of your years you have experienced much visiting of the Wanderers. It may be noted that all possible opportunities for incarnation are being taken at this time due to your harvesting process and the opportunities which this offers.
59.13 Questioner: Then the first spiral has a different factor of cohesion, you might say, than the second. What is the difference between this first and second spiral?
Ra: I am Ra. As the light is funneled into what you term the zero position, it reaches the point of turning. This acts as a compression of the light multiplying tremendously its coherence and organization.
59.14 Questioner: Then is the coherence and organization multiplied once more at the start of the second spiral? Is there just a doubling effect or an increasing effect?
Ra: I am Ra. This is difficult to discuss in your language. There is no doubling effect but a transformation across boundaries of dimension so that light which was working for those using it in space/time—time/space configuration becomes light working in what you might consider an inter-dimensional time/space—space/time configuration. This causes an apparent diffusion and weakness of the spiraling energy. However, in position two, as you have called it, much work may be done inter-dimensionally.
60.14 Questioner: Then is the large underwater pyramid off the Florida coast one of the balancing pyramids that Ra constructed or some other social memory complex and if so, which one?
Ra: I am Ra. That pyramid of which you speak was one whose construction was aided by sixth-density entities of a social memory complex working with Atlanteans prior to our working with the, as you call them, Egyptians.
60.21 Questioner: Is the Earth solid all the way through from one side to the other?
Ra: I am Ra. You may say that your sphere is of an honey-comb nature. The center is, however, solid if you would so call that which is molten.
62.1 Questioner: Could you tell me what was wrong or what caused the necessity for the re-walking of the circle and the purpose of the expelling of breath?
Ra: I am Ra. This instrument was under specific psychic attack at the time of the beginning of the working. There was a slight irregularity in the words verbalized by your sound complex vibratory mechanisms in the protective walking of the circle. Into this opening came this entity and began to work upon the instrument now in trance state, as you would call it. This instrument was being quite adversely affected in physical complex distortions.
Thus the circle was properly walked. The breath of righteousness expelled the thought-form and the circle again walked.
62.7 Questioner: Was the opening that was made in the protective circle planned to be made by the Orion entity? Was it a specific planned attempt to make an opening, or was this something that just happened by accident?
Ra: I am Ra. This entity was, as your people put it, looking for a target of opportunity. The missed word was a chance occurrence and not a planned one.
We might suggest in the, shall we say, future, as you measure space/time, as you begin a working be aware that this instrument is likely being watched for any opportunity. Thus if the circle is walked with some imperfection it is well to immediately repeat. The expelling of breath is also appropriate, always to the left.
62.16 Questioner: Are there other groups of those who are on the service-to-self path joined with those from the Orion constellation? For instance, those of Southern Cross, are they presently working for the same type of harvest with respect to Earth?
Ra: I am Ra. These you mention of Southern Cross are members of the Orion group. It is not, shall we say, according to understood wording that a group from various galaxies should be named by one. However, those planetary social memory complexes of the so-called Orion constellation have the upper hand and thus rule the other members. You must recall that in negative thinking there is always the pecking order, shall we say, and the power against power in separation.
60.27 Questioner: Only if you deem it to be of importance I would request a comment. If you feel it unimportant we’ll skip it.
Ra: I am Ra. This information is significant to some degree as it bears upon our own mission at this time.
We of the Confederation are at the call of those upon your planet. If the call, though sincere, is fairly low in consciousness of the, shall we say, system whereby spiritual evolution may be precipitated, then we may only offer that information useful to that particular caller. This is the basic difficulty. Entities receive the basic information about the Original Thought and the means, that is meditation and service to others, whereby this Original Thought may be obtained.
Please note that as Confederation members we are speaking for positively oriented entities. We believe the Orion group has precisely the same difficulty.
Once this basic information is received it is not put into practice in the heart and in the life experience but instead rattles about within the mind complex distortions as would a building block which has lost its place and simply rolls from side to side uselessly, yet still the entity calls. Therefore, the same basic information is repeated. Ultimately the entity decides that it is weary of this repetitive information. However, if an entity puts into practice that which it is given, it will not find repetition except when needed.
63.1 Questioner: Could you give me an indication of the condition of the instrument?
Ra: I am Ra. This instrument’s vital energies are at the distortion which is normal for this mind/body/spirit complex. The body complex is distorted due to psychic attack in the area of the kidneys and urinary tract. There is also distortion continuing due to the distortion called arthritis.
You may expect this psychic attack to be constant as this instrument has been under observation by negatively oriented force for some time.
63.6 Questioner: Could you give me a definition of vital energy?
Ra: I am Ra. Vital energy is the complex of energy levels of mind, body, and spirit. Unlike physical energy, it requires the integrated complexes vibrating in an useful manner.
The faculty of will can, to a variable extent, replace missing vital energy and this has occurred in past workings, as you measure time, in this instrument. This is not recommended. At this time, however, the vital energies are well-nourished in mind and spirit although the physical energy level is, in and of itself, low at this time.
63.26 Questioner: Could you describe the difference that you are speaking of with respect to time/space and space/time?
Ra: I am Ra. For the sake of your understanding we will use the working definition of inner planes. There is a great deal of subtlety invested in this sound vibration complex, but it, by itself, will perhaps fulfill your present need.
64.5 Questioner: Can you tell me why the slight error made in the ritual starting this communication two sessions ago allowed the intrusion of one Orion affiliated entity?
Ra: I am Ra. This contact is narrow-band and its preconditions precise. The other-self offering its service in the negative path also is possessed of the skill of the swordsman. You deal in this contact with, shall we say, forces of great intensity poured into a vessel as delicate as a snowflake and as crystalline.
The smallest of lapses may disturb the regularity of this pattern of energies which forms the channel for these transmissions.
We may note for your information that our pause was due to the necessity of being quite sure that the mind/body/spirit complex of the instrument was safely in the proper light configuration or density before we dealt with the situation. Far better would it be to allow the shell to become unviable than to allow the mind/body/spirit complex to be shall we say, misplaced.
64.10 Questioner: [In a] previous session* you mentioned the gateway of magic for the adept occurring in eighteen-day cycles. Could you expand on that information please?
Ra: I am Ra. The mind/body/spirit complex is born under a series of influences, both lunar, planetary, cosmic, and in some cases, karmic. The moment of the birthing into this illusion begins the cycles we have mentioned.
The spiritual or adept’s cycle is an eighteen-day cycle and operates with the qualities of the sine wave*. Thus there are a few excellent days on the positive side of the curve, that being the first nine days of the cycle — precisely the fourth, the fifth, and the sixth — when workings are most appropriately undertaken, given that the entity is still without total conscious control of its mind/body/spirit distortion/reality.
The most interesting portion of this information, like that of each cycle, is the noting of the critical point wherein passing from the ninth to the tenth and from the eighteenth to the first days the adept will experience some difficulty especially when there is a transition occurring in another cycle at the same time. At the nadir of each cycle the adept will be at its least powerful but will not be open to difficulties in nearly the degree that it experiences at critical times.
64.13 Questioner: I have no ability to judge at what point, at what level of abilities the adept would reach this point of being, shall we say, independent of the cyclical action. Can you give me an indication of what level of “adeptness” that would be necessary to be so independent?
Ra: I am Ra. We are fettered from speaking specifically due to this group’s work, for to speak would seem to be to judge. However, we may say that you may consider this cycle in the same light as the so-called astrological balances within your group; that is, they are interesting but not critical.
65.1 Questioner: Could you first please give us an indication of the instrument’s condition and the level of vital and physical energies?
Ra: I am Ra. This instrument’s vital energies are as previously stated. The physical energies are greatly distorted towards weakness at this space/time due to the distortion complexes symptomatic of that which you call the arthritic condition. The level of psychic attack is constant but is being dealt with by this instrument in such a way as to eliminate serious difficulties due to its fidelity and that of the support group.
68.4 Questioner: The primary reason that we considered it important to have this session today is that I might not be around for a while and I had a pressing question about what happened Sunday night when, apparently, the instrument was slipping into a trance state during one of the normal meetings, and I would like to question you on this. Can you give me information about what happened?
Ra: I am Ra. We can.
69.22 Questioner: There are many techniques and ways of practicing so-called white magical arts. Are rituals designed by a particular group for their own particular use just as good or possibly better than those that have been practiced by groups such as the Order of the Golden Dawn and other magical groups?
Ra: I am Ra. Although we are unable to speak with precision on this query, we may note some gratification that the questioner has penetrated some of the gist of a formidable system of service and discipline.
I am Ra. May we thank you again, my friends, for your conscientiousness. All is well. We leave you rejoicing in the power and the peace of the One Infinite Creator. Go forth with joy. Adonai.
66.6 Questioner: Now, a Wanderer who has an origin from fifth or sixth density can attempt such a healing and have little or no results. This indicates to me that there is some function of the activated body, since the— can you tell me what the Wanderer has lost and why it is necessary for him to regain certain balances and abilities to perfect his healing ability?
Ra: I am Ra. You may see the Wanderer as the infant attempting to verbalize the sound complexes of your peoples. The memory of the ability to communicate is within the infant’s undeveloped mind complex, but the ability to practice or manifest this, called speech, is not immediately forthcoming due to the limitations of the mind/body/spirit complex it has chosen to be a part of in this experience.
So it is with the Wanderer which, remembering the ease with which adjustments can be made in the home density, yet still, having entered third density, cannot manifest that memory due to the limitations of the chosen experience. The chances of a Wanderer being able to heal in third density are only more than those native to this density because the desire to serve may be stronger and this method of service chosen.
66.34 Questioner: This planet, to me, seems to be what I would call a cesspool of distortions. This includes all diseases and malfunctions of the physical body in general. It would seem to me that, on the average, this planet would be very, very high on the list if we just took the overall amount of these problems. Am I, is my feeling correct in this assumption?
Ra: I am Ra. We will review previous material.
Catalyst is offered to the entity. If it is not used by the mind complex it will then filter through to the body complex and manifest as some form of physical distortion. The more efficient the use of catalyst, the less physical distortion to be found.
There are, in the case of those you call Wanderers, not only a congenital difficulty in dealing with the third-density vibratory patterns but also a recollection, however dim, that these distortions are not necessary or usual in the home vibration.
We over-generalize as always, for there are many cases of pre-incarnative decisions which result in physical or mental limitations and distortions, but we feel that you are addressing the question of widespread distortions towards misery of one form or another. Indeed, on some third-density planetary spheres catalyst has been used more efficiently. In the case of your planetary sphere there is much inefficient use of catalyst and, therefore, much physical distortion.
We have enough energy available for one query at this time.
67.8 Questioner: In order for this group to be fully in service to the Creator, since we recognize this fifth-density entity as the Creator, we must also attempt to serve, in any way we can, this entity. Is it possible for you to communicate to us the desires of this entity if there are any in addition to simply ceasing the reception and dissemination of that which you provide for us?
Ra: I am Ra. This entity has two desires. The first and foremost is to, shall we say, misplace one or more of this group in a negative orientation so that it may choose to be of service along the path of service to self. The objective which must precede this is the termination of the physical complex viability of one of this group while the mind/body/spirit complex is within a controllable configuration. May we say that although we of Ra have limited understanding, it is our belief that sending this entity love and light, which each of the group is doing, is the most helpful catalyst which the group may offer to this entity.
67.10 Questioner: We have a paradoxical situation in that in order to fully serve the Creator at this level in the polarized section, you might say, of the Creation, we have requests, from those whom we serve in this density, for Ra’s information. In fact, I just had one by telephone a short while ago. However, we have requests from, in this particular case, another density not to disseminate this information. We have the Creator, in fact, requesting two seemingly opposite activities of this group. It would be very helpful if we could reach a condition of full, total, complete service in such a way that we were by every thought and activity serving the Creator to the very best of our ability. Is it possible for you to solve, or possible for the fifth-density entity who offers its service to solve, the paradox that I have observed?
Ra: I am Ra. It is quite possible.
70.6 Questioner: In the last session Ra stated that “the path back from sixth-density negative time/space revolves, firstly, about the higher self’s reluctance to enter negative time/space.” Could you explain the higher self’s position with respect to positive and negative time/space and why it is so reluctant to enter negative time/space that it is necessary for the mind/body/spirit complex to incarnate in negative space/time to find its path back?
Ra: I am Ra. In brief, you have answered your own query. Please question further for more precise information.
70.18 Questioner: I’ll ask this question to inform me a little bit about what you just stated. When you came to this planet in craft 18,000 and 11,000 years ago, these craft have been called, I believe, bell craft and were photographed by George Adamski. If I am correct these craft looked somewhat like a bell; they had portholes around the upper portions; and they had three hemispheres at 120° apart underneath. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
71.5 Questioner: Define, please, the unmanifested being.
Ra: I am Ra. We may see that you wish to pursue the deeper stratum of information. We shall, therefore, answer in a certain way which does not exhaust the query but is designed to move beneath the outer teachings somewhat.
The unmanifested being is, as we have said, that being which exists and does its work without reference to or aid from other-selves. To move into this concept you may see the inevitable connection between the unmanifested self and the metaphysical or time/space analog of the space/time self. The activities of meditation, contemplation, and what may be called the internal balancing of thoughts and reactions are those activities of the unmanifested self more closely aligned with the metaphysical self.
73.3 Questioner: Thank you. We would like to thank Ra at this time for the opportunity to be of service for those on this sphere who would like to have the information that we gain here to disseminate.
You stated that free will, one-pointed in service to others had the potential of alerting a great mass of light strength. I assume that the same holds precisely true for the service-to-self polarity. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is incorrect but subtly so. In invocation and evocation of what may be termed negative entities or qualities, the expression alerts the positively oriented equivalent. However, those upon the service-to-others path wait to be called and can only send love.
73.9 Questioner: Previously you stated— I believe I’m correct in say[ing] this— that where the two directions meet you have a measure, let us say, of the development of any particular mind/body/spirit complex. Am I correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
70.11 Questioner: Would an analogy for this situation be that the individual’s higher self is manipulating to some extent, shall I say, the mind/body/spirit complex that is its analog, you might say, to move it through the lower densities for purposes of gaining experience and then finally transferring that experience or amalgamating it, you might say, in mid-sixth density with the higher self?
Ra: I am Ra. This is incorrect. The Higher Self does not manipulate its past selves. It protects when possible and guides when asked, but the force of free will is paramount. The seeming contradictions of determinism and free will melt when it is accepted that there is such a thing as true simultaneity. The Higher Self is the end result of all the development experienced by the mind/body/spirit complex to that point.
71.14 Questioner: You have made the statement that pure negativity acts as a gravity well pulling all into it. I was wondering first if pure positivity has precisely the same effect? Could you answer that please?
Ra: I am Ra. This is incorrect. Positivity has a much weaker effect due to the strong element of recognition of free will in any positivity approaching purity. Thus although the negatively oriented entity may find it difficult to polarize negatively in the midst of such resounding harmony it will not find it impossible.
Upon the other hand, the negative polarization is one which does not accept the concept of the free will of other-selves. Thusly in a social complex whose negativity approaches purity the pull upon other-selves is constant. A positively oriented entity in such a situation would desire for other-selves to have their free will and thusly would find itself removed from its ability to exercise its own free will, for the free will of negatively oriented entities is bent upon conquest.
71.22 Questioner: I see the most important product of this communication being a vehicle of partial enlightenment for those incarnate now who have become aware of their part in their own evolutionary process. Am I correct in this assumption?
Ra: I am Ra. You are correct. We may note that this is the goal of all artifacts and experiences which entities may come into contact with and is not only the property of Ra or this contact.
We find that this instrument has neglected to continue to remind its self of the need for holding some portion of energy back for reserve. This is recommended as a portion of the inner program to be reinstated as it will lengthen the number of workings we may have. This is acceptable to us. The transferred energy grows quite, quite low. We must leave you shortly. Is there a brief query at this time?
72.10 Questioner: In the last session you mentioned that if the instrument used any of the increased vital energy that she experiences now for physical activity she would pay a “harsh toll.” Could you tell me the nature of that harsh toll and why it would be experienced?
Ra: I am Ra. The physical energy level is a measure of the amount of available energy of the body complex of a mind/body/spirit complex. The vital energy measurement is one which expresses the amount of energy of being of the mind/body/spirit complex.
This entity has great distortions in the direction of mind complex activity, spirit complex activity, and that great conduit to the Creator, the will. Therefore, this instrument’s vital energy, even in the absence of any physical reserve measurable, is quite substantial. However, the use of this energy of will, mind, and spirit for the things of the physical complex causes a far greater distortion in the lessening of the vital energy than would the use of this energy for those things which are in the deepest desires and will of the mind/body/spirit complex. In this entity these desires are for service to the Creator. This entity sees all service as service to the Creator and this is why we have cautioned the support group and the instrument itself in this regard. All services are not equal in depth of distortion. The over-use of this vital energy is, to be literal, the rapid removal of life force.
73.20 Questioner: It seems to me that the primary thing of importance for those on the service-to-others path is the development of an attitude which I can only describe as vibration. This attitude would be developed through meditation, ritual, and a developing appreciation for the creation or Creator which results in a state of mind that can only by me be expressed as an increase in vibration or oneness with all. Could you expand and correct that statement?
Ra: I am Ra. We shall not correct this statement but shall expand upon it by suggesting that to those qualities you may add the living day by day and moment by moment, for the true adept lives more and more as it is.
73.21 Questioner: Thank you. Could you tell me of the number of possible energy transfers between two or more mind/body/spirit complexes. Is it very large, or are there few [inaudible]?
Ra: I am Ra. The number is infinite, for is not each mind/body/spirit complex unique?
74.8 Questioner: Would you answer it please?
Ra: I am Ra. We would be happy to answer this query. We understood the previous query as being of other import. The indigo ray is the ray of the adept. A great deal of the answer you seek is in this sentence. There is an identification between the crystallization of that energy center and the improvement of the working of the mind/body/spirit as it begins to transcend space/time balancing and to enter the combined realms of space/time and time/space.
74.17 Questioner: I assume that the reason that the rituals that have been used previously are of effect is that these words have built a bias in consciousness of those who have worked in these areas so that those who are of the distortion of mind that we seek will respond to the imprint in consciousness of these series of words. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is, to a great extent, correct. The exception is the sounding of some of what you call your Hebrew and some of what you call your Sanskrit vowels. These sound vibration complexes have power before time and space and represent configurations of light which built all that there is.
75.22 Questioner: OK. I misunderstood. I thought you were speaking of someone else in the singing group who had been the one you were speaking of [regarding] the identification with the singing. The entire time we were speaking then we were speaking only of the instrument— Carla? Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
75.25 Questioner: You probably can’t answer this, but are there any suggestions you could give with respect to the instrument’s coming hospital experience that could be of benefit for her?
Ra: I am Ra. We may make one suggestion and leave the remainder with the Creator. It is well for each to realize its self as the Creator. Thusly each may support each including the support of self by humble love of self as Creator.
75.37 Questioner: Then you are saying that the act, the signal, or the key for the invoking of the magical personality which is the putting something on or a gesture should be as carefully— you should as carefully take that something off or reverse the gesture perhaps at the end of the invocation. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct. It should be fastidiously accomplished either in mind or by gesture as well if this is of significant aid.
76.1 Questioner: Could you first please give me an indication of the condition of the instrument?
Ra: I am Ra. This instrument is in a state of physical complex bankruptcy which has existed for some of the measure you call time. The vital energies are normal with a strong spiritual complex counterpart and will lending substance to the mind/body/spirit complex energy levels.
76.16 Questioner: Third density, then, it appears, is, compared to the rest of the densities, all of them, nothing but a uniquely short period of what we consider to be time and is then for the purpose of this choice.
Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is precisely correct. The prelude to choice must encompass the laying of the foundation, the establishment of the illusion and the viability of that which can be made spiritually viable. The remainder of the densities is continuous refining of the choice. This also is greatly lengthened, as you would use the term. The choice is, as you put it, the work of a moment but is the axis upon which the creation turns.
77.9 Questioner: Can you tell me what these tablets were, specifically?
Ra: I am Ra. We examine this query for the Law of Confusion and find ourselves close to the boundary, but acceptably so.
The substance which caused the bodily reaction of the heartbeat was called Pituitone by those which manufacture it. That which caused the difficulty which seemed to be cramping of the lower abdominal musculature but was, in fact, more organic in nature was a substance called Spleentone.
This instrument has a physical body complex of complicated balances which afford it physical existence. Were the view taken that certain functions and chemicals found in the healthy, as you call it, body complex are lacking in this one and, therefore, simply must be replenished, the intake of the many substances which this instrument began would be appropriate. However, this particular physical vehicle has, for approximately twenty-five of your years, been vital due to the spirit, the mind, and the will being harmoniously dedicated to fulfilling the service it chose to offer.
Therefore, physical healing techniques are inappropriate whereas mental and spiritual healing techniques are beneficial.
77.12 Questioner: That is correct. I am asking with respect to this particular Logos, our sun, in creating the experience of its planetary system and those sub-Logoi of it.
Ra: I am Ra. This query has substance. We shall begin by turning to an observation of a series of concept complexes of which you are familiar as the tarot.
The philosophy was to create a foundation, first of mind, then of body, and then of spiritual complex. Those concept complexes you call the tarot lie then in three groups of seven: the mind cycle, one through seven; the physical complex cycle, eight through fourteen; the spiritual complex cycle, fifteen through twenty-one. The last concept complex may best be termed The Choice.
Upon the foundation of transformation of each complex, with free will guided by the root concepts offered in these cycles, the Logos offered this density the basic architecture of a building and constructing and synthesizing of data culminating in The Choice.
77.22 Questioner: In that case, you would have as a Logos, you would have the advantage of selecting the form of acceleration, I might say, of spiritual evolution by planning for what we call the major archetypical philosophical foundation and planning these as a function of the polarity that would be gained in third density. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is exquisitely correct.
78.11 Questioner: Could you elaborate please on the nature and quality of the matrix and the potentiator?
Ra: I am Ra. In the mind complex the matrix may be described as consciousness. It has been called the Magician. It is to be noted that of itself consciousness is unmoved. The potentiator of consciousness is the unconscious. This encompasses a vast realm of potential in the mind.
In the body the matrix may be seen as Balanced Working or Even Functioning. Note that here the matrix is always active with no means of being inactive. The potentiator of the body complex, then, may be called Wisdom for it is only through judgment that the unceasing activities and proclivities of the body complex may be experienced in useful modes.
The Matrix of the Spirit is what you may call the Night of the Soul or Primeval Darkness. Again we have that which is not capable of movement or work. The potential power of this extremely receptive matrix is such that the potentiator may be seen as Lightning. In your archetypical system called the tarot this has been refined into the concept complex of the Lightning Struck Tower. However, the original potentiator was light in its sudden and fiery form; that is, the lightning itself.
78.12 Questioner: Would you elucidate with respect to the significator you spoke of?
Ra: I am Ra. The original significators may undifferentiatedly be termed the mind, the body, and the spirit.
78.18 Questioner: Would you please answer that?
Ra: I am Ra. The nature of the vibratory range peculiar to each quantum of the octave is such that the characteristics of it may be described with the same certainty with which you perceive a color with your optical apparatus if it is functioning properly.
78.28 Questioner: Let me put it this way. Have I made missteps in my analysis of what has led to the construction of the archetypes that we experience?
Ra: I am Ra. We may share with you the observation that judgment is no part of interaction between mind/body/spirit complexes. We have attempted to answer each query as fully as your language and the extent of your previous information allow. We may suggest that if, in perusing this present material, you have further queries, refining any concept, these queries may be asked and, again, we shall attempt adequate rejoinders.
79.19 Questioner: Could you tell me what you mean by “the significator must become a complex?”
Ra: I am Ra. To be complex is to consist of more than one characteristic element or concept.
79.24 Questioner: It was probably the design of the Logos by doing this to allow the conscious mind greater freedom under the first distortion by partitioning, you might say, the individualized portions of this from the Potentiator or unconscious which had a greater communication with the total mind, therefore allowing for, you might say, the birth of uneducated, to use a poor term, portions of consciousness. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is roughly correct.
79.39 Questioner: Let me skip over the Hierophant for a minute because I’m really not understanding that at all and just ask you if the Lovers represent the merging of the conscious and the unconscious or a communication between conscious and unconscious?
Ra: I am Ra. Again, without being at all unperceptive, you miss the heart of this particular archetype which may be more properly called the Transformation of the Mind.
79.40 Questioner: Transformation of the mind into what?
Ra: I am Ra. As you observe Archetype Six you may see the student of the mysteries being transformed by the need to choose betwixt the light and the dark in mind.
78.19 Questioner: So the original, the first evolution then was planned by the Logos but the first distortion was not extended to the product. At some point this first distortion was extended and the first service-to-self polarity emerged. Is this correct and if so, could you tell me the history of this process and emergence?
Ra: I am Ra. As proem* let me state that the Logoi always conceived of themselves as offering free will to the sub-Logoi in their care. The sub-Logoi had freedom to experience and experiment with consciousness, the experiences of the body, and the illumination of the spirit. That having been said, we shall speak to the point of your query.
The first Logos to instill what you now see as free will, in the full sense, in its sub-Logoi came to this creation due to contemplation in depth of the concepts or possibilities of conceptualizations of what we have called the significators. The Logos posited the possibility of the mind, the body, and the spirit as being complex. In order for the significator to be what it is not, it then must be granted the free will of the Creator. This set in motion a quite lengthy, in your terms, series of Logoi improving or distilling this seed thought. The key was the significator becoming a complex.
79.5 Questioner: We have been ending our banishing ritual prior to the session here by a gesture that relieves us of the magical personality. I was just wondering if we should omit that gesture so as to maintain the magical personality while performing the Circle of One and then only relinquish the magical personality either after that has formed or after the session? Which would be more appropriate?
Ra: I am Ra. The practice of magical workings demands the most rigorous honesty. If your estimate of your ability is that you can sustain the magical personality throughout this working, it is well. As long as you have some doubt it is inadvisable. In any case it is appropriate for this instrument to return its magical personality rather than carry this persona into the trance state, for it does not have the requisite magical skill to function in this circumstance and would be far more vulnerable than if the waking personality is offered as channel. This working is indeed magical in nature in the basic sense. However, it is inappropriate to move more quickly than one’s feet may walk.
80.13 Questioner: Then is this, from the point of view or with respect to the fifteenth archetype, somewhat of an excursion into the Matrix of the Spirit in this process? Does that make any sense?
Ra: I am Ra. The excursion of which you speak and the process of disassociation is most usually linked with that archetype you call Hope which we would prefer to call Faith. This archetype is the Catalyst of the Spirit and, because of the illuminations of the Potentiator of the Spirit, will begin to cause these changes in the adept’s viewpoint.
80.15 Questioner: Now, the obvious only significant difference, I believe, between the positive and negative adept in using this shuttle is the way they had polarized. Is there a relationship between the archetypes of the spirit and whether the polarization is either positive or negative? Is, for instance, the positive calling through the sixteenth and the [chuckling] negative calling through the fifteenth archetype? I am very confused on these points and I imagine that question is poor or meaningless. Can you answer that?
Ra: I am Ra. It is a challenge to answer such a query, for there is some confusion in its construction. However, we shall attempt to speak upon the subject.
The adept, whether positive or negative, has the same Matrix. The Potentiator is also identical. Due to the Catalyst of each adept the adept may begin to pick and choose that into which it shall look further. The Experience of the Spirit, that which you have called the Moon, is then, by far, the more manifest of influences upon the polarity of the adept. Even the most unhappy of experiences, shall we say, which seem to occur in the Catalyst of the adept, seen from the viewpoint of the spirit, may, with the discrimination possible in shadow, be worked with until light equaling the light of brightest noon descends upon the adept and positive or service-to-others illumination has occurred. The service-to-self adept will satisfy itself with the shadows and, grasping the light of day, will toss back the head in grim laughter, preferring the darkness.
81.5 Questioner: I didn’t understand what you meant by that last statement. Would you explain?
Ra: I am Ra. Weariness of the time/space nature may be seen to be that reaction of transparent or pure vibrations with impure, confused, or opaque environs.
82.6 Questioner: That’s what I thought you might say. Am I correct in assuming that at the beginning of this octave, out of what I would call a void of space, the seeds of an infinite number of galactic systems such as the Milky Way Galaxy appeared and grew in spiral fashion simultaneously?
Ra: I am Ra. There are duple areas of potential confusion. Firstly, let us say that the basic concept is reasonably well-stated. Now we address the confusion. The nature of true simultaneity is such that, indeed, all is simultaneous. However, in your modes of perception you would perhaps more properly view the seeding of the creation as that of growth from the center or core outward. The second confusion lies in the term, ‘void’. We would substitute the noun, ‘plenum*’.
82.21 Questioner: Then even though, from our point of view, there was great evolutionary experience it was deemed at some point by the evolving Logos that an experiment to create a greater experience was appropriate. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct and may benefit from comment. The Logos is aware of the nature of the third-density requirement for what you have called graduation. All the previous, if you would use this term, experiments, although resulting in many experiences, lacked what was considered the crucial ingredient; that is, polarization. There was little enough tendency for experience to polarize entities that entities repeated habitually the third-density cycles many times over. It was desired that the potential for polarization be made more available.
82.23 Questioner: It seems that you might make an analogy in our present illusion of those who are born into extreme wealth and security. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. Within the strict bounds of the simile, you are perceptive.
83.5 Questioner: You mentioned it did exist in a small way prior to the veil. What was the source of its development prior to the veiling process?
Ra: I am Ra. The source was as random as the nature of disease distortions are, at heart, in general. Each portion of the body complex is in a state of growth at all times. The reversal of this is seen as disease and has the benign function of ending an incarnation at an appropriate space/time nexus. This was the nature of disease, including that which you call venereal.
83.17 Questioner: Could you expand on what you mean by that interaction of polarized entities in piercing the veil?
Ra: I am Ra. We shall state two items of note. The first is the extreme potential for polarization in the relationship of two polarized entities which have embarked upon the service-to-others path or, in some few cases, the service-to-self path. Secondly, we would note that effect which we have learned to call the doubling effect. Those of like mind which together seek shall far more surely find.
82.7 Questioner: Then, if I were observing the beginning of the octave at that time through a telescope, say from this position, would I see the center of many, many galaxies appearing and each of them then spreading outward in a spiral condition over what we would consider billions of years, but the spirals spreading outward in approximately what we would consider the same rate so that all these galaxies began as the first speck of light at the same time and then spread out in roughly the same rate of spreading? Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. The query has confusing elements. There is a center to infinity. From this center all spreads. Therefore, there are centers to the creation, to the galaxies, to star systems, to planetary systems, and to consciousness. In each case you may see growth from the center outward. Thus you may see your query as being over-general in concept.
82.19 Questioner: Did such societies evolve with technologies of a complex nature, or were they quite simple? Can you give me a general idea of the evolvement that would be a function of what we would call intellectual activity?
Ra: I am Ra. There is infinite diversity in societies under any circumstances. There were many highly technologically advanced societies which grew due to the ease of producing any desired result when one dwells within what might be seen to be a state of constant potential inspiration. That which even the most highly sophisticated, in your terms, societal structure lacked, given the non-complex nature of its entities, was what you might call will or, to use a more plebeian* term, gusto, or élan vital*.
83.2 Questioner: Could you please tell me why the instrument gains weight now instead of loses it after a session?
Ra: I am Ra. To assume that the instrument is gaining the weight of the physical bodily complex due to a session or working with Ra is erroneous. The instrument has no longer any physical material which, to any observable extent, must be used in order for this contact to occur. This is due to the determination of the group that the instrument shall not use the vital energy which would be necessary since the physical energy complex level is in deficit. Since the energy, therefore, for these contacts is a product of energy transfer the instrument must no longer pay this physical price. Therefore, the instrument is not losing the weight.
However, the weight gain, as it occurs, is the product of two factors. One is the increasing sensitivity of this physical vehicle to all that is placed before it, including that towards which it is distorted in ways you would call allergic. The second factor is the energizing of these difficulties.
It is fortunate for the outlook of this contact and the incarnation of this entity that it is not distorted towards the overeating as the overloading of this much distorted physical complex would override even the most fervent affirmations of health/illness and turn the instrument towards the distortions of illness/health or, in the extreme case, the physical death.
83.6 Questioner: I’ll make this statement and you can correct me, then. As I see the nature of the action of disease, specifically before the veil, it seems to me that the Logos had decided upon a program where an individual mind/body/spirit would continue to grow in mind and the body would be the third-density analog of this mind, and the growth would be continual unless there was a lack of growth or an inability, for some reason, for the mind to continue along the growth patterns. If this growth decelerated or stopped, then what we call disease would then act in a way so as to eventually terminate this physical experience so that a new physical experience could be started to continue the growth process, after a review of the entire process had taken place between incarnations. Would you clear up my thinking on that, please?
Ra: I am Ra. Your thinking is sufficiently clear on this subject.
84.12 Questioner: Would you please correct me on this statement, then? I’m guessing that what happens is that when a transfer takes place the energy is that light energy that comes in through the feet of the entity and starts the… The voltage or potential difference starts with the red energy center and, in the case of the green-ray transfer, terminates at the green energy center and then must leap or flow from the green energy center of one entity to the green of the other, and then something happens to it. Could you clear up my thinking on that?
Ra: I am Ra. Yes.
84.17 Questioner: I see. Before the veil, can you describe any other physical difference that we haven’t talked about yet with respect to the sexual energy transfers or relationships or anything prior to veiling?
Ra: I am Ra. Perhaps the most critical difference of the veiling, before and after, was that before the mind, body, and spirit were veiled, entities were aware that each energy transfer and, indeed, very nearly all that proceeds from any intercourse, social or sexual, between two entities has its character and substance in time/space rather than space/time. The energies transferred during the sexual activity are not, properly speaking, of space/time. There is a great component of what you may call metaphysical energy transferred. Indeed, the body complex as a whole is greatly misunderstood due to the post-veiling assumption that the physical manifestation called the body is subject only to physical stimuli. This is emphatically not so.
85.3 Questioner: What is the current situation with respect to our fifth-density, service-to-self polarized companion, shall I say?
Ra: I am Ra. Your companion has never been more closely associated with you than at the present nexus. You may see a kind of crisis occurring upon the so-called magical level at this particular space/time nexus.
85.10 Questioner: You just stated that those who are on the service-to-others* path use the veiling process to potentiate that which is not. I believe I am correct in repeating what you said. Is that correct?
* This should be service-to-self. Don and Ra corrected the error later in the session.
Ra: I am Ra. Yes.
85.12 Questioner: I believe that there were salient errors in the communication we just completed because of transmission difficulties. Are you aware of these errors?
Ra: I am Ra. We are unaware of errors although this instrument is experiencing flares of pain, as you call this distortion. We welcome and encourage your perceptions in correcting any errors in transmission.
85.13 Questioner: I think simply that the statement was made that we were speaking of the service-to-others path. Would you check that, please?
Ra: I am Ra. May we ask that you be apprised of our intention to have spoken of the service-to-self path as the path of that which is not.
85.14 Questioner: I am just interested in the problem here that we sometimes have with transmission since the word “others” was used three times in the transmission rather than the word “self.” And could you give me an idea of the problem of communication that we had there that creates that type of an anomaly which, if I didn’t catch, could create a rather large discrepancy in communication?
Ra: I am Ra. Firstly, we may note the clumsiness of language and our unfamiliarity with it in our native, shall we say, experience. Secondly, we may point out that once we have miscalled or misnumbered an event or thing, that referent is quite likely to be reused for some transmission time, as you call this measurement, due to our original error having gone undetected by ourselves.
84.18 Questioner: After the veil, in our particular case now, we have, in the circuitry of which we were speaking, what you’d call a blockage that first occurs in orange ray. Could you describe what occurs with this first blockage and what its effects are on each of the entities assuming that one blocks and the other does not or if both are blocked?
Ra: I am Ra. This material has been covered previously. If both entities are blocked both will have an increased hunger for the same activity, seeking to unblock the baffled flow of energy. If one entity is blocked and the other vibrates in love, the entity baffled will hunger still but have a tendency to attempt to continue the procedure of sating the increasing hunger with the one vibrating green ray due to an impression that this entity might prove helpful in this endeavor. The green-ray active individual shall polarize slightly in the direction of service to others but have only the energy with which it began.
84.21 Questioner: Is there any way to tell which ray the transfer was for an individual after the experience? Is there any way for the individual to tell in which particular ray the transfer occurred?
Ra: I am Ra. There is only a subjective yardstick or measure of such. If the energies have flowed so that love is made whole, green-ray transfer has taken place. If, by the same entities’ exchange, greater ease in communication and greater sight has been experienced, the energy has been refined to the blue-ray energy center. If the polarized entities, by this same energy transfer experience, find that the faculties of will and faith have been stimulated, not for a brief while but for a great duration of what you call time, you may perceive the indigo-ray transfer. We may not speak of the violet-ray transfer except to note that it is an opening to the gateway of intelligent infinity. Indeed, the indigo-ray transfer is also this but, shall we say, the veil has not yet been lifted.
85.2 Questioner: That’s agreeable.
Ra: I am Ra. We greet you in the love and in the light of the One Infinite Creator. We were having some difficulty with the channel of energy influx due to pain flare, as you call this distortion of the physical body complex of this instrument. Therefore, it was necessary to speak as briefly as possible until we had safely transferred the mind/body/spirit complex of this instrument. We beg your kind indulgence for our discourtesy. It was appropriate.
The condition of this instrument is as follows. The necessity for extreme vigilance is less, due to the somewhat lessened physical complex energy deficit. The potential for distortion remains and continued watchfulness over the ingestion of helpful foodstuffs continues to be recommended. Although the instrument is experiencing more than the, shall we say, normal for this mind/body/spirit complex, distortion towards pain at this space/time nexus, the basic condition is less distorted. The vital energies are as previously stated.
We commend the vigilance and care of this group.
87.6 Questioner: Would you expand upon the concept of the acquisition of polarity by this particular entity, and its use, specifically, of this polarity other than with the simple, obvious need for sixth-density harvest if this is possible, please?
Ra: I am Ra. We would. The nature of the densities above your own is that a purpose may be said to be shared by both positive and negative polarities. This purpose is the acquisition of the ability to welcome more and more the less and less distorted love/light and light/love of the One Infinite Creator. Upon the negative path the wisdom density is one in which power over others has been refined until it is approaching absolute power. Any force such as the force your group and those of Ra offer which cannot be controlled by the power of such a negative fifth-density mind/body/spirit complex then depolarizes the entity which has not controlled other-selves.
It is not within your conscious selves to stand against such refined power but rather it has been through the harmony, the mutual love, and the honest calling for aid from the forces of light which have given you the shield and buckler*.
87.22 Questioner: OK. In our particular illusion, the sexual potential, it seems, for the male peaks somewhere prior to age twenty and the female some ten years later. What is the cause of this difference in peaking sexual energy, I will say?
Ra: I am Ra. We must make clear distinction between the yellow-ray, third-density, chemical bodily complex and the body complex which is a portion of the mind/body/spirit complex. The male, as you call this polarity, has an extremely active yellow-ray desire at the space/time in its incarnation when its sperm is the most viable and full of the life-giving spermata. Thusly the red ray seeks to reproduce most thickly at the time when this body is most able to fulfill the red-ray requirements.
The yellow-ray, chemical body complex of the female, as you call this polarity, must needs have a continued and increasing desire for the sexual intercourse for it can only conceive once in one fifteen to eighteen month period, given that it carries the conceived body complex, bears it, and suckles it. This is draining to the physical body of yellow ray. To compensate for this the desire increases so that the yellow-ray body is predisposed to continue in sexual congress, thus fulfilling its red-ray requirement to reproduce as thickly as possible.
The more, shall we say, integral sexuality or polarity of the body complex, which is a portion of the mind/body/spirit complex, does not concern itself with these yellow-ray manifestations but rather follows the ways of the seeking of energy transfer and the furthering of aid and service to others or to the self.
88.1 Questioner: Could you first please give me the condition of the instrument?
Ra: I am Ra. The physical complex energy deficit is considerable at this space/time. There has been also a significant loss of the vital energies. However, these energies are still well within the distortion you may call strength.
89.21 Questioner: In Archetype Number One, represented by tarot card number one, the Matrix of the Mind seems to me to have four basic parts to the complex. Looking at the card we have, first and most obvious, the Magician as a part, and what seems to be an approaching star. A stork or similar bird seems to be in a cage. On top of the cage we have something that is very difficult to discern. Am I in any way correct in this analysis?
Ra: I am Ra. You are competent at viewing pictures. You have not yet grasped the nature of the Matrix of the Mind as fully as is reliably possible upon contemplation. We would note that the representations drawn by priests were somewhat distorted by acquaintance with and dependence upon the astrologically based teachings of the Chaldees.
90.21 Questioner: Then what you are saying is that once the path is recognized, either the positive or the negative polarized entity can find hints along his path as to the efficiency of that path. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. That which you say is correct upon its own merits, but is not a repetition of our statement. Our suggestion was that within the experiential nexus of each entity within its second-density environment and within the roots of mind there were placed biases indicating to the watchful eye the more efficient of the two paths. Let us say, for want of a more precise adjective, that this Logos has a bias towards kindness.
87.26 Questioner: In our illusion we have physical definitions for possible transfers of energy. We label them as the conversion of potential to kinetic or kinetic to heat and examine this with respect to its increasing entropy. When we speak of sexual energy transfers and other more basic forms of energy I am always at a loss to properly use, you might say, the terms since I am not understanding, and probably can’t understand, the basic form of energy that we speak of. However, I intuit that this is the energy of pure vibration; that is, at the basic level of our illusion, that vibration between the space and time portion of the space/time continuum and yet somehow is transferred into our illusion in a more basic form than that. Could you expand on this area for me, please?
Ra: I am Ra. Yes.
88.2 Questioner: Of all of the things that you have mentioned before for replenishing these energies, at this particular space/time, which would be most appropriate for the replenishing of both of these energies?
Ra: I am Ra. As you note, there are many factors which contribute to the aiding of the strength distortions and the amelioration of distortions towards weakness in this instrument. We suggest to each that those many things which have been learned be conscientiously applied.
We would single out one physical distortion for discussion. The fourth-density negative minions which visit your group at this time are energizing a somewhat severe complex of imbalances in the manual appendages of this instrument and, to a lesser extent, those distortions of the thoracic region. We suggest care be taken to refrain from any unnecessary use of these appendages. As this instrument will not appreciate this suggestion we suggest the appropriate discussion.
88.10 Questioner: Our publisher requests pictures for the book, The Law of One, that is going to press at this time. Would you comment on the advisability, benefit or detriment, magical or otherwise, of us using pictures of this particular setup, the instrument, and the appurtenances in the book?
Ra: I am Ra. The practical advisability of such a project is completely a product of your discrimination. There are magical considerations.
Firstly, if pictures be taken of a working the visual image must needs be that which is; that is, it is well for you to photograph only an actual working and no sham nor substitution of any material. There shall be no distortions which this group can avoid any more than we would wish distortions in our words.
Secondly, it is inadvisable to photograph the instrument or any portion of the working room while the instrument is in trance. This is a narrow-band contact and we wish to keep electrical and electromagnetic energies constant when their presence is necessary and not present at all otherwise.
88.14 Questioner: Was the concept given to— let me ask— you say it originated there… was this concept devised for a training tool for those inhabiting Venus at that time or was it devised by those of Venus as a training tool for those of Earth?
Ra: I am Ra. The tarot was devised by the third-density population of Venus a great measure of your space/time in your past. As we have noted the third-density experience of those of Venus dealt far more deeply and harmoniously with what you would call relationships with other-selves, sexual energy transfer work, and philosophical or metaphysical research. The product of many, many generations of work upon what we conceived to be the archetypical mind produced the tarot which was used by our peoples as a training aid in developing the magical personality.
88.16 Questioner: I will also assume, which may not be correct, that the present list that I have of the twenty-two names of the tarot cards are not in exact agreement with Ra’s original generation of the tarot. Could you describe the original tarot, first telling me if there were twenty-two archetypes? That must have been the same. And if they were the same as the list that I have read you in a previous session or if there were differences?
Ra: I am Ra. As we have stated previously, each archetype is a concept complex and may be viewed not only by individuals but by those of the same racial and planetary influences in unique ways. Therefore, it is not informative to reconstruct the rather minor differences in descriptive terms between the tarot used by us and that used by those of Egypt and the spiritual descendants of those first students of this system of study.
The one great breakthrough which was made after our work in third density was done was the proper emphasis given to the Arcanum* Number Twenty-Two which we have called The Choice. In our own experience we were aware that such an unifying archetype existed but did not give that archetype the proper complex of concepts in order to most efficaciously use that archetype in order to promote our evolution.
90.28 Questioner: What I am really asking is what percentage part, roughly, are these responsible for?
Ra: I am Ra. We ask once again that you consider that the archetypical mind is a part of the deep mind. There are several portions to this mind. The mind may serve as a resource. To call the archetypical mind the foundation of experience is to oversimplify the activities of the mind/body/spirit complex. To work with your query as to percentages is, therefore, enough misleading in any form of direct answer that we would ask that you re-question.
91.18 Questioner: Thank you. We have some observations on the archetypes as follows. First, the Matrix of the Mind is depicted in the Egyptian tarot by a male and this we take as creative energy intelligently directed. Would Ra comment on this?
Ra: I am Ra. This is an extremely thoughtful perception seeing as it does the male not specifically as biological male but as a male principle. You will note that there are very definite sexual biases in the images. They are intended to function both as information as to which biological entity or energy will attract which archetype but also as a more general view which sees polarity as a key to the archetypical mind of third density.
91.34 Questioner: Are these all of the components, then, of this first archetype?
Ra: I am Ra. These are all you, the student, sees. Thusly the complement is complete for you. Each student may see some other nuance. We, as we have said, did not offer these images with boundaries but only as guidelines intending to aid the adept and to establish the architecture of the deep, or archetypical, portion of the deep mind.
92.33 Questioner: The protection here seems to be depicted as being on the right-hand side but not the left. Would this indicate greater protection for the positive path than the negative?
Ra: I am Ra. You perceive correctly an inborn bias offering to the seeing eye and listing ear information concerning the choice of the more efficient polarity. We would at this time, as you may call it, suggest one more full query.
93.1 Questioner: Could you first please give me the condition of the instrument?
Ra: I am Ra. The physical complex distortions of this instrument far more closely approach what you might call the zero mark; that is, the instrument, while having no native physical energy, is not nearly so far in physical energy deficit distortions. The vital energy distortions are somewhat strengthened since the last asking.
89.19 Questioner: In that case, I’ll ask you… You stated that Ra used the tarot to develop the magical personality. Was this done by the system of learning to become, in mind, the essence of each archetype and in this way develop the magical personality?
Ra: I am Ra. This is incorrect. The clothing one’s self within the archetype is an advanced practice of the adept which has long studied this archetypical system. The concept complexes which together are intended to represent the architecture of a significant and rich portion of the mind are intended to be studied as individual concept complexes; as Matrix, Potentiator, etc., in viewing mind/body/spirit connections; and in pairs with some concentration upon the polarity of the male and the female. If these are studied there comes the moment when the deep threnodies* and joyful ditties* of the deep mind can successfully be brought forward to intensify, articulate, and heighten some aspect of the magical personality.
89.44 Questioner: I didn’t mean to get so far off the track of my original direction of questioning, but I think some of these excursions are very enlightening and will help in understanding of the basic mechanisms that we are so interested in in evolution.
Ra stated that archetypes are helpful when used in a controlled way. Would you give me an example of what you mean by using an archetype in a controlled way?
Ra: I am Ra. We speak with some regret in stating that this shall be our last query of length. There is substantial energy left but this instrument has distortions that rapidly approach the limit of our ability to maintain secure contact.
The controlled use of the archetype is that which is done within the self for the polarization of the self and to the benefit of the self, if negatively polarized, or others, if positively polarized, upon the most subtle of levels.
Keep in mind at all times that the archetypical mind is a portion of the deep mind and informs thought processes. When the archetype is translated without regard for magical propriety into the manifested daily actions of an individual the greatest distortions may take place and great infringement upon the free will of others is possible. This is more nearly acceptable to one negatively polarized. However, the more carefully polarized of negative mind/body/spirits* will also prefer to work with a finely tuned instrument. May we ask if there are any brief queries before we leave this working?
* Should be mind/body/spirit complexes, presumably.
90.12 Questioner: Was there a reason for choosing the forms that have evolved upon this planet and, if so, what was it?
Ra: I am Ra. We are not entirely sure why our Logos and several neighboring Logoi of approximately the same space/time of flowering chose the bipedal, erect form of the second-density apes to invest. It has been our supposition, which we share with you as long as you are aware that this is mere opinion, that our Logos was interested in, shall we say, further intensifying the veiling process by offering to the third-density form the near complete probability for the development of speech taking complete precedence over concept communication or telepathy. We also have the supposition that the so-called opposable thumb was looked upon as an excellent means of intensifying the veiling process so that rather than rediscovering the powers of the mind the third-density entity would, by the form of its physical manifestation, be drawn to the making, holding, and using of physical tools.
90.29 Questioner: That’s OK. I don’t think that was that good a question anyway.
Now, when Ra initially planned for helping the Egyptians with their evolution, what was the most, or the primary concept, and also secondary and tertiary if you can name those, that Ra wished to impart to the Egyptians? In other words, what was Ra’s training plan or schedule for making the Egyptians aware of what was necessary for their evolution?
Ra: I am Ra. We came to your peoples to enunciate the Law of One. We wished to impress upon those who wished to learn of unity that in unity all paradoxes are resolved; all that is broken is healed; all that is forgotten is brought to light. We had no teaching plan, as you have called it, in that our intention when we walked among your peoples was to manifest that which was requested by those learn/teachers to which we had come.
We are aware that this particular line of querying; that is, the nature and architecture of the archetypical mind, has caused the questioner to attempt, to its own mind unsuccessfully, to determine the relative importance of these concepts. We cannot learn/teach for any, nor would we take this opportunity from the questioner. However, we shall comment.
The adept has already worked much, not only within the red, orange, yellow, and green energy centers, but already in the opening of blue and indigo. Up through this point the archetypes function as the great base or plinth of a builded structure or statue keeping the mind complex viable, level, and available as a resource whenever it may be evoked. There is a point at which the adept takes up its work. This is the point at which a clear and conscious consideration of the archetypical mind is useful.
93.5 Questioner: Would you correct me on that?
Ra: I am Ra. The description of polarity as service to self and service to others, from the beginning of our creation, dwelt within the architecture of the primal Logos. Before the veiling process the impact of actions taken by mind/body/spirits upon their consciousnesses was not palpable to a significant enough degree to allow the expression of this polarity to be significantly useful. Over the period of what you would call time this expression of polarity did indeed work to alter the biases of mind/body/spirits so that they might eventually be harvested. The veiling process made the polarity far more effective.
93.17 Questioner: I was specifically thinking of the fact that Ra, in an earlier session, spoke of the tarot as a system of divination. Could you tell me what you meant by that?
Ra: I am Ra. Due to the influence of the Chaldees, the system of archetypical images was incorporated by the priests of that period into a system of astrologically based study, learning, and divination. This was not a purpose for which Ra developed the tarot.
94.23 Questioner: Thank you. Then we’re expecting, in Card Number Four, to see the result of catalytic action and, therefore, a greater definition between the dark and the light areas. In this card we notice that it is more definitely darkly colored in some areas and more white in others in a general sense than Card Number Three, indicating to me that the separation along the two biases has occurred, and should occur, to follow the blueprint for experience. Could Ra comment on that?
Ra: I am Ra. You are perceptive, O student.
100.14 Questioner: Would there be two more appropriate objects or symbols to have the entity in Card Seven holding in its hands, other than the ones shown?
Ra: I am Ra. We leave this consideration to you, O student, and shall comment upon any observation which you may make.
The original Law of One books are copyright ©1982, 1984, 1998 L/L Research. The Ra Contact books are copyright ©2018 L/L Research and Tobey Wheelock.
This site copyright ©2003–2025 Tobey Wheelock.
Questions? Comments? Email me: tw at law of one dot info.