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71.21 Questioner: When you say you searched for this group what do you mean? What was your process of search? I ask this question to understand more the illusion of time and space.
Ra: I am Ra. Consider the process of one who sees the spectrograph of some complex of elements. It is a complex paint sample, let us say for ease of description. We of Ra knew the needed elements for communication which had any chance of enduring. We compared our color chip to many individuals and groups over a long span of your time. Your spectrograph matches our sample.
In response to your desire to see the relationship betwixt space/time and time/space, may we say that we conducted this search in time/space, for in this illusion one may quite readily see entities as vibratory complexes and groups as harmonics within vibratory complexes.
1.7 Questioner: [The question was lost because the questioner was sitting too far from the tape recorder to be recorded.]
Ra: I am Ra. Consider, if you will, that the universe is infinite. This has yet to be proven or disproven, but we can assure you that there is no end to your selves, your understanding, what you would call your journey of seeking, or your perceptions of the creation.
That which is infinite cannot be many, for many-ness is a finite concept. To have infinity you must identify or define that infinity as unity; otherwise, the term does not have any referent or meaning. In an Infinite Creator there is only unity. You have seen simple examples of unity. You have seen the prism which shows all colors stemming from the sunlight. This is a simplistic example of unity.
In truth there is no right or wrong. There is no polarity for all will be, as you would say, reconciled at some point in your dance through the mind/body/spirit complex* which you amuse yourself by distorting in various ways at this time. This distortion* is not in any case necessary. It is chosen by each of you as an alternative to understanding the complete unity of thought which binds all things. You are not speaking of similar or somewhat like entities or things. You are every thing, every being, every emotion, every event, every situation. You are unity. You are infinity. You are love/light, light/love. You are. This is the Law of One.
May we enunciate this law in more detail?
38.1 Questioner: Will you tell us if there would be any hope or any purpose in either Jim or I taking the instrument’s place at the beginning of the session and attempting to replace the instrument as instrument by attempting the trance work ourselves?
Ra: I am Ra. This information is on the borderline of infringement upon free will. We shall, however, assume your desire to constitute permission to speak slightly beyond limits set by Confederation guidelines, shall we say.
At this space/time nexus neither the one known as Don nor the one known as Jim is available for this working. The one known as Don, by, shall we say, practicing the mechanics of contact and service to others by means of the channeling, as you call it, would in a certain length of your time become able to do this working. The one known as Jim would find it difficult to become a channel of this type without more practice also over a longer period of time. Then we should have to experiment with the harmonics developed by this practice. This is true in both cases.
31.3 Questioner: Would this then be the primal mechanism for the Creator to experience Self?
Ra: I am Ra. This is not a proper term. Perhaps the adjective would be “one appropriate” way of the Creator knowing Itself, for in each interaction, no matter what the distortion, the Creator is experiencing Itself. The bisexual knowing of the Creator by Itself has the potential for two advantages.
Firstly, in the green-ray activated being there is the potential for a direct and simple analog of what you may call joy, the spiritual or metaphysical nature which exists in intelligent energy. This is a great aid to comprehension of a truer nature of beingness. The other potential advantage of bisexual reproductive acts is the possibility of a sacramental understanding or connection, shall we say, with the gateway to intelligent infinity, for with appropriate preparation, work in what you may call magic may be done and experiences of intelligent infinity may be had. The positively oriented individuals concentrating upon this method of reaching intelligent infinity, then, through the seeking or the act of will, are able to direct this infinite intelligence to the work these entities desire to do, whether it be knowledge of service or ability to heal or whatever service to others is desired.
These are two advantages of this particular method of the Creator experiencing Itself. As we have said before, the corollary of the strength of this particular energy transfer is that it opens the door, shall we say, to the individual mind/body/spirit complexes’ desire to serve in an infinite number of ways an other-self, thus polarizing towards positive.
81.4 Questioner: Is the effect a function of the number of sessions, and has it reached a peak level or will it continue to increase in effect?
Ra: I am Ra. This wearying effect will continue but should not be confused with the physical energy levels, having only to do with the, as you would call it, daily round of experience. In this sphere those things which are known already to aid this instrument will continue to be of aid. You will, however, notice the gradual increase in transparency, shall we say, of the vibrations of the instrument.
86.19 Questioner: Perhaps you could give examples of use of the body prior to veiling and after veiling in the same aspect so that we could understand the change in knowledge and control over the body more clearly. Could you do this, please?
Ra: I am Ra. We could.
102.22 Questioner: I’ll just ask then if there’s anything we can do to make the instrument more comfortable or improve the contact?
Ra: I am Ra. All is well. Find love and thanksgiving together, and each shall support each. The alignments are conscientious.
We are known to you as Ra. We leave you in the love and in the light of the One Infinite Creator. Go forth, then, merry and glad in His power and peace. Adonai.
3.16 Questioner: Does the shape of the pyramid itself— is that a key function in the initiation process?
Ra: This is a large question. We feel that we shall begin and ask you to re-evaluate and ask further at a later session, this somewhat, shall we say, informative point.
To begin. There are two main functions of the pyramid in relation to the initiatory procedures. One has to do with the body. Before the body can be initiated, the mind must be initiated. This is the point at which most adepts of your present cycle find their mind/body/spirit complexes distorted from. When the character and personality that is the true identity of the mind has been discovered, the body then must be known in each and every way. Thus, the various functions of the body need understanding and control with detachment. The first use of the pyramid, then, is the going down into the pyramid for purposes of deprivation of sensory input so that the body may, in a sense, be dead and another life begin.
We advise, at this time, any necessary questions and a fairly rapid ending of this session. Have you any query at this time/space?
85.19 Questioner: I would like to carry that on to find out what specific functions of the mind were most effectual and the three or four most effective changes brought about to create the polarization.
Ra: I am Ra. This is an interesting query. The primary veiling was of such significance that it may be seen to be analogous to the mantling of the Earth over all the jewels within the Earth’s crust; whereas previously all facets of the Creator were consciously known. After the veiling, almost no facets of the Creator were known to the mind. Almost all was buried beneath the veil.
If one were to attempt to list those functions of mind most significant in that they might be of aid in polarization, one would need to begin with the faculty of visioning, envisioning, or far-seeing. Without the veil the mind was not caught in your illusory time. With the veil space/time is the only obvious possibility for experience.
Also upon the list of significant veiled functions of the mind would be that of dreaming. The so-called dreaming contains a great deal which, if made available to the conscious mind and used, shall aid it in polarization to a great extent.
The third function of the mind which is significant and which has been veiled is that of the knowing of the body. The knowledge of and control over the body, having been lost to a great extent in the veiling process, is thusly lost from the experience of the seeker. Its knowledge before the veiling is of small use. Its knowledge after the veiling, and in the face of what is now a dense illusion of separation of body complex from mind complex, is quite significant.
Perhaps the most important and significant function that occurred due to the veiling of the mind from itself is not in itself a function of mind but rather is a product of the potential created by this veiling. This is the faculty of will or pure desire.
We may ask for brief queries at this time. Although there is energy remaining for this working, we are reluctant to continue this contact, experiencing continual variations due to pain flares, as you call this distortion. Although we are unaware of any misgiven material we are aware that there have been several points during which our channel was less than optimal. This instrument is most faithful but we do not wish to misuse this instrument. Please query as you will.
86.23 Questioner: Is there anything that we can do to make the instrument more comfortable or improve the contact?
Ra: I am Ra. We are pleased that this instrument was more conscientious in preparing itself for contact by means of the careful mental vibrations which you call prayer. This enabled the channel to be free from the distortions which the contact fell prey to during the last working.
We would suggest to the support group some continued care in the regulating of the physical activities of the instrument. However at this nexus it is well to encourage those activities which feed the vital energies as this instrument lives in this space/time present almost completely due to the careful adherence to the preservation of those mental and spiritual energies which make up the vital energy complex of this entity. Each is conscientious. The alignments are good.
We would caution the support group as to the physical alignment of the appurtenance known as the censer. There has been some slight difficulty due to variation in the pattern of the effluvium of this incense.
I am Ra. I leave you rejoicing in the power and in the peace of the One Infinite Creator. Go forth, then, rejoicing in the love and in the light of the One Creator. Adonai.
87.11 Questioner: I’m sorry for getting confused on the question here and not asking it correctly. There is a philosophical point of central importance to me that I am trying to clear up here. It has to do with the fact that fourth-density negative seems to be aware of the first distortion, and they are in a nonveiled condition. And they seem to use this knowledge of the first distortion to maintain the situation that they maintain in their contacts with this planet. I am trying to extract their ability to understand the mechanism of the first distortion and the consequences of the veiling process and still remain in a mental configuration of separation on the negative path. I hope that I have made myself clear there. I have had a hard time asking this question.
Ra: I am Ra. The answer may still not satisfy the questioner. We ask that you pursue it until you are satisfied. The fourth-density negative entity has made the choice available to each at third-density harvest. It is aware of the full array of possible methods of viewing the universe of the One Creator and it is convinced that the ignoring and non-use of the green-ray energy center will be the method most efficient in providing harvestability of fourth density. Its operations among those of third density which have not yet made this choice are designed to offer to each the opportunity to consider the self-serving polarity and its possible attractiveness.
6.9 Questioner: Are there any people such as you find on Earth on any of the other planets in this solar system?
Ra: Do you request space/time present information or space/time continuum information?
6.27 Questioner: Thank you very much. We do not want to overtire the instrument. It’s now considerably over the normal working time. Could you tell me the condition of the instrument?
Ra: The instrument is balanced due to your care. However, her physical vehicle is growing stiff.
7.3 Questioner: By squared, do you mean that if ten people call you can count that, when comparing it to the planetary ratio of people, as 100 people, squaring ten, getting 100? Is that correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is incorrect. The square is sequential — one, two, three, four, each squared by the next number.
9.19 Questioner: I didn’t understand what these vehicles or beings were for that were appropriate in the event of nuclear war.
Ra: I am Ra. These are beings which exist as instinctual second-density beings which are being held in reserve to form what you would call a gene pool in case these body complexes are needed. These body complexes are greatly able to withstand the rigors of radiation which the body complexes you now inhabit could not do.
11.22 Questioner: Do you mean then that some scientists receive technical information, shall we say, telepathically that comes out then as usable gadgetry?
Ra: I am Ra. That is correct. However, very positively, as you would call this distortion, oriented so-called scientists have received information intended to unlock peaceful means of progress which redounded unto the last echoes of potential destruction due to further reception of other scientists of a negative orientation/distortion.
11.30 Questioner: Well, that was the last question, so I will as usual ask if there’s anything we can do to make the instrument more comfortable?
Ra: I am Ra. You are doing well. The most important thing is to carefully align the symbols. The adjustment made this particular time/space present will aid this instrument’s physical complex in the distortion towards comfort.
May we ask if you have any short questions which we may resolve before closing the session?
12.28 Questioner: Are most of these from the fourth density? What density do they come from?
Ra: I am Ra. Few there are of fourth density. The largest number of Wanderers, as you call them, are of the sixth density. The desire to serve must be distorted towards a great deal of purity of mind and what you may call foolhardiness or bravery, depending upon your distortion complex judgment. The challenge/danger of the Wanderer is that it will forget its mission, become karmically involved, and thus be swept into the maelstrom from which it had incarnated to aid* the destruction.
15.19 Questioner: Why do you call them the Elder Race?
Ra: I am Ra. We called them thusly to acquaint you, the questioner, with their identity as is understood by your mind complex distortion.
20.4 Questioner: Then can you give me an example of an entity in third density that was just previously a second-density entity? What type of entity do they become here?
Ra: I am Ra. As a second-density entity returns as third-density for the beginning of this process of learning, the entity is equipped with the lowest, if you will so call these vibrational distortions, forms of third-density consciousness; that is, equipped with self-consciousness.
21.2 Questioner: A little appendage to this. Do you use your vocabulary or the instrument’s vocabulary to communicate with us?
Ra: I am Ra. We use the vocabulary of the language with which you are familiar. This is not the instrument’s vocabulary. However, this particular mind/body/spirit complex retains the use of a sufficiently large number of sound vibration complexes that the distinction is often without any importance.
22.28 Questioner: What was the— the only question I was going to ask, that I can think of was— Could you give me the average life span of the Atlantean population?
Ra: I am Ra. The average life span, as we have said, is misleading. The Atlanteans were, in the early part of their cultural experience, used to life spans from seventy [70] to one hundred forty [140] years, this being, of course, approximate. Due to increasing desire for power, the lifetime decreased rapidly in the later stages of this civilization and, thus, the healing and rejuvenating information was requested.
Do you have any brief queries before we close?
22.29 Questioner: Is there any way that we can make the instrument more comfortable or anything that we can do for her?
Ra: I am Ra. The instrument is well. It is somewhat less easy to maintain clear contact during a time when some or one of the entities in the circle of working is or are not fully conscious. We request that entities in the circle be aware that their energy is helpful for increasing the vitality of this contact. We thank you for being conscientious in the asking.
I am Ra. It is a great joy to leave you in the love and the light of the One Infinite Creator. Go forth, therefore, rejoicing in the power and the peace of the One Creator. Adonai.
24.23 Questioner: Oh, please, I’m almost ready. Is there anything that we can do to make the instrument more comfortable?
Ra: I am Ra. You are conscientious. Be careful only to adjust this instrument’s upper appendages if its upper body is elevated.
I am Ra. All is well. It is our joy to speak with you. We leave in the love and the light of the One Infinite Creator. Go forth, therefore, rejoicing in the power and the peace of the One Creator. Adonai.
26.3 Questioner: Should we discontinue this communication because of these changes, or should we continue?
Ra: I am Ra. You may do as you wish. However, we would be unable to use this instrument at this space/time nexus without these modifications.
26.7 Questioner: Which has more of the Law of One in it, the Old Testament or the New Testament?
Ra: I am Ra. Withdrawing from each of the collections of which you speak the portions having to do with the Law of One, the content is approximately equal. However, the so-called Old Testament has a larger amount of negatively influenced material, as you would call it.
26.34 Questioner: Is it necessary in each case for the entity who is contacted in one of these landings to be calling the Orion group, or do some of these entities come in contact with the Orion group even though they are not calling that group?
Ra: I am Ra. You must plumb the depths of fourth-density negative understanding. This is difficult for you. Once having reached third-density space/time continuum through your so-called windows, these crusaders may plunder as they will, the results completely a function of the polarity of the, shall we say, witness/subject or victim.
This is due to the sincere belief of fourth-density negative that to love self is to love all. Each other-self which is thus either taught or enslaved thus has a teacher which teaches love of self. Exposed to this teaching, it is intended that there be brought to fruition an harvest of fourth-density negative or self-serving mind/body/spirit complexes.
29.34 Questioner: Is there anything that we can do to make the instrument more comfortable or improve the contact?
Ra: I am Ra. You are conscientious. The entity is well aligned.
I am Ra. I leave you now in the love and the light of the One Infinite Creator. Go forth, therefore, rejoicing in the power and the peace of the One Infinite Creator. Adonai.
32.4 Questioner: So I should change that third to fourth?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct. Please continue to scan for errors having to do with numberings, as you call them, as this concept is foreign to us and we must translate, if you will, when using numbers. This is an ongoing weakness of this contact due to the difference between our ways and yours. Your aid is appreciated.
Ra: I am Ra. Do you have any brief queries before we close?
33.1 Questioner: In our last session you cautioned “each to look well to the vital energies necessary for nondepletion of the instrument and the contact level.” Did that mean that we should— that Jim and I should look at the instrument’s— or be careful of the instrument’s vital energies or be careful of our own vital energies?
Ra: I am Ra. Each entity is responsible for itself. The mechanics of this process taking place involve firstly, the use of the physical bodily complex of third density with its accompanying physical material in order to voice these words. Thus this instrument needs to watch its vital energies carefully, for we do not wish to deplete this instrument. Secondly, the function of the supporting group may be seen to be firstly, that of protection for this contact; secondly, that of energizing the instrument and intensifying its vital energies.
This supporting group has always, due to an underlying harmony, been of a very stable nature as regards protection in love and light, thus ensuring the continuation of this narrow-band contact. However, the vital energies of either of the supporting members being depleted, the instrument must then use a larger portion of its vital energies, thus depleting itself more than would be profitable on a long-term basis.
Please understand that we ask your apology for this infringement upon your free will. However, it is our distortion/understanding that you would prefer this information rather than, being left totally to your own dedication distortions, deplete the instrument or deplete the group to the point where the contact cannot be sustained.
40.5 Questioner: Thank you. Taking as an example the transition between second and third density, when this transition takes place, does the frequency of vibration which forms the photon (the core of all particles of the density), does this frequency increase from a frequency corresponding to second density or orange, the color orange, the frequency we measure for the color orange, to the frequency we measure for the color yellow? What I am getting at is, do all the vibrations that form the density, basic vibrations of the photon, increase in a quantum fashion over a relatively short period of time?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct. Then you see within each density the gradual up-grading of vibratory levels.
43.27 Questioner: Then basically what you are saying is that at that point the teachings of fifth- or sixth-density beings would not be too well understood by the fourth density, new fourth density.
Ra: I am Ra. Do you wish to query us upon this point?
47.16 Questioner: I will only ask if there is anything we can do to make the instrument more comfortable or improve the contact?
Ra: I am Ra. The appurtenances are conscientiously measured by eye and spirit. You are conscientious. All is well. Observe this instrument to ensure continued building of the vital energies. It will have to work upon its own physical energies for this weakness was brought about by free will of the self.
I am Ra. We leave you now in the love and in the light of the One Infinite Creator. Go forth, therefore, rejoicing in the power and in the peace of the One Infinite Creator. Adonai.
48.11 Questioner: Just if there is anything that we can do to make the instrument more comfortable or improve the contact?
Ra: I am Ra. All is well. As we have said, this instrument is weak physically and continued work times will lengthen this weakness. The continued contact also aids in the continued climb in vital energy of the instrument as well as the integration and vital energy of the group as an unit. The choice is yours. We are pleased. All is well. You are conscientious. Continue so.
I am Ra. I leave you in the love and in the light of the One Infinite Creator. Go forth, then, my friends, rejoicing in the power and in the peace of the One Infinite Creator. Adonai.
36.4 Questioner: Do I understand from this then that the higher self or Oversoul may break down into numerous units if the experience is required to what we would call simultaneously experience different types of catalyst and then oversee these experiences?
Ra: I am Ra. This is a statement we cannot say to be correct or incorrect due to the confusions of what you call time. True simultaneity is available only when all things are seen to be occurring at once. This overshadows the concept of which you speak. The concept of various parts of the being living experiences of varying natures simultaneously is not precisely accurate due to your understanding that this would indicate that this was occurring with true simultaneity. This is not the case.
The case is from universe to universe and parallel existences can then be programmed by the Higher Self, given the information available from the mind/body/spirit complex totality regarding the probability/possibility vortices at any crux.
47.3 Questioner: We chose the values of— or you were given the values of better than 50% service to others for fourth-density positive and better than 95% service to self for fourth-density negative social memory complexes. Do these two values correspond to the same rate, shall I say, of vibration?
Ra: I am Ra. I perceive you have difficulty in expressing your query. We shall respond in an attempt to clarify your query.
The vibratory rates are not to be understood as the same in positive and negative orientations. They are to be understood as having the power to accept and work with intelligent infinity to a certain degree or intensity. Due to the fact that the primary color, shall we say, or energy blue is missing from the negatively oriented system of power, the green/blue vibratory energies are not seen in the vibratory schedules or patterns of negative fourth and fifth rates of vibration.
The positive, upon the other hand, shall we say, has the full spectrum of true-color time/space vibratory patterns and thus contains a variant vibratory pattern or schedule. Each is capable of doing fourth-density work. This is the criterion for harvest.
50.14 Questioner: Is there anything that we can do to make the instrument more comfortable or improve the contact?
Ra: I am Ra. You are conscientious and your alignments are careful. It would be well to take care that this instrument’s neck is placed carefully upon its support.
I am Ra. I leave you, my friends, in the love and the light of the One Infinite Creator. Go forth, then, rejoicing in the power and in the peace of the One Infinite Creator. Adonai.
51.11 Questioner: Is there anything that we can do to make the instrument more comfortable or improve the contact?
Ra: I am Ra. All is well. You are conscientious. I leave you now, my brothers, in the love and in the light of the One Infinite Creator. Go forth, then, rejoicing in the power and the peace of the One Infinite Creator. Adonai.
53.7 Questioner: Would you do this please?
Ra: I am Ra. The most efficient mode of contact is that which you experience at this space/time. The infringement upon free will is greatly undesired. Therefore, those entities which are Wanderers upon your plane of illusion will be the only subjects for the thought projections which make up the so-called “close encounters” and meetings between positively oriented social memory complexes and Wanderers.
53.24 Questioner: No. I apologize for asking many transient questions during this session. I hope that we did not cause any problem for you, especially with respect to loss of polarity and that one question, but I felt it necessary to include some of this material so that those Wanderers and others reading the first book of The Law of One would not get the wrong impression with respect to their experiences in contacts. I am sorry for any problems that I might have caused.
I will just ask if there is anything that we can do to improve the contact or aid the instrument?
Ra: I am Ra. The instrument is well. Please guard your alignments carefully. We leave you now, my friends, in the love and in the light of the One Infinite Creator. Go forth, therefore, rejoicing in the power and the peace of the Infinite Creator. Adonai.
54.22 Questioner: Would a negatively oriented entity do anything like this? Could you give me an example?
Ra: I am Ra. A negatively oriented individual mind/body/spirit complex will ordinarily program for wealth, ease of existence, and the utmost opportunity for power. Thus many negative entities burst with the physical complex distortion you call health.
However, a negatively oriented entity may choose a painful condition in order to improve the distortion toward the so-called negative emotive mentations* such as anger, hatred, and frustration. Such an entity may use an entire incarnative experience honing a blunt edge of hatred or anger so that it may polarize more towards the negative or separated pole.
55.18 Questioner: Only is there anything we can do to make the instrument more comfortable or improve the contact?
Ra: I am Ra. All is well. You are conscientious. I now leave this working.
I am Ra. I leave you, my friends, in the love and in the light of the One Infinite Creator. Go forth, then, rejoicing in the power and in the peace of the One Infinite Creator. Adonai.
57.34 Questioner: Is there anything we can do to make the instrument more comfortable or improve the contact?
Ra: I am Ra. All is harmonious. We greet you all in joy. The adjustments are satisfactory.
I am Ra. I leave you in the love and in the light of the One Infinite Creator. Go forth, therefore, rejoicing in the power and in the peace of the One Infinite Creator. Adonai.
58.9 Questioner: Do you mean that if I drew a line through two opposite corners of the pyramid at the base and aimed that at magnetic north— that would be precisely 45° out of the orientation of one side aimed at magnetic north— it would work just as well? Is that what you are saying?
Ra: I am Ra. It would work much better than if the pyramid shape were quite unaligned. It would not work quite as efficiently as the aforementioned configuration.
59.25 Questioner: Only if there is anything that we can do to make the instrument more comfortable or improve the contact?
Ra: I am Ra. All is well. We are aware that you experience difficulties at this time, but they are not due to your lack of conscientiousness or dedication. I am Ra. I leave you in the love and in the light of the One Infinite Creator. Go forth, then, rejoicing in the power and the peace of the One Infinite Creator. Adonai.
60.13 Questioner: Would this travel be the instantaneous type having to do with the— not the slingshot effect, but the effect used primarily by sixth-density entities, or is it the sling-shot effect that you are talking about?
Ra: I am Ra. The former effect is that of which we speak. You may note that as one learns the, shall we say, understandings or disciplines of the personality each of these configurations of prana is available to the entity without the aid of this shape. One may view the pyramid at Giza as metaphysical training wheels.
54.27 Questioner: Would you please do that?
Ra: The origin of all energy is the action of free will upon love. The nature of all energy is light. The means of its ingress into the mind/body/spirit complex is duple.
Firstly, there is the inner light which is Polaris of the self, the guiding star. This is the birthright and true nature of all entities. This energy dwells within.
The second point of ingress is the polar opposite of the North Star, shall we say, and may be seen, if you wish to use the physical body as an analog for the magnetic field, as coming through the feet from the earth and through the lower point of the spine. This point of ingress of the universal light energy is undifferentiated until it begins its filtering process through the energy centers. The requirements of each center and the efficiency with which the individual has learned to tap into the inner light determine the nature of the use made by the entity of these instreamings.
61.12 Questioner: Could you tell me why it is important for the appurtenances and other things to be so carefully aligned with respect to the instrument and why just a small ruffle in the sheet by the instrument causes a problem with the reception of Ra?
Ra: I am Ra. We may attempt an explanation. This contact is narrow-band. The instrument is highly sensitive. Thus we have good entry into it and can use it to an increasingly satisfactory level.
However, the trance condition is, shall we say, not one which is without toll upon this instrument. Therefore, the area above the entrance into the physical complex of this instrument must be kept clear to avoid discomfort to the instrument especially as it re-enters the body complex. The appurtenances give to the instrument sensory input and mental visualization which aid in the trance beginning. The careful alignment of these is important for the energizing group in that it is a reminder to that support group that it is time for a working. The ritualistic behaviors are triggers for many energies of the support group. You may have noticed more energy being used in workings as the number has increased due to the long-term, shall we say, effect of such ritualistic actions.
This would not aid another group as it was designed for this particular system of mind/body/spirit complexes and especially the instrument.
There is enough energy transferred for one more long query. We do not wish to deplete this instrument.
62.25 Questioner: Would you tell me what we could do?
Ra: I am Ra. You could cease in your attempts to be channels for the love and the light of the One Infinite Creator.
62.30 Questioner: Is there anything that we can do to make the instrument more comfortable or improve the contact?
Ra: All is well. You have been most conscientious.
I am Ra. I leave you, my friends, in the glory of the love and the light of the One Infinite Creator. Go forth, then, rejoicing in the power and the peace of the One Infinite Creator. Adonai.
63.33 Questioner: Is there anything that we can do to make the instrument more comfortable or improve the contact?
Ra: I am Ra. You are conscientious. All is well. We leave you now, my friends, in the glory of the love and the light of the One Infinite Creator. Go forth, then, rejoicing in the power and the peace of the Infinite Creator. Adonai.
66.35 Questioner: Then I will ask if there is anything that we can do to make the instrument more comfortable or improve the contact?
Ra: I am Ra. Continue as always in love. All is well. You are conscientious.
I am Ra. I leave you in the love and in the light of the One Infinite Creator. Go forth rejoicing in the power and the peace of the One Infinite Creator. Adonai.
67.14 Questioner: Do you mean then that this fifth-density entity visualizes certain symbols? I am assuming that these symbols are of a nature where their continued use would have some power or charge. Am I correct?
Ra: I am Ra. You are correct. In fifth density light is as visible a tool as your pencil’s writing.
70.2 Questioner: Why do you say you are gratified to say that?
Ra: I am Ra. We say this due to a sense of gratitude at the elements which have enabled this instrument to maintain, against great odds, its vital energy at normal vibratory strength. As long as this complex of energies is satisfactory we may use this instrument without depletion regardless of the distortions previously mentioned.
74.2 Questioner: Before I get to new material, last session there seems to have been a small error that I corrected then having to do with the statement, “no working comes from it but only through it.” Was this an error in transmission? Or what caused this problem?
Ra: I am Ra. This instrument, while fully open to our narrow-band contact, at times experiences a sudden strengthening of the distortion which you call pain. This weakens the contact momentarily. This type of increased distortion has been occurring in this instrument’s bodily complex with more frequency in the time period which you may term the previous fortnight. Although it is not normally a phenomenon which causes difficulties in transmission, it did so twice in the previous working. Both times it was necessary to correct or rectify the contact.
74.20 Questioner: Is there anything that we can do to make the instrument more comfortable or improve the contact?
Ra: I am Ra. All is well. The instrument continues in some pain, as you call this distortion. The neck area remains most distorted although the changes have been, to a small degree, helpful. The alignments are good.
We would leave you now, my friends, in the love and in the light of the One Infinite Creator. Go forth, then, glorying and rejoicing in the power and in the peace of the One Infinite Creator. Adonai.
75.41 Questioner: Is there anything that we can do to make the instrument more comfortable or improve the contact?
Ra: I am Ra. You are conscientious. The alignments are well.
I am Ra. I leave you, my friends, in the love and the light of the One Infinite Creator. Go forth, therefore, rejoicing in the power and peace of the One Infinite Creator. Adonai.
76.20 Questioner: What was the form of disease, and why did this exist at beginning third density?
Ra: I am Ra. Firstly, that which you speak of as disease is a functional portion of the body complex which offers the body complex the opportunity to cease viability. This is a desirable body complex function. The second portion of the answer has to do with second-density other-selves of a microscopic, as you would call it, size which have in some forms long existed and perform their service by aiding the physical body complex in its function of ceasing viability at the appropriate space/time.
78.7 Questioner: Thank you. In utilizing the energetic displacements of thought-forms energizing the instrument during contact most efficiently, what specifically could we do?
Ra: I am Ra. Each of the support group has an excess of love and light to offer the instrument during the working. Already each sends to the instrument love, light, and thoughts of strength of the physical, mental, and spiritual configurations. These sendings are forms. You may refine these sendings until the fullest manifestations of love and light are sent into the energy web of this entity which functions as instrument. Your exact sending is, in order to be most potent, the creature of your own making.
78.17 Questioner: Why do the densities have the qualities that they have? You have named the densities with respect to their qualities, this density being that of— the next, the fourth density being that of love, etc. Can you tell me why these qualities exist in that form? Is it possible to answer this question at all?
Ra: I am Ra. It is possible.
80.23 Questioner: Is there anything that we can do to improve the contact or to make the instrument more comfortable?
Ra: I am Ra. The alignments are most conscientious. We are appreciative. The entity which serves as instrument is somewhat distorted towards that condition you call stiffness of the dorsal regions. Manipulation would be helpful.
I am Ra. I leave you, my friends, glorying in the light and the love of the One Infinite Creator. Go forth, therefore, rejoicing in the power and in the peace of the One Infinite Creator. Adonai.
81.34 Questioner: Only if there is anything we can do to make the instrument more comfortable or improve the contact?
Ra: I am Ra. It is difficult to determine the energy levels of the instrument and support group. Of this we are aware. It is, however, recommended that every attempt be made to enter each working with the most desirable configurations of energy possible. All is well, my friends. You are conscientious and the alignments are well.
I am Ra. I leave you in the love and the light of the One Infinite Creator. Go forth, therefore, rejoicing in the power and in the peace of the Infinite Creator. Adonai.
82.30 Questioner: Is there anything that we can do to improve the contact or make the instrument more comfortable?
Ra: I am Ra. All parameters are being met. Remain united in love and thanksgiving. We thank you for your conscientiousness as regards the appurtenances.
I am Ra. I leave you in the love and in the light of the One Infinite Glorious Creator. Go forth, therefore, rejoicing merrily in the power and the peace of the One Creator. Adonai.
83.7 Questioner: One thing I don’t understand is why, if there was no veil, that the review of incarnation after the incarnation would help the process since it seems to me that the entity should already be aware of what was happening. Possibly this has to do with the nature of space/time and time/space. Could you clear that up, please?
Ra: I am Ra. It is true that the nature of time/space is such that a lifetime may be seen whole as a book or record, the pages studied, riffled* through, and re-read. However, the value of review is that of the testing as opposed to the studying. At the testing, when the test is true, the distillations of all study are made clear.
During the process of study, which you may call the incarnation, regardless of an entity’s awareness of the process taking place, the material is diffused and over-attention is almost inevitably placed upon detail.
The testing upon the cessation of the incarnative state is not that testing which involves the correct memorization of many details. This testing is, rather, the observing of self by self, often with aid as we have said. In this observation one sees the sum of all the detailed study; that being an attitude or complex of attitudes which bias the consciousness of the mind/body/spirit.
85.15 Questioner: Thank you. Do you have use of all of the words in the English language and, for that matter, all of the words in all languages that are spoken upon this planet at this time?
Ra: I am Ra. No.
87.25 Questioner: Is it meaningful to give this ratio in early fourth density and, if so, would you do that?
Ra: I am Ra. In many ways it is quite meaningless to speak of orgasm of male and female in higher densities as the character and nature of orgasm becomes more and more naturally a function of the mind/body/spirit complex as an unit. It may be said that the veil in fourth density is lifted and the choice has been made. In positive polarities true sharing is almost universal. In negative polarities true blockage so that the conqueror obtains orgasm, the conquered almost never, is almost universal. In each case you may see the function of the sexual portion of experience as being a most efficient means of polarization.
87.29 Questioner: Is there anything we can do to make the instrument more comfortable or improve the contact?
Ra: I am Ra. We shall find the suggested readjustment of the censer helpful. The alignments are good. You have been conscientious, my friends. We leave you now in the love and in the light of the One Infinite Creator. Go forth, therefore, rejoicing merrily in the power and in the ineffable peace of the One Infinite Creator. Adonai.
90.31 Questioner: Is there anything that we can do to make the instrument more comfortable or improve the contact?
Ra: I am Ra. It is well that the appliances for the arms were placed upon the instrument. We ask that continued vigilance be accorded these distortions which are, if anything, more distorted towards dis-ease than at our previous cautionary statement.
All is well, my friends, You are conscientious and faithful in your alignments. We appreciate your fastidiousness.
I am Ra. I leave you now, rejoicing merrily in the love and the light of the One Infinite Creator. Go forth, then, rejoicing in the power and in the peace of the One Infinite Creator. Adonai.
91.33 Questioner: And finally, the Magician represents the conscious mind. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. We ask the student to consider the concept of the unfed conscious mind, the mind without any resource but consciousness. Do not confuse the unfed conscious mind with that mass of complexities which you as students experience, as you have so many, many times dipped already into the processes of potentiation, catalyst, experience, and transformation.
92.2 Questioner: Is there a specific cause for this and could you tell us what it is if so?
Ra: I am Ra. The effective cause of the increased physical distortions have to do with the press of continued substantial levels of the distortion you call pain. Various vehicular distortions other than the specifically arthritic have been accentuated by psychic greeting and the combined effect has been deleterious.
The continued slight but noticeable losses of the vital energies is due to the necessity for the instrument to call upon this resource in order to clear the, shall we say, way for a carefully purified service-to-others working. The use of the will in the absence of physical and, in this particular case, mental and mental/emotional energies requires vital energies.
97.18 Questioner: Do the symbols on the face of each of these little cartouches such as the birds and the other symbols have a meaning in this card that is of value in considering the archetype? Would you answer that after making the instrument cough, please?
Ra: [Cough.] I am Ra. These symbols are letters and words much as your language would receive such an entablature*. They are, to a great extent, enculturated by a people not of your generation. Let us, in the rough, suggest that the information written upon these cartouches be understood to be such as the phrase, “And you shall be born again to eternal life.”
91.36 Questioner: Then you are saying that, if I am correct in understanding what you have just said, that the conscious mind may be filled with an almost infinite number of concepts but there is a set of basic concepts which are what I would call important simply because they are the foundations for the evolution of consciousness, and will, if carefully applied, accelerate the evolution of consciousness, whereas the vast array of concepts, ideas, experiences that we meet in our daily lives may have little or no bearing upon the evolution of consciousness except in a very indirect way. In other words, what we are attempting to do here is find the great motivators of evolution and utilize them to move through our evolutionary track. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. Not entirely. The archetypes are not the foundation for spiritual evolution but rather are the tool for grasping in an undistorted manner the nature of this evolution.
95.28 Questioner: Is there anything that we can do to make the instrument more comfortable or improve the contact?
Ra: I am Ra. We observe some small worsening of the distortions of the dorsal side. This is due to the nature of the beginning use of the swirling waters. The difficulties are physically accentuated as the swirling waters begin to aid the musculature surrounding the nexi of distortions. We encourage the swirling waters and note that complete immersion in them is somewhat more efficacious than the technique now used.
We ask that the support group attempt to aid the instrument in remembering to preserve the physical energies and not expend them upon movements associated with the packing, as you call this activity, and the movement between geographical locations upon your sphere.
The alignments are excellent. All is well.
We leave you glorying in the love and in the light of the One Infinite Creator. Go forth, therefore, rejoicing in the mighty peace of the One Infinite Creator. Adonai.
96.21 Questioner: In Card Number Four we will remove the letters around the outside and all of the stars and it seems that again we have a situation of removing the wand and putting the sphere in the hand. Is that correct?
Ra: I am Ra. Again, this is a matter of choice. Though astrological in nature, this particular scepter has possibilities of relevancy in the originally intended concept complex.
This instrument is experiencing some small lack of that distortion which you call the proper breathing due to the experience of your near past, as you perceive it. Therefore, as this instrument has requested a substantial enough amount of transferred energy to be retained that it might effect a comfortable re-entry, we shall at this time ask for one more query, after noting the following.
We did not complete our statement upon the dimensions of the crux ansata. It is given in many places. There are decisions to be made as to which drawing of this image is the appropriate one. We may, of course, suggest viewing the so-called Great Pyramid if the puzzle is desired. We do not wish to work this puzzle. It was designed in order that in its own time it be deciphered. In general, of course, this image has the meaning previously stated.
99.7 Questioner: The only problem is something that I am sure is quite foreign to Ra’s way of thinking which is called “copyright laws.” We have been unable to get copyright privileges from the publishers of the cards that we started with, and we’ll have to circumnavigate that problem some way or another, which could conceivably cause us to use a different set of images as we go along.
The wings of Card Five, I am guessing, have to do with a protection over the— they’re above the Significator of the Mind, and I am guessing they are a symbol of protection. Is this in any way correct?
Ra: I am Ra. Let us say that you are not incorrect but rather less than correct. The Significator owns a covenant with the spirit which it shall in some cases manifest through the thought and action of the adept. If there is protection in a promise, then you have chosen the correct sound vibration, for the outstretched wings of spirit, high above manifestation, yet draw the caged mind onward.
100.6 Questioner: Thank you. To continue with the tarot, I would like to make the additional observation with respect to Card Six that the male’s arms being crossed, if the female to his right pulls on his left hand it would cant*, in effect turn him, his entire body, toward the right and the same is true for the female on the left: pulling on his right hand she will turn his entire body to her side. Which is my interpretation of what’s meant by the tangle of the arms. That the transformation occurs by pull which attempts to turn the entity toward the left or the right-hand path. Would Ra comment on that observation?
Ra: I am Ra. We shall. The concept of the pull towards mental polarity may well be examined in the light of what the student has already accreted* concerning the nature of the conscious, exemplified by the male, and the unconscious, exemplified by the female. Indeed, both the prostituted and the virginal of deep mind invite and await the reaching.
In this image of Transformation of Mind, then, each of the females points the way it would go, but is not able to move, nor are the two female entities striving to do so. They are at rest. The conscious entity holds both and will turn itself one way or the other or, potentially, backwards and forwards, rocking first one way then the other and not achieving the transformation. In order for the Transformation of Mind to occur, one principle governing the use of the deep mind must be abandoned.
It is to be noted that the triangular shape formed by the shoulders and crossed elbows of consciousness is a shape to be associated with transformation. Indeed, you may see this shape echoed twice more in the image, each echo having its own riches to add to the impact of this complex of concepts.
100.15 Questioner: I will save that for next session and I will ask if there is anything we can do to make the instrument more comfortable or improve the contact?
Ra: I am Ra. All is well. The appurtenances are most conscientiously placed. We thank this diligent group. There is much greater distortion towards harmony at this asking and we join you in praise and thanksgiving. This is always the greatest boon to improvement of the contact, for it is the harmony of the group which supports this contact.
I am Ra. I leave you in the love and the light of the One. Go forth, therefore, rejoicing in the power and in the peace of the One Infinite Creator. Adonai.
103.20 Questioner: I don’t want to overtire the instrument. We’re running close to time. I will just ask if there is anything we can do to improve the contact or make the instrument more comfortable, or if there is anything else that Ra could state at this time that would aid us?
Ra: I am Ra. We find the alignments quite fastidiously observed. You are conscientious. Continue in support, one for the other, and find the praise and thanksgiving that harmony produces. Rest your cares and be merry.
I am Ra. I leave you, glorying in the love and in the light of the One Infinite Creator. Go forth, therefore, rejoicing in the power and in the peace of the One Infinite Creator. Adonai.
8.12 Questioner: At the same time you mentioned that some of the landings were of our peoples, you also mentioned that some were of the Orion group. [We] talked a little about the Orion group, but why do the Orion group land here? What is their purpose?
Ra: I am Ra. Their purpose is conquest, unlike those of the Confederation who wait for the calling. The so-called Orion group calls itself to conquest.
25.1 Questioner: …asking first what cause or complex of causes has led to the instrument’s chest cold, as it is called?
Ra: I am Ra. This distortion towards illness was caused by the free will of the instrument in accepting a chemical substance which you call LSD. This was carefully planned by those entities which do not desire this instrument to remain viable. The substance has within it the facility of removing large stores of vital energy from the ingestor. The first hope of the Orion entity which arranged this opportunity was that this instrument would become less polarized towards what you call the positive. Due to conscious efforts upon the part of this instrument, using the substance as a programmer for service to others and for thankfulness, this instrument was spared this distortion and there was no result satisfactory to the Orion group.
The second hope lay in the possible misuse of the most powerful means of transmission of energy between your peoples in the area of body complex distortions. We have not previously spoken of the various types of energy blockages and transfers, positive and negative, that may take place due to participation in your sexual reproductive complex of actions. This entity, however, is a very strong entity with very little distortion from universal green-ray love energy. Thus this particular plan was not effected either, as the entity continued to give of itself in this context in an open or green-ray manner rather than attempting to receive or to manipulate other-self.
The only remaining distortion available, since this entity would not detune and would not cease sharing love universally under this chemical substance, was simply to drain this entity of as much energy as possible. This entity has a strong distortion towards busy-ness which it has been attempting to overcome for some time, realizing it not to be the appropriate attitude for this work. In this particular area the ingestion of this substance did indeed, shall we say, cause distortions away from viability due to the busy-ness and the lack of desire to rest; this instrument staying alert for much longer than appropriate. Thus much vital energy was lost, making this instrument unusually susceptible to infections such as it now experiences.
44.7 Questioner: I think that it might be a good idea if we terminated the contact at this time to allow the instrument to gain more necessary energy before continuing. This is my decision at this time. I would very much like to continue the contact, but it seems to me, although I can’t tell the instrument’s level, that the instrument should not use up any more energy.
Ra: I am Ra. We are responding to an unasked query. However, it is most salient and therefore we beg your forgiveness for this infringement. The energy has been lost to the instrument, dedicated to this purpose only. You may do as you will, but this is the nature of the instrument’s preparation for contact and is the sole reason we may use it.
106.23 Questioner: I would just ask if there’s anything we can do to help the instrument and make her more comfortable or improve the contact, and what would be the soonest Ra would recommend the next contact? And we would certainly— I would certainly appreciate the return of the golden hawk. It gave me great comfort.
Ra: I am Ra. You have complete freedom to schedule workings.
We suggest the nature of all manifestation to be illusory and functional only insofar as the entity turns from shape and shadow to the One.
I am Ra. We leave you, my friends, in the love and the glorious light of the One Infinite Creator. Go forth, then, rejoicing in the power and in the peace of the One Infinite Creator. Adonai.
46.3 Questioner: I’m not familiar with the ritual sentences. If the instrument is familiar you need not answer this, but which sentences do you mean?
Ra: [Silence. No response from Ra.]
54.3 Questioner: Would you please do that?
Ra: I am Ra. As we have noted, each mind/body/spirit complex has several guides available to it. The persona of two of these guides is the polarity of male and female. The third is androgynous* and represents a more unified conceptualization faculty.
The guide speaking as sound vibration complex, Angelica, was the female polarized persona. The message may not be fully explicated due to the Law of Confusion. We may suggest that in order to progress, a state of some dissatisfaction will be present, thus giving the entity the stimulus for further seeking. This dissatisfaction, nervousness, or angst, if you will, is not of itself useful. Thus its use is indirect.
81.16 Questioner: Ra states that it has knowledge of only this octave, but it seems that Ra has complete knowledge of this octave.
Can you tell me why this is?
Ra: I am Ra. Firstly, we do not have complete knowledge of this octave. There are portions of the seventh density which, although described to us by our teachers, remain mysterious. Secondly, we have experienced a great deal of the available refining catalyst of this octave, and our teachers have worked with us most carefully that we may be one with all, that in turn our eventual returning to the great allness of creation shall be complete.
26.15 Questioner: Wondering if the one, Abraham Lincoln, could have possibly been a Wanderer?
Ra: I am Ra. This is incorrect. This entity was a normal, shall we say, Earth being which chose to leave the vehicle and allow an entity to use it on a permanent basis. This is relatively rare compared to the phenomenon of Wanderers.
You would do better considering the incarnations of Wanderers such as the one known as “Thomas,” the one known as “Benjamin.”
81.27 Questioner: Does Ra have knowledge of, say, any other major galaxy or the consciousness or anything in that galaxy?
Ra: I am Ra. We assume you are speaking of the possibility of knowledge of other major galaxies. There are Wanderers from other major galaxies drawn to the specific needs of a single call. There are those among our social memory complex which have become Wanderers in other major galaxies. Thus there has been knowledge of other major galaxies, for to one whose personality or mind/body/spirit complex has been crystallized the universe is one place and there is no bar upon travel. However, our interpretation of your query was a query concerning the social memory complex traveling to another major galaxy. We have not done this, nor do we contemplate it, for we can reach in love with our hearts.
82.25 Questioner: I don’t grasp too well the condition of incarnation and time between incarnation prior to the veil in that I do not understand what was the difference other than the manifestation of the third-density, yellow-ray body. Was there any mental difference upon what we call death? Was there any— I don’t see the necessity for what we call a review of the incarnation if the consciousness was uninterrupted. Could you clear that point for me?
Ra: I am Ra. No portion of the Creator audits the course, to use your experiential terms. Each incarnation is intended to be a course in the Creator knowing Itself. A review or, shall we say, to continue the metaphor, each test is an integral portion of the process of the Creator knowing Itself. Each incarnation will end with such a test. This is so that the portion of the Creator may assimilate the experiences in yellow-ray, physical third density, may evaluate the biases gained, and may then choose, either by means of automatically provided aid or by the self, the conditions of the next incarnation.
10.16 Questioner: Only one, other than what we can do to make the instrument more comfortable. I have only one other question. I would like to have brief information of the word you use, “galaxy.”
Ra: I am Ra. We use the term known to your people by the sound vibration complex “galaxy.” We accept that some galaxies contain one system of planetary and solar groups, others containing several. However, the importance of the locus in infinite time/space dimensionality is so little that we accept the distortion implicit in such an ambiguous term.
20.28 Questioner: Very good. Then, was the Confederation, shall we say, watching to see and expecting to see a harvest at the end of the 25,000-year period in which a percentage would be harvestable fourth-density positive and a percentage harvestable fourth-density negative?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct. You may see our role in the first major cycle as that of the gardener who, knowing the season, is content to wait for the spring. When the springtime does not occur, the seeds do not sprout; then it is that the gardener must work in the garden.
71.20 Questioner: Can you tell me if we have covered the necessary material to this point to, if published, make the necessary reparations for the naïve actions?
Ra: I am Ra. We mean no disrespect for your service, but we do not expect to make full reparations for these distortions. We may, however, offer our thoughts in the attempt. The attempt is far more important to us than the completeness of the result. The nature of your language is such that what is distorted cannot, to our knowledge, be fully undistorted but only illuminated somewhat.
79.13 Questioner: The archetypical mind of the Logos prior to this experiment in extension of the first distortion then was what I would consider to be less complex than it is now, possibly containing fewer archetypes. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. We must ask your patience. We perceive a sudden flare of the distortion known as pain in this instrument’s left arm and manual appendage. Please do not touch this instrument. We shall examine the mind complex and attempt to reposition the limb so that the working may continue. Then please repeat the query.
[Two-minute pause.]
I am Ra. You may proceed.
69.21 Questioner: You mean the character Trostrick.
Ra: I am Ra. This is incorrect. We referred to Esmerelda, as this imagined entity was called.
We may note that long practice at the art which each intuits here would be helpful. We cannot speak of methodology for the infringement would be most great. However, to speak of group efforts is, as we scan each, merely confirmation of what is known. Therefore, this we may do.
We have the available energy for one fairly brief query.
14.28 Questioner: Can you tell me who was responsible for transmitting the book Oahspe*?
Ra: I am Ra. This was transmitted by one of Confederation social memory complex status whose idea, as offered to the Council, was to use some of the known physical history of the so-called religions or religious distortions of your cycle in order to veil and partially unveil aspects or primal distortions of the Law of One. All names can be taken to be created for their vibrational characteristics. The information buried within has to do with a deeper understanding of love and light, and the attempts of infinite intelligence through many messengers to teach/learn those entities of your sphere.
89.26 Questioner: All right, we’ll attempt to do that. Ra stated that a major breakthrough was made when proper emphasis was put on Arcanum Twenty-Two. This didn’t happen until after Ra had completed third density. I assume from this that Ra, being polarized positively, probably had some of the same difficulty that occurred prior to the veil in that the negative polarity was not appreciated. That’s a guess. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. In one way it is precisely correct. Our harvest was overwhelmingly positive and our appreciation of those which were negative was relatively uninformed. However, we were intending to suggest that in the use of the system known to you as the tarot for advancing the spiritual evolution of the self a proper understanding, if we may use this misnomer, of Archetype Twenty-Two is greatly helpful in sharpening the basic view of the Significator of Mind, Body, and Spirit and, further, throws into starker relief the Transformation and Great Way of Mind, Body, and Spirit complexes.
101.2 Questioner: Thank you. What has caused the swelling in Jim’s body, and what can be done to heal it?
Ra: I am Ra. For the answer to this query we must begin with the consideration of the serpent, signifying wisdom. This symbol has the value of the ease of viewing the two faces of the one who is wise. Positive wisdom adorns the brow indicating indigo-ray work. Negative wisdom, by which we intend to signify expressions which effectually separate the self from the other-self, may be symbolized by the poison of the fangs. To use that which a mind/body/spirit complex has gained of wisdom for the uses of separation is to invite the fatal bite of that wisdom’s darker side.
The entity has a mental/emotional tendency, which has been lessening in distortion for some of your space/time, towards negative wisdom. The entity being already aware of this causes us not to dwell upon this point but merely to specifically draw the boundaries of the metaphysical background for the energizing of a series of bites from one of your second-density species. In this case the bite was no more than that of one of the arachnids, sometimes called the wood spider. However, it is possible that were enough work done to test the origin of the pathology of the entity, it is within possibility/probability limits that the testing would show the bite of the cottonmouth rather than the bite of the common wood spider.
The energizing took its place within the lymphatic system of the entity’s yellow-ray, physical body. Therefore, the working continues. There is increasing strain upon the spleen, the supra-renal glands, the renal complex, and some possibility/probability of difficulty with the liver. Further, the lymphatic difficulties have begun to strain the entity’s bronchial system. This is some general information upon what is to be noted as a somewhat efficient working.
The removal of these distortions has several portions. Firstly, it is well to seek the good offices of the one known as Stuart so that harsh chemical means may be taken to reawaken the histaminic* reflexes of the entity and to aid in the removal of edema.
Secondly, we suggest that which has already begun; that is, the request of the one known now to this group as Bob that this entity may focus its aid upon the metaphysical connections with the yellow-ray body.
Thirdly, the entity must take note of its physical vehicle’s need for potassium. The ingesting of the fruit of the banana palm is recommended.
Fourthly, the links between the swelling of contumely* and the apparent present situation is helpful. As always the support of the harmonious group is an aid, as is meditation. It is to be noted that this entity requires some discipline in the meditation which the others of the group do not find necessary in the same manner. Therefore, the entity may continue with its forms of meditation knowing that each in the group supports it entirely although the instinct to share in the discipline is not always present. Each entity has its ways of viewing and learning from the illusion, and each processes catalyst using unique circuitry. Thus all need not be the same to be equal in will and faith.
1.9 Questioner: Can you say anything about the coming planetary changes?
[Background noise.]
Ra: I am Ra. I preferred to wait until this instrument had again reached the proper state of depth of singleness or one-pointedness before we spoke.
The changes are very, very trivial. We do not concern ourselves with the conditions which bring about harvest*.
4.13 Questioner: I’m assuming, then, that the selected individual would necessarily be one who was very much in harmony with the Law of One. Though he may not have any intellectual understanding of it, he should be living the Law of One. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is both correct and incorrect. The first case, that being correctness, would apply to one such as the questioner itself who has the distortion towards healing, as you call it.
The incorrectness which shall be observed is the healing of those whose activities in your space/time illusion do not reflect the Law of One, but whose ability has found its pathway to intelligent infinity regardless of the plane of existence from which this distortion is found.
8.16 Questioner: What did they do to Charlie Hickson when they took him on board?
Ra: I am Ra. They used his mind/body/spirit complex’s life experience, concentrating upon the experience of the complexes of what you call war.
The original Law of One books are copyright ©1982, 1984, 1998 L/L Research. The Ra Contact books are copyright ©2018 L/L Research and Tobey Wheelock.
This site copyright ©2003–2025 Tobey Wheelock.
Questions? Comments? Email me: tw at law of one dot info.