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69.8 Questioner: Would this be a function of the balancing action under the first distortion?
Ra: I am Ra. Your query is somewhat opaque. Please restate for specificity.
69.10 Questioner: Now, has a Wanderer ever been so infringed upon by, shall I say, a negative adept or whoever and then placed in negative time/space?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
69.22 Questioner: There are many techniques and ways of practicing so-called white magical arts. Are rituals designed by a particular group for their own particular use just as good or possibly better than those that have been practiced by groups such as the Order of the Golden Dawn and other magical groups?
Ra: I am Ra. Although we are unable to speak with precision on this query, we may note some gratification that the questioner has penetrated some of the gist of a formidable system of service and discipline.
I am Ra. May we thank you again, my friends, for your conscientiousness. All is well. We leave you rejoicing in the power and the peace of the One Infinite Creator. Go forth with joy. Adonai.
70.1 Questioner: Could you please give me an indication of the condition of the instrument?
Ra: I am Ra. We are gratified to say that it is as previously stated.
70.2 Questioner: Why do you say you are gratified to say that?
Ra: I am Ra. We say this due to a sense of gratitude at the elements which have enabled this instrument to maintain, against great odds, its vital energy at normal vibratory strength. As long as this complex of energies is satisfactory we may use this instrument without depletion regardless of the distortions previously mentioned.
70.3 Questioner: The instrument has complained of intensive psychic attack for the past diurnal period, approximately. Is there a reason for the intensification of this at this time?
Ra: I am Ra. Yes.
70.13 Questioner: The higher self existing in mid-sixth density seems to be at the point where the negative and positive paths of experience merge into one. Is there a reason for this?
Ra: I am Ra. We have covered this material previously.
71.3 Questioner: This would probably be possible in the higher densities such as the fifth density. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. In fifth-density harvest, polarization has very little to do with harvestability.
71.9 Questioner: Are the processes that we are talking about processes that occur on many planets in our Milky Way Galaxy, or do they occur on all planets, or what percentage?
Ra: I am Ra. These processes occur upon all planets which have given birth to sub-Logoi such as yourselves. The percentage of inhabited planets is approximately 10%.
71.10 Questioner: What percentage of stars, roughly, have planetary systems?
Ra: I am Ra. This is unimportant information, but harmless. Approximately 32% of stars have planets as you know them while another 6% have some sort of clustering material which upon some densities might be inhabitable.
71.23 Questioner: Is there anything that we can do to improve the contact or make the instrument more comfortable?
Ra: I am Ra. You are conscientious. Remain most fastidious about the alignments of the appurtenances. We thank you. I am Ra. I leave you in the love and in the glorious light of the Infinite Creator. Go forth, therefore, rejoicing in the power and in the peace of the One Infinite Creator. Adonai.
72.2 Questioner: Was the banishing ritual that we performed of any effect in purifying the place of working and screening from influences that we do not wish?
Ra: I am Ra. This is quite correct.
72.12 Questioner: Could you explain what you mean by “raises up any personality?”
Ra: I am Ra. Clues, we may offer. Explanation is infringement. We can only ask that you realize that all are One.
73.9 Questioner: Previously you stated— I believe I’m correct in say[ing] this— that where the two directions meet you have a measure, let us say, of the development of any particular mind/body/spirit complex. Am I correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
73.11 Questioner: Desire and will are key factors in the process. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. We would add one quality. In the magical personality desire, will, and polarity are the keys.
74.1 Questioner: Could you first please give me the condition of the instrument?
Ra: I am Ra. It is as previously stated.
74.5 Questioner: I have a question here that I am going to answer and let you correct. I see that the disciplines of the personality feed the indigo-ray energy center and affect the power of the white magician by unblocking the lower energy centers and allowing for a free flow of the upward spiraling light to reach the indigo center. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. No.
74.6 Questioner: Would you please correct me?
Ra: I am Ra. The indigo center is indeed most important for the work of the adept. However, it cannot, no matter how crystallized, correct to any extent whatsoever imbalances or blockages in other energy centers. They must needs be cleared seriatim* from red upwards.
74.7 Questioner: I’m not sure if I understand this. The question is how do disciplines of the personality feed the indigo-ray energy center and affect the power of the white magician. Does that question make sense?
Ra: I am Ra. Yes.
74.2 Questioner: Before I get to new material, last session there seems to have been a small error that I corrected then having to do with the statement, “no working comes from it but only through it.” Was this an error in transmission? Or what caused this problem?
Ra: I am Ra. This instrument, while fully open to our narrow-band contact, at times experiences a sudden strengthening of the distortion which you call pain. This weakens the contact momentarily. This type of increased distortion has been occurring in this instrument’s bodily complex with more frequency in the time period which you may term the previous fortnight. Although it is not normally a phenomenon which causes difficulties in transmission, it did so twice in the previous working. Both times it was necessary to correct or rectify the contact.
74.12 Questioner: You stated that a working of service to others has the potential of alerting a great mass of light strength. Could you describe just exactly how this works and what the uses of this would be?
Ra: I am Ra. There are sound vibratory complexes which act much like the dialing of your telephone. When they are appropriately vibrated with accompanying will and concentration it is as though many upon your metaphysical or inner planes received a telephone call. This call they answer by their attention to your working.
74.18 Questioner: Why do these sounds have this property?
Ra: I am Ra. The correspondence in vibratory complex is mathematical.
At this time we have enough transferred energy for one full query.
75.29 Questioner: Then would the adept use this resonant quality to become more one with the creation and, therefore, attain his objective in that way?
Ra: I am Ra. It would, perhaps, be more accurate to state that in this circumstance the creation becomes more and more contained within the practitioner. The balance of your query is correct.
75.41 Questioner: Is there anything that we can do to make the instrument more comfortable or improve the contact?
Ra: I am Ra. You are conscientious. The alignments are well.
I am Ra. I leave you, my friends, in the love and the light of the One Infinite Creator. Go forth, therefore, rejoicing in the power and peace of the One Infinite Creator. Adonai.
76.1 Questioner: Could you first please give me an indication of the condition of the instrument?
Ra: I am Ra. This instrument is in a state of physical complex bankruptcy which has existed for some of the measure you call time. The vital energies are normal with a strong spiritual complex counterpart and will lending substance to the mind/body/spirit complex energy levels.
76.5 Questioner: Would it be beneficial for us to perform [the] banishing ritual more in this room?
Ra: I am Ra. It is beneficial to regularly work in this place.
77.1 Questioner: Could you first please give me an indication of the condition of the instrument?
Ra: I am Ra. It is as previously stated.
77.2 Questioner: Was the instrument under attack just prior to this session?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
77.24 Questioner: Now, there are several general concepts that I would like to be sure that we have clear before going into this process and I will certainly adhere to the requests that you have just stated.
When our Logos designed this particular evolution of experience It decided to use the system of which we spoke creating, or allowing for, polarization through total free will. How is this different from the Logos that does not do this? I see the Logos creating the possibility of increase in vibration through the densities. Let me ask first: How are the densities provided for and set up by the Logos, if you can answer this?
Ra: I am Ra. This shall be the last full query of this working. The psychic attack upon this instrument has, shall we say, left scars which must be tended, in our own opinion, in order to maintain the instrument.
Let us observe your second density. Many come more rapidly to third density than others not because of an innate efficiency of catalysis but because of unusual opportunities for investment. In just such a way those of fourth density may invest third, those of fifth density may invest fourth. When fifth density has been obtained the process takes upon itself a momentum based upon the characteristics of wisdom when applied to circumstance. The Logos Itself, then, in these instances provides investment opportunities, if you wish to use that term. May we enquire if there are any brief queries at this space/time?
78.8 Questioner: OK. Thank you. I am going to go back to an earlier time, if you could call it that, in the evolution to try to establish a very fundamental base for some of the concepts that seem to be the foundation of everything that we experience here so that we can more fully examine the basis of our evolution.
I am guessing that in our Milky Way Galaxy (that is, the major galaxy with billions of stars that we find ourselves in) that the progress of evolution was from the center outward toward the rim and that in the early evolution of this galaxy the first distortion was not extended down past the sub-Logos simply because it was not thought of or not conceived and that this extension of the first distortion, which created the polarization that we experience, was something that occurred at what we would call a later time, or as the evolution progressed outward from the center of the galaxy. Am I in any way correct with this statement?
Ra: I am Ra. You are correct.
78.30 Questioner: Are the seven archetypes for mind a function of or related to the seven densities that are to be experienced in the octave?
Ra: I am Ra. The relationship is tangential in that no congruency may be seen. However, the progress through the archetypes has some of the characteristics of the progress through the densities. These relationships may be viewed without being, shall we say, pasted one upon the other.
78.31 Questioner: How about the seven bodily energy centers? Are they related to archetypes in some way?
Ra: I am Ra. The same may be said of these. It is informative to view the relationships but stifling to insist upon the limitations of congruency. Recall at all times, if you would use this term, that the archetypes are a portion of the resources of the mind complex.
79.1 Questioner: Could you first please give me the condition of the instrument?
Ra: I am Ra. It is as previously stated.
79.2 Questioner: The instrument would like to ask, is there any danger in receiving too much transferred energy with the instrument in her present condition?
Ra: I am Ra. No.
79.11 Questioner: Then from that statement I assume that the Logos contemplating a mechanism to become what it was not first devised the tool of separating the unconscious from the conscious during what we call physical incarnation to achieve its objective? Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. Yes.
79.12 Questioner: Then from that statement I also assume that many other tools were conceived and used after the first tool of the so-called veil. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. There have been refinements.
79.19 Questioner: Could you tell me what you mean by “the significator must become a complex?”
Ra: I am Ra. To be complex is to consist of more than one characteristic element or concept.
79.21 Questioner: The first change made then for this extension of free will was to make the information or make the communication between the Matrix and Potentiator of the Mind relatively unavailable one to the other during the incarnation. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. We would perhaps rather term the condition as relatively more mystery-filled than relatively unavailable.
79.25 Questioner: Could you de-roughen it, elucidate a bit on that?
Ra: I am Ra. There is intervening material before we may do so.
79.27 Questioner: I was just wondering since this seems to be the crux of the experiment— this seems to be the large breaking point between no extension of the first distortion and the extension of the first distortion— what the result of this original experiment was with respect to that which was created from it. What was the result of that?
Ra: I am Ra. This is previously covered material.* The result of these experiments has been a more vivid, varied, and intense experience of Creator by Creator.
79.36 Questioner: Would the Hierophant* then be somewhat of a governor or sorter of these effects so as to create the proper assimilation by the unconscious of that which comes through the conscious?
Ra: I am Ra. Although thoughtful, the supposition is incorrect in its heart.
80.2 Questioner: I had to leave the room for a forgotten item after we performed the banishing ritual. Did this have a deleterious effect on the ritual or the working?
Ra: I am Ra. Were it the only working the lapse would have been critical. There is enough residual energy of a protective nature in this place of working that this lapse, though quite unrecommended, does not represent a threat to the protection which the ritual of which you spoke offers.
81.1 Questioner: Could you first please tell me the condition of the instrument?
Ra: I am Ra. The physical complex energy is in deficit at this particular space/time nexus due to prolonged psychic accentuation of pre-existing distortions. The remainder of the energy complex levels are as previously stated.
81.4 Questioner: Is the effect a function of the number of sessions, and has it reached a peak level or will it continue to increase in effect?
Ra: I am Ra. This wearying effect will continue but should not be confused with the physical energy levels, having only to do with the, as you would call it, daily round of experience. In this sphere those things which are known already to aid this instrument will continue to be of aid. You will, however, notice the gradual increase in transparency, shall we say, of the vibrations of the instrument.
81.10 Questioner: She would like to know if she has an increased sensitivity to foods?
Ra: I am Ra. This instrument has an increased sensitivity to all stimuli. It is well that it use prudence.
81.16 Questioner: Ra states that it has knowledge of only this octave, but it seems that Ra has complete knowledge of this octave.
Can you tell me why this is?
Ra: I am Ra. Firstly, we do not have complete knowledge of this octave. There are portions of the seventh density which, although described to us by our teachers, remain mysterious. Secondly, we have experienced a great deal of the available refining catalyst of this octave, and our teachers have worked with us most carefully that we may be one with all, that in turn our eventual returning to the great allness of creation shall be complete.
81.17 Questioner: Then Ra has knowledge from the first beginnings of this octave through its present experience as, what I might call direct or experiential knowledge through communication with those space/times and time/spaces, but has not yet evolved to or penetrated the seventh level. Is this a roughly correct statement?
Ra: I am Ra. Yes.
81.20 Questioner: The point being that we have unity. Is that correct?
Ra: I am Ra. You are perceptive.
81.21 Questioner: Then what portion of these galaxies is Ra aware of? Has Ra experienced consciousness in many other of these galaxies?
Ra: I am Ra. No.
82.1 Questioner: Could you first please give me the condition of the instrument?
Ra: I am Ra. It is as previously stated.
82.5 Questioner: Does Ra have any knowledge of the number of previous octaves; and if so, how many?
Ra: I am Ra. As far as we are aware we are in an infinite creation. There is no counting.
82.8 Questioner: Considering only our Milky Way Galaxy: At its beginnings, I will assume that the first— was the first occurrence that we could find presently with our physical apparatus— was the first occurrence the appearance of a star of the nature of our sun?
Ra: I am Ra. In the case of the galactic systems the first manifestation of the Logos is a cluster of central systems which generate the outward swirling energies producing, in their turn, further energy centers for the Logos or what you would call stars.
82.15 Questioner: Specifically, I am trying to grasp an understanding first of the process of experience in third density before the veil so that I can [have a] better understanding of the present process. Now, as I understand it, the mind/body/spirit complexes went through the process of what we call physical incarnation in this density but there was no forgetting. What was the benefit or purpose of the physical incarnation when there was no forgetting?
Ra: I am Ra. The purpose of incarnation in third density is to learn the ways of love.
82.16 Questioner: I guess I didn’t state that exactly right. What I mean is, since there was no forgetting, since the mind/body/spirit complexes had the consciousness, in what we call physical incarnation… they knew the same thing that they would know not in the physical incarnation. What was the mechanism of teaching that taught this, the ways of love, in the third-density physical prior to the forgetting process?
Ra: I am Ra. We ask your permission to answer this query in an oblique fashion as we perceive an area in which we might be of aid.
82.18 Questioner: Then prior to the forgetting process, there was no concept of anything but service-to-others polarization. What sort of societies and experiences in third density were created and evolved in this condition?
Ra: I am Ra. It is our perception that such conditions created the situation of a most pallid experiential nexus in which lessons were garnered with the relative speed of the turtle to the cheetah.
82.20 Questioner: Did the highly technological societies evolve travel through what we call space to other planets or other planetary systems? Did some of them do this?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
82.23 Questioner: It seems that you might make an analogy in our present illusion of those who are born into extreme wealth and security. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. Within the strict bounds of the simile, you are perceptive.
82.30 Questioner: Is there anything that we can do to improve the contact or make the instrument more comfortable?
Ra: I am Ra. All parameters are being met. Remain united in love and thanksgiving. We thank you for your conscientiousness as regards the appurtenances.
I am Ra. I leave you in the love and in the light of the One Infinite Glorious Creator. Go forth, therefore, rejoicing merrily in the power and the peace of the One Creator. Adonai.
83.1 Questioner: Could you first please give me the condition of the instrument?
Ra: I am Ra. It is as previously stated.
83.6 Questioner: I’ll make this statement and you can correct me, then. As I see the nature of the action of disease, specifically before the veil, it seems to me that the Logos had decided upon a program where an individual mind/body/spirit would continue to grow in mind and the body would be the third-density analog of this mind, and the growth would be continual unless there was a lack of growth or an inability, for some reason, for the mind to continue along the growth patterns. If this growth decelerated or stopped, then what we call disease would then act in a way so as to eventually terminate this physical experience so that a new physical experience could be started to continue the growth process, after a review of the entire process had taken place between incarnations. Would you clear up my thinking on that, please?
Ra: I am Ra. Your thinking is sufficiently clear on this subject.
83.12 Questioner: Then you say that there are no cases where those who are service-to-others oriented are using in any way techniques of enslavement that have grown as a result of the evolution of our social structures? Is this what you mean?
Ra: I am Ra. It was our understanding that your query concerned conditions before the veiling. There was no unconscious slavery, as you call this condition, at that period. At the present space/time the condition of well-meant and unintentional slavery are so numerous that it beggars our ability to enumerate them.
83.22 Questioner: Would you correct me, please?
Ra: I am Ra. There were many experiments whereby various of the functions or distortions of the body complex were veiled and others not. A large number of these experiments resulted in nonviable body complexes or those only marginally viable. For instance, it is not a survival-oriented mechanism for the nerve receptors to blank out unconsciously any distortions towards pain.
83.26 Questioner: What I was trying to indicate was that the plan of the Logos in veiling the conscious from the unconscious in such a way that the pain could not so easily be controlled would have created a system of catalyst that was not previously usable. Is this generally correct?
Ra: I am Ra. Yes.
84.1 Questioner: Could you first please give me the condition of the instrument?
Ra: I am Ra. The physical complex energy level of the instrument is in sizable deficit. The vital energies are well.
84.6 Questioner: Thank you. The instrument asks if the restricted, unpublishable healing information that was given during the first book be included in Book Four since readers who have gotten that far will be dedicated somewhat?
Ra: I am Ra. This publication of material shall, in time, shall we say, be appropriate. There is intervening material.
85.3 Questioner: What is the current situation with respect to our fifth-density, service-to-self polarized companion, shall I say?
Ra: I am Ra. Your companion has never been more closely associated with you than at the present nexus. You may see a kind of crisis occurring upon the so-called magical level at this particular space/time nexus.
85.12 Questioner: I believe that there were salient errors in the communication we just completed because of transmission difficulties. Are you aware of these errors?
Ra: I am Ra. We are unaware of errors although this instrument is experiencing flares of pain, as you call this distortion. We welcome and encourage your perceptions in correcting any errors in transmission.
85.13 Questioner: I think simply that the statement was made that we were speaking of the service-to-others path. Would you check that, please?
Ra: I am Ra. May we ask that you be apprised of our intention to have spoken of the service-to-self path as the path of that which is not.
85.14 Questioner: I am just interested in the problem here that we sometimes have with transmission since the word “others” was used three times in the transmission rather than the word “self.” And could you give me an idea of the problem of communication that we had there that creates that type of an anomaly which, if I didn’t catch, could create a rather large discrepancy in communication?
Ra: I am Ra. Firstly, we may note the clumsiness of language and our unfamiliarity with it in our native, shall we say, experience. Secondly, we may point out that once we have miscalled or misnumbered an event or thing, that referent is quite likely to be reused for some transmission time, as you call this measurement, due to our original error having gone undetected by ourselves.
85.17 Questioner: What changes of functions, or control, or understanding, etc., of the mind/body/spirits were most effective in producing the evolution desired due to the veiling process?
Ra: I am Ra. We are having difficulty retaining clear channel through this instrument. It has a safe margin of transferred energy but is experiencing pain flares. May we ask that you repeat the query as we have a better channel now.
86.14 Questioner: It was noticed that this occurs in small units during the night with gaps in between. Is there any particular reason for this?
Ra: I am Ra. Yes.
87.2 Questioner: Thank you. In considering what was mentioned in the last session about the censer I have thought about the fact that the position of the origin of the smoke changes approximately six inches horizontally. Would it be better to have a censer in a single, horizontal smoking position?
Ra: I am Ra. This alteration would be an helpful one given that the censer is virgin.
87.3 Questioner: What would be the optimum geometrical arrangement of censer, chalice, and candle with respect to Bible and table and the positions we now have them in?
Ra: I am Ra. Both chalice and candle occupy the optimal configuration with respect to the book most closely aligned with the Law of One in the distortion complexes of this instrument. It is optimal to have the censer to the rear of this book and centered at the spine of its open configuration.
87.20 Questioner: Before the veil there was knowledge of the bulb-lighting technique, shall we say. After the veil some experiments created a bulb lighting; some resulted in no bulb lighting. Other than the fact that information was not available on methods of lighting the bulb, was there some root cause of the experiments that resulted in no bulb lighting?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
87.21 Questioner: What was this root cause?
Ra: I am Ra. The root cause of blockage is the lack of the ability to see the other-self as the Creator, or to phrase this differently, the lack of love.
87.29 Questioner: Is there anything we can do to make the instrument more comfortable or improve the contact?
Ra: I am Ra. We shall find the suggested readjustment of the censer helpful. The alignments are good. You have been conscientious, my friends. We leave you now in the love and in the light of the One Infinite Creator. Go forth, therefore, rejoicing merrily in the power and in the ineffable peace of the One Infinite Creator. Adonai.
88.1 Questioner: Could you first please give me the condition of the instrument?
Ra: I am Ra. The physical complex energy deficit is considerable at this space/time. There has been also a significant loss of the vital energies. However, these energies are still well within the distortion you may call strength.
88.20 Questioner: Well, how did the teacher relay information to the student with respect to visualization?
Ra: I am Ra. The process was cabalistic; that is, of the oral tradition of mouth to ear.
88.25 Questioner: Is there anything that we can do to improve the contact or make the instrument more comfortable?
Ra: I am Ra. We again ward you concerning the distortions of the instrument’s hands. The fourth-density influence upon them could be inconvenient in that, if allowed to proceed without abatement, what you call your surgery shall be almost immediately necessary.
The alignments are good. You have been fastidious. We leave you, my friends, in the love and in the light of the One Infinite Creator. Go forth, therefore, rejoicing merrily in the power and in the glorious peace of the One Infinite Creator. Adonai.
89.1 Questioner: Could you first please give me the condition of the instrument?
Ra: I am Ra. It is as previously stated.
89.10 Questioner: Did the planet Venus become a fourth-density planet at that time?
Ra: I am Ra. This is so.
89.15 Questioner: In other words, you might say that these were better than, say, 95% correct as far as representing what is on the walls of the Great Pyramid?
Ra: I am Ra. Yes.
89.17 Questioner: Then at this particular time Ra had long since vacated the planet as far as walking among the Egyptians. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. Yes.
89.39 Questioner: I just can’t understand why they would think that a planet that was doing as well as Ra was doing as far as I can tell would need Wanderers in order to help with a harvest. Was this at an early point in Ra’s third density?
Ra: I am Ra. It was in the second cycle of 25,000 years. We had a harvest of six out of thirty, to speak roughly, millions of mind/body/spirit complexes, less than 20%. Wanderers are always drawn to whatever percentage has not yet polarized, and come when there is a call. There was a call from those which were not positively polarized as such but which sought to be positively polarized and sought wisdom, feeling the compassion of other-selves upon Venus as complacent or pitying towards other-selves.
89.43 Questioner: I assume, then, that they came in late. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. Yes.
90.1 Questioner: First, please give me the condition of the instrument.
Ra: I am Ra. The physical complex energy deficit is somewhat increased by continued distortions towards pain. The vital energy levels are as previously stated, having fluctuated slightly between askings.
90.25 Questioner: What were these?
Ra: I am Ra. One more; that is, the permeability of the densities so that there may be communication from density to density and from plane to plane or sub-density to sub-density.
90.27 Questioner: Then, is the major mechanism forming the ways and very essence of the experience that we presently experience here the archetypical mind and the archetypes?
Ra: I am Ra. These resources are a part of that which you refer to.
91.1 Questioner: Could you first please give me the condition of the instrument?
Ra: I am Ra. It is as previously stated.
91.5 Questioner: This then creates, I would assume, the planetary or racial mind. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. No.
91.8 Questioner: Were we successful in re-establishing clear contact?
Ra: I am Ra. There was the misstep which then needed to be re-repeated. This was done. The communication is once again clear. We enjoyed the humorous aspects of the necessary repetitions.
91.10 Questioner: What kind of distortion?
Ra: I am Ra. The degree of distortion would depend upon the amount of neglect. The ultimate penalty, shall we say, for the disturbing of the physical vehicle is the death, in this case by what you would call the congestive heart failure. As the support group was prompt there should be little or no distortion experienced by the instrument.
91.12 Questioner: To get back to what we were talking about, would then possibly the different races that inhabit this planet be from different planets in our local vicinity or the planets of nearby Logoi that have evolved through their second-density experiences to create the large number of different races that we experience on this planet? Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. There are correctnesses to your supposition. However, not all races and sub-races are of various planetary origins. We suggest that in looking at planetary origins one observes not the pigmentation of the integument but the biases concerning interactions with other-selves and definitions regarding the nature of the self.
91.13 Questioner: How many different planets have supplied the individuals that now inhabit this planet in this third density?
Ra: I am Ra. This is perceived by us to be unimportant information, but harmless. There are three major planetary influences upon your planetary sphere, besides those of your own second-density derivation, and thirteen minor planetary groups in addition to the above.
91.20 Questioner: The hand downward has been seen as seeking from within, not outwardly active dominance over the material world. Would Ra comment?
Ra: I am Ra. Look again, O student. Does the hand reach within? Nay. Without potentiation the conscious mind has no inwardness. That hand, O student, reaches towards that which, outside its unpotentiated influence, is locked from it.
91.22 Questioner: The dark area around the square would then be the darkness of the subconscious mind. Would Ra comment?
Ra: I am Ra. There is no further thing to say to the perceptive student.
91.23 Questioner: The checkered portion would represent polarity?
Ra: I am Ra. This also is satisfactory.
91.30 Questioner: Then was this a representation of the waiting polarity to be tasted by the Matrix of the Mind?
Ra: I am Ra. This is exquisitely perceptive.
91.32 Questioner: I have listed the coin as work accomplished. I am also in doubt about the existence of the coin in this diagram. Would Ra comment?
Ra: I am Ra. Again, doubt not that which the coin is called to represent, for does not the Magus strive to achieve through the manifested world? Yet release the coin from its stricture.
91.33 Questioner: And finally, the Magician represents the conscious mind. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. We ask the student to consider the concept of the unfed conscious mind, the mind without any resource but consciousness. Do not confuse the unfed conscious mind with that mass of complexities which you as students experience, as you have so many, many times dipped already into the processes of potentiation, catalyst, experience, and transformation.
The original Law of One books are copyright ©1982, 1984, 1998 L/L Research. The Ra Contact books are copyright ©2018 L/L Research and Tobey Wheelock.
This site copyright ©2003–2025 Tobey Wheelock.
Questions? Comments? Email me: tw at law of one dot info.