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20.20 Questioner: Thank you. What percentage of the entities, roughly, were— who were in third density here at that time were Martian and what percentage were harvested out of Earth’s second density?
Ra: I am Ra. There were perhaps one-half of the third-density population being entities from the Red Planet, Mars, as you call it. Perhaps one-quarter from second density of your planetary sphere. Approximately one-quarter from other sources, other planetary spheres whose entities chose this planetary sphere for third-density work.
20.34 Questioner: Well, then, did Orion entities do this themselves? Did they, did they land in physical, or did they do it from mental planes, or did they use one of the incarnate entities to construct these by thought?
Ra: I am Ra. Nearly all of these structures and formations were constructed at a distance by thought. A very few were created in later times in imitation of original constructs by entities upon your Earth plane/density.
89.31 Questioner: What techniques did the two negatively harvested entities use for negative polarization on such a positively polarized planet?
Ra: I am Ra. The technique of control over others and domination unto the physical death was used in both cases. Upon a planetary influence much unused to slaughter these entities were able to polarize by this means. Upon your third-density environment at the time of your experiencing such entities would merely be considered, shall we say, ruthless despots which waged the holy war.
10.4 Questioner: Well, have any of these entities moved on now, made a, shall we say, graduation at the end of a seventy-five [thousand] year cycle and gotten out of the second-density body into third-density-type bodies?
Ra: I am Ra. Many of these entities were able to remove the accumulation of what you call karma, thus being able to accept a third-density cycle within a third-density body. Most of those beings so succeeding have incarnated elsewhere in the creation for the succeeding cycle in third density. As this planet reached third density some few of these entities became able to join the vibration of this sphere in the third-density form. There remain a few who have not yet alleviated through the mind/body/spirit coordination of distortions the previous action taken by them. Therefore, they remain.
8.22 Questioner: What was the home or origin of the entities that took Charlie?
Ra: I am Ra. These entities are of the Sirius galaxy.
9.5 Questioner: The original, the first entities on this planet— what was their origin? Where were they before they were on this planet?
Ra: I am Ra. The first entities upon this planet were water, fire, air and earth.
11.17 Questioner: At what stage does a planet achieve social memory?
Ra: I am Ra. A mind/body/spirit social complex becomes a social memory complex when its entire group of entities are of one orientation or seeking. The group memory lost to the individuals in the roots of the tree of mind then become[s] known to the social complex, thus creating a social memory complex. The advantages of this complex are the relative lack of distortion in understanding the social beingness and the relative lack of distortion in pursuing the direction of seeking, for all understanding/distortions are available to the entities of the society.
18.15 Questioner: Can you tell me what these genetic changes were and how they were brought about?
Ra: I am Ra. Some of these genetic changes were in a form similar to what you call the cloning process. Thus, entities incarnated in the image of the Yahweh entities. The second was a contact of the nature you know as sexual, changing the mind/body/spirit complex through the natural means of the patterns of reproduction devised by the intelligent energy of your physical complex.
21.16 Questioner: When did the first call occur, and how did it occur?
Ra: The first calling was approximately four six thousand, forty-six thousand [46,000] of your years ago. This calling was of those of Maldek. These entities were aware of their need for rectifying the consequences of their action and were in some confusion in an incarnate state as to the circumstances of their incarnation; the unconscious being aware, the conscious being quite confused. This created a calling. The Confederation sent love and light to these entities.
25.8 Questioner: What density are these four planetary entities?
Ra: I am Ra. These entities are of the density of love, numbering four.
60.23 Questioner: And there are no— are there any inner civilizations or entities living in these areas that are some of the other than physically incarnate who do come and materialize on the Earth’s surface at times?
Ra: I am Ra. As we have noted, there are some which do as you say. Further, there are some inner plane entities of this planet which prefer to do some materialization into third-density visible in these areas. There are also bases, shall we say, in these areas of those from elsewhere, both positive and negative. There are abandoned cities.
63.23 Questioner: Then are these entities visible to us? Could I see one of them? Would he walk upon our surface?
Ra: I am Ra. We have discussed this. These entities are in dual bodies at this time.
89.33 Questioner: What was the origin of the two entities of which you speak?
Ra: I am Ra. These entities were Wanderers from early positive fifth density.
9.6 Questioner: The people that we now have— the first people, [inaudible] like us— where did they come from? How did they evolve?
Ra: I am Ra. You speak of third-density experience. The first of those to come here were brought from another planet in your solar system called by you the Red Planet, Mars. This planet’s environment became inhospitable to third-density beings. The first entities, therefore, were of this race, as you may call it, manipulated somewhat by those who were guardians at that time.
9.13 Questioner: Were there any entities of this form that I am now— two arms, two legs— on this planet before this transfer occurred?
Ra: I am Ra. There have been visitors to your sphere at various times for the last four million of your years, speaking approximately. These visitors do not effect* the cycling of the planetary sphere. It was not third-density in its environment until the time previously mentioned.
9.15 Questioner: Did any of these second-density entities have shapes like ours— two arms, two legs, head, and walk upright on two feet?
Ra: I am Ra. The two higher of the sub-vibrational levels of second-density beings had the configuration of the biped, as you mentioned. However, the erectile movement which you experience was not totally effected in these beings who were tending towards the leaning forward, barely leaving the quadrupedal position.
10.18 Questioner: How many stars, approximately, would be in a galaxy?
Ra: It depends upon the galactic system. Your own, as you know, contains many, many, millions of planet entities and star bodies.
11.10 Questioner: How did they accomplish this? What was necessary for them to accomplish this?
Ra: All of the aforementioned entities were aware, through memory, of Atlantean understandings having to do with the use of the various centers of mind/body/spirit complex energy influx in attaining the gateway to intelligent infinity.
11.26 Questioner: How was Tesla’s work supposed to benefit man on Earth, and what were its purposes?
Ra: I am Ra. The most desired purpose of the mind/body/spirit complex, Nikola, was the freeing of all planetary entities from darkness. Thus, it attempted to give to the planet the infinite energy of the planetary sphere for use in lighting and power.
11.27 Questioner: By freeing the planetary entities from darkness, precisely what do you mean?
Ra: I am Ra. [Most of the following answer was lost due to tape recorder malfunction. The core of the response was as follows.] We spoke of freeing people from darkness in a literal sense.
14.27 Questioner: The trauma, I’ll just call it that— I assume this will, as the cycle ends, have some inconvenience [inaudible]. There will be some entities who start seeking or get catalicized, you might say, into seeking because of the trauma and will then maybe hear your words through possibly telepathy or written material such as we will publish as this book.
Ra: I am Ra. You are correct except in understanding that the inconveniences have begun.
14.28 Questioner: Can you tell me who was responsible for transmitting the book Oahspe*?
Ra: I am Ra. This was transmitted by one of Confederation social memory complex status whose idea, as offered to the Council, was to use some of the known physical history of the so-called religions or religious distortions of your cycle in order to veil and partially unveil aspects or primal distortions of the Law of One. All names can be taken to be created for their vibrational characteristics. The information buried within has to do with a deeper understanding of love and light, and the attempts of infinite intelligence through many messengers to teach/learn those entities of your sphere.
15.15 Questioner: I don’t mean to ask the same question twice, but there are some areas I consider so important that greater understanding may be obtained by possible restatement in other words. I thank you very much for your patience. Yesterday, you also mentioned that when there was no harvest at the end of the last 25,000-year period, “there were harvestable entities who shall choose the manner of their entrance into the fourth density.” Can you tell me what you mean by how “they will choose the manner of their entrance into the fourth density?”
Ra: I am Ra. These shepherds, or, as some have called them, the “Elder Race,” shall choose the time/space of their leaving. They are unlikely to leave until their other-selves are harvestable also.
15.20 Questioner: Are there any Wanderers with these Elder Race, or not?
Ra: I am Ra. These are planetary entities harvested — Wanderers only in the sense that they chose, in fourth-density love, to immediately reincarnate in third density rather than proceeding towards fourth density. This causes them to be Wanderers of a type, Wanderers who have never left the Earth plane because of their free will rather than because of their vibrational level.
16.15 Questioner: Can you tell me the origin of the Ten Commandments?
Ra: I am Ra. The origin of these commandments follows the law of negative entities impressing information upon positively oriented mind/body/spirit complexes. The information attempted to copy or ape positivity while retaining negative characteristics.
17.37 Questioner: Well, who inhabit the astral and who inhabit the devachanic planes?
Ra: I am Ra. Entities inhabit the various planes due to their vibrational nature. The astral plane varies from thought-forms in the lower extremities to enlightened beings who become dedicated to teach/learning in the higher astral planes.
In the devachanic planes, as you call them, are those whose vibrations are even more close to the primal distortions of love/light.
Beyond these planes there are others.
17.41 Questioner: At this time, near the end of the cycle, how are reincarnations into the physical allocated, shall I say, on this planet? In our own [inaudible].
Ra: I am Ra. Entities wishing to obtain critically needed experience in order to become harvestable are incarnated with priority over those who will, without too much probable/possible doubt, need to re-experience this density.
20.2 Questioner: Then the second-density entities that did not get harvested at the beginning of this 75,000-year period, some are still in second density on this planet. Were any of these who remained in second density harvested into third density in the past 75,000 years?
Ra: I am Ra. This has been increasingly true.
20.12 Questioner: Thank you. As soon as the third density started 75,000 years ago and we have incarnate third-density entities, what was the average human life span at that time?
Ra: I am Ra. At the beginning of this particular portion of your space/time continuum the average lifetime was approximately nine hundred of your years.
20.45 Questioner: I intend in the next session to focus on the development of the positively oriented entities in the first 25,000 years. I know that you can’t make suggestions. But this seems to me to be the… I hope that I am going in the right path in investigating the entire development and influences in the history of our third density. Can you give me any comment on this at all?
Ra: I am Ra. The choices are yours according to your discernment.
I am Ra. I leave you in the love and the light of the One Infinite Creator. Go forth, therefore, rejoicing in the power and the peace of the One Creator. Adonai.
21.18 Questioner: Did the first distortion of the Law of One require then that equal time, shall I say, be given to the self-service oriented group?
Ra: I am Ra. In this case this was not necessary for some of your time due to the orientation of the entities.
21.19 Questioner: What was their orientation?
Ra: The orientation of these entities was such that the aid of the Confederation was not perceived.
22.10 Questioner: Approximately how many were harvestable out of the total number?
Ra: I am Ra. There were approximately one hundred fifty [150] entities harvestable.
22.12 Questioner: What type of visit did the Confederation make to this group of 150 entities?
Ra: I am Ra. A light being appeared bearing that which may be called a shield of light. It spoke of the oneness and infinity of all creation and of those things which await those ready for harvest. It described in golden words the beauties of love as lived. It then allowed a telepathic linkage to progressively show those who were interested the plight of third density when seen as a planetary complex. It then left.
24.12 Questioner: Can you describe that emissary?
Ra: This emissary was of your fiery nature which was hidden by the nature of cloud in the day. This was to obliterate the questions of those seeing such a vehicle and to make it consonant with these entities’ concept of what you may call the Creator.
24.13 Questioner: And then how was the impression or information passed on to the entities after they saw this fiery cloud?
Ra: I am Ra. By thought transfer and by the causing of fiery phenomena and other events to appear as being miraculous through the use of thought-forms.
34.11 Questioner: Could you give me the last names of Albert and Martin?
Ra: I am Ra. These entities are known to you as Albert Schweitzer and Martin Luther King.
22.21 Questioner: Then did the technological advancement of Atlantis come because of this call? I am assuming the call was answered to bring them the Law of One and the Law of Love as a distortion of the Law of One, but did they also then get technological information that caused them to grow into such a highly technological society?
Ra: I am Ra. Not at first. At about the same time as we first appeared in the skies over Egypt and continuing thereafter, other entities of the Confederation appeared unto Atlanteans who had reached a level of philosophical understanding, shall we misuse this word, which was consonant with communication, to encourage and inspire studies in the mystery of unity.
However, requests being made for healing and other understandings, information was passed having to do with crystals and the building of pyramids as well as temples, as you would call them, which were associated with training.
24.17 Questioner: Could you tell me why the Orion group had to leave after, I believe, it figures to be a six-hundred-year period, why they had to vacate?
Ra: I am Ra. Although the impression that they had given to those who called them [was] that these entities were an elite group, that which you know as “Diaspora” occurred, causing much dispersion of these peoples so that they became an humbler and more honorable breed, less bellicose and more aware of the loving-kindness of the One Creator.
The creation about them tended towards being somewhat bellicose, somewhat oriented towards the enslavement of others, but they themselves, the target of the Orion group by means of their genetic superiority/weakness, became what you may call the underdogs, thereby letting the feelings of gratitude for their neighbors, their family, and their One Creator begin to heal the feelings of elitism which led to the distortions of power over others which had caused their own bellicosity.
Any short queries may be asked now.
43.26 Questioner: Then will there be at that time any fifth-density and/or sixth-density beings on the surface of the planet?
Ra: I am Ra. Not for a fairly long measure of your time as fourth-density beings need to spend their learn/teaching space/time with their own density’s entities.
59.4 Questioner: At the end of the second major cycle there were a few hundred thousand people incarnate on Earth. There are over four billion incarnate today. Were the over four billion people who are incarnate today, were they in the Earth planes but not incarnate at that time, or did they come in from elsewhere during the last 25,000-year cycle?
Ra: I am Ra. There were three basic divisions of origin of these entities.
Firstly, and primarily, those of the planetary sphere you call Maldek, having become able to take up third density once again, were gradually loosed from self-imposed limitations of form.
Secondly, there were those of other third-density entrance or neophytes whose vibratory patterns matched the Terran experiential nexus. These then filtered in through incarnative processes.
Thirdly, in the past approximate 200 of your years you have experienced much visiting of the Wanderers. It may be noted that all possible opportunities for incarnation are being taken at this time due to your harvesting process and the opportunities which this offers.
60.15 Questioner: You mentioned working with one other group other than the Egyptians. Who were they?
Ra: I am Ra. These entities were those of South America. We divided our forces to work within these two cultures.
60.30 Questioner: What civilization was it that helped Ra using the pyramid shape while Ra was in third density?
Ra: I am Ra. Your people have a fondness for the naming. These entities have begun their travel back to the Creator and are no longer experiencing time.
79.28 Questioner: Well, I was aware of that. I probably didn’t state the question correctly. It’s a very difficult question to state. I don’t know if it’s worth attempting to continue with but what I meant was when this very first experiment with the veiling process occurred, did it result in service-to-self polarization with the first experiment?
Ra: I am Ra. The early, if we may use this term, Logoi produced service-to-self and service-to-others mind/body/spirit complexes immediately. The harvestability of these entities was not so immediate and thus refinements of the archetypes began apace.
83.16 Questioner: What techniques and methods of penetration of the veil were planned and are there any others that have occurred other than those planned?
Ra: I am Ra. There were none planned by the first great experiment. As all experiments, this rested upon the nakedness of hypothesis. The outcome was unknown. It was discovered, experientially and empirically, that there were as many ways to penetrate the veil as the imagination of mind/body/spirit complexes could provide. The desire of mind/body/spirit complexes to know that which was unknown drew to them the dreaming and the gradual opening to the seeker of all of the balancing mechanisms leading to adepthood and communication with teach/learners which could pierce this veil.
The various unmanifested activities of the self were found to be productive in some degree of penetration of the veil. In general, we may say that by far the most vivid and even extravagant opportunities for the piercing of the veil are a result of the interaction of polarized entities.
86.3 Questioner: Am I correct in assuming that you’re speaking of incarnate third-density entities that were creating the condition of use of the vital energy?
Ra: I am Ra. Yes.
89.27 Questioner: Were some of Ra’s population negatively harvested at the end of Ra’s third density?
Ra: I am Ra. We had no negative harvest as such although there had been two entities which had harvested themselves during the third density in the negative or service-to-self path. There were, however, those upon the planetary surface during third density whose vibratory patterns were in the negative range but were not harvestable.
89.32 Questioner: Did these two entities evolve from the second density of the planet Venus along with the rest of the population of Venus that became Ra from second density to third?
Ra: I am Ra. No.
89.37 Questioner: As a wild guess, one of these entities wouldn’t be the one who has been our companion here for some time in our sessions, would it?
Ra: I am Ra. No.
89.40 Questioner: What was the attitude of these two entities after they graduated into fourth-density negative and, the veil being removed, they realized that they had switched polarities?
Ra: I am Ra. They were disconcerted.
12.24 Questioner: [Would] this be against the Law of One and I would be making a mistake by grabbing these entities?
Ra: I am Ra. There are no mistakes under the Law of One.
16.49 Questioner: You’re saying that we ourselves then create these?
Ra: I am Ra. Entities consciously do not create these. The roots of mind complex, having touched in understanding, intelligent infinity, create them.
16.45 Questioner: Are these one form in particular?
Ra: I am Ra. These entities may take any thought-form associated with an emotion of fear or terror.
The original Law of One books are copyright ©1982, 1984, 1998 L/L Research. The Ra Contact books are copyright ©2018 L/L Research and Tobey Wheelock.
This site copyright ©2003–2025 Tobey Wheelock.
Questions? Comments? Email me: tw at law of one dot info.