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66.3 Questioner: Can you tell me the most appropriate method for attempting to alleviate the instrument’s physical problems?
Ra: I am Ra. The basic material has been covered before concerning the nurturing of this instrument. We recapitulate: the exercise according to ability, not to exceed appropriate parameters, the nutrition, the social intercourse with companions, the sexual activity in green ray or above, and in general, the sharing of the distortions of this group’s individual experiences in an helpful, loving manner.
These things are being accomplished with what we consider great harmony, given the density in which you dance. The specific attention and activities with which those with physical complex distortions may alleviate these distortions are known to this instrument.
Finally, it is well for this instrument to continue the practices it has lately begun.
71.21 Questioner: When you say you searched for this group what do you mean? What was your process of search? I ask this question to understand more the illusion of time and space.
Ra: I am Ra. Consider the process of one who sees the spectrograph of some complex of elements. It is a complex paint sample, let us say for ease of description. We of Ra knew the needed elements for communication which had any chance of enduring. We compared our color chip to many individuals and groups over a long span of your time. Your spectrograph matches our sample.
In response to your desire to see the relationship betwixt space/time and time/space, may we say that we conducted this search in time/space, for in this illusion one may quite readily see entities as vibratory complexes and groups as harmonics within vibratory complexes.
75.1 Questioner: Could you first please give me the condition of the instrument?
Ra: I am Ra. It is as previously stated with some slight lessening of the reserve of vital energy due to mental/emotional distortions regarding what you call the future.
75.3 Questioner: Do you mean that it would be valuable to perform the Banishing Ritual of the Lesser Pentagram in the room that she will be occupying in the hospital?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
75.11 Questioner: Was the exercise of fire properly done?
Ra: I am Ra. The baton is well visualized. The conductor will learn to hear the entire score of the great music of its art.
75.12 Questioner: I assume that if this can be fully accomplished today that exercise would result in total healing of the distortions of the instrument to such an extent that operations would be unnecessary. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. No.
88.9 Questioner: It would be an abridgment of the first distortion to tell us whether he is still functioning in a positive manner, would it not?
Ra: I am Ra. We perceive you have replied to your own query.
94.2 Questioner: I have questions here from the instrument. One: “Is our fifth-density friend responsible for the instrument’s extreme distortion towards pain during and just after sessions?”
Ra: I am Ra. Yes.
94.4 Questioner: I immediately think of the instrument wearing long underwear under the robe that it now wears and an extremely light, white cover. Would this be satisfactory?
Ra: I am Ra. Due to this instrument’s lack of radiant physical energy the heavier cover is suggested.
96.3 Questioner: Does this threat, shall I say, still exist and, if so, is there something we can do to alleviate it?
Ra: I am Ra. This threat no longer exists, if you wish to phrase this greeting in this manner. The communication which was effected by the scribe and then by the questioner did close the opening and enable the instrument to begin assimilating the catalyst it had received.
96.7 Questioner: There was no catalyst for the machine to malfunction from any of the negative entities then. Is that right? I mean it just was a function only of the random malfunction of the machine. Am I correct?
Ra: I am Ra. No.
99.2 Questioner: What are the foodstuffs that are creating the allergic reaction?
Ra: I am Ra. That which you call the buttermilk, though appropriately used in the healing work undertaken for the throat and chest areas, is the substance to which the entity has allergy.
99.4 Questioner: Is there anything further that needs to be done for or by the instrument to remove the magical working, or any of its after-effects, on her throat area by our fifth-density, negative companion?
Ra: I am Ra. No.
100.2 Questioner: Thank you. The instrument asks if there is some problem with the swirling waters since she feels very dizzy after each application. Could Ra comment on that, please?
Ra: I am Ra. Yes.
Ra: Is there any other brief question?
53.21 Questioner: Can you tell me why [name] had so many silver flecks on her?
Ra: I am Ra. This is infringement. No.
Ra: Is there another query?
60.1 Questioner: Could you first give me an indication of the instrument’s condition?
Ra: I am Ra. It is as previously stated.
16.14 Questioner: Can you name the entity that they sent here twenty-six hundred years ago… two thousand six hundred years ago?*
* The correct time frame is 3,600 years. See Ra’s statement opening session 17.
Ra: I am Ra. This entity named by your peoples, Yahweh.
16.58 Questioner: Do they ever use any, shall I say, gratifications of the physical body to amplify such daydreams?
Ra: I am Ra. They are able to do this only when there is a strong ability on the part of the receiving mind/body/spirit complex towards the perception of thought-forms. This could be termed an unusual characteristic but has indeed been a method used by Orion entities.
21.6 Questioner: I see. Then no incarnation occurred before this master 75,000-year cycle of Maldek entities. Correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct in the sense of incarnation in third-density time/space*.
97.5 Questioner: I have analyzed the hawk that I saw immediately after returning from the house in Atlanta as a message, most probably from my higher self, indicating that the plan of moving was not the best; was not too appropriate since, without the hawk, everything would have continued as planned with no added catalyst. This single catalyst of a remarkable nature then, logically, from my point of view, could only mean that there was a message as to the inappropriateness of the plan for some reason yet to be discovered. Would Ra comment on that?
Ra: I am Ra. We tread as close as possible to the Law of Confusion in suggesting that not all wingèd creatures have an archetypical meaning. We might suggest that the noticing of shared subjectively notable phenomena is common when, in another incarnational experience, work significant to the service of increased polarity has been shared. These subjectively interesting shared phenomena then act as a means of communication, the nature of which cannot be discussed by those outside of the shared incarnational experience without the interference with the free will of each entity involved in the complex of subjectively meaningful events.
53.23 Questioner: Thank you. Can you comment on my, and the instrument, if she approves, so-called ball of lightning experience as a child?*
Ra: I am Ra. This will be the last query of this working.
You were being visited by your people to be wished well.
Is there any other query of a brief nature we may answer?
21.24 Questioner: As we progress into the second 25,000-year cycle, did— At this time, during this period, was this the period of Lemuria?
Ra: I am Ra. This is incorrect. However, those who escaped the destruction of Lemuria by natural catastrophe and were thus of Lemurian background continued their learn/teachings at locations ranging from your South America onward through the Americas as you know them and continuing over what was at that time a bridge which no longer exists. There were those in what you would call Russia… [tape ends]
21.26 Questioner: Did you mean to say master or major cycle?
Ra: I am Ra. The appropriate sound vibration complex is major cycle.
21.27 Questioner: Thank you. Then did the ending of this first major cycle have something to do with the destruction of Lemuria, or did this destruction just happen to occur at the end of that cycle?
Ra: I am Ra. There is a confluence* of energies at the ending of a major cycle. This encouraged what was already an inevitable adjustment in the movement of the surfaces of your planetary sphere.
30.8 Questioner: I see. A news program I saw a couple of weeks ago raised the question of why the dinosaurs vanished, you might say, from our planet suddenly. I know this is unimportant, but I just wondered what the reason was.
Ra: I am Ra. These entities could not feed their body complexes.
31.1 Questioner: I would like to ask a question first for the instrument herself. She request[s] to know if it would be advisable for her to walk alone now that she feels better.*
Ra: I am Ra. This is acceptable.
42.1 Questioner: I have a question on balancing. It’s quite long, and we’ll copy it directly into the book as it is. If you can answer it without me reading it it would save time, otherwise I will read it.
Ra: I am Ra. We understand your desire to preserve your opportunity. However, a summary of the query would be well. For if we answer a mentally requested query, this query shall not be published. If you wish this answer to be for private use only, we shall proceed.
54.20 Questioner: I meant— I understand how a positively oriented entity would program catalyst such as that would result in physical pain if it— I’m assuming that an entity could program something that would give it the experience of physical pain if it did not follow the path that it had selected. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. Please restate query.
64.3 Questioner: Then we won’t question on it.
I would like to ask first about a mistake I believe that I might have made in the last session* on the number of Wanderers on earth today. Did I make an error?
Ra: I am Ra. You and Ra made an error. The appropriate number of your ciphers* is one less than previously stated.
72.16 Questioner: Is it possible to over-energize the instrument with sexual energy transfers?
Ra: I am Ra. No.
79.3 Questioner: She would also like to ask if the very large energy transfer of last session was a sexual transfer in total?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
69.1 Questioner: [Question about the instrument’s condition, not on tape.]
Ra: I am Ra. It is as previously stated.
9.1 Questioner: We [are] definitely going to make the Law of One the primary portion of this book. I apologize for getting sidetracked on these subjects. We’re in the position of, shall we say, beating around as to what direction to go with the book to begin with. For this reason I have asked a few questions and probably will ask a few more questions in the early part of these sessions that will be somewhat meaningless with respect to application of the Law of One because my own ignorance what I’m doing. However, I expect [to] become more proficient rapidly while we go on.
There are a couple of questions that are probably meaningless but if I could get them out of the way. They’re bothering me a little bit.
Is it possible for you to suggest a publisher for this book?
Ra: I am Ra. No.
13.6 Questioner: From this infinity then must have come what we experience as creation. What was the next step or the next evolvement?
Ra: I am Ra. Infinity became aware. This was the next step.
14.16 Questioner: There was no harvest? What about 25,000 years ago? Was there a harvest then?
Ra: I am Ra. A harvesting began taking place in the latter portion, as you measure time/space, of the second cycle, with individuals finding the gateway to intelligent infinity. The harvest of that time, though extremely small, were those entities of extreme distortion towards service to the entities which now were to repeat the major cycle. These entities, therefore, remained in third density although they could, at any moment/present nexus, leave this density through use of intelligent infinity.
11.10 Questioner: How did they accomplish this? What was necessary for them to accomplish this?
Ra: All of the aforementioned entities were aware, through memory, of Atlantean understandings having to do with the use of the various centers of mind/body/spirit complex energy influx in attaining the gateway to intelligent infinity.
13.14 Questioner: Could you tell me how the individualized portion of intelligent infinity created our galaxy [inaudible] that the same portion created our planetary system and, if so, how this came about?
Ra: I am Ra. We may have misperceived your query. We were under the distortion/impression that we had responded to this particular query. Would you restate the query?
17.19 Questioner: How did Jesus learn this during his incarnation?
Ra: I am Ra. This entity learned the ability by a natural kind of remembering at a very young age. Unfortunately, this entity first discovered his ability to penetrate intelligent infinity by becoming the distortion you call “angry” at a playmate. This entity was touched by the entity known as Jesus to you and was fatally wounded.
Thus the one known as Jesus became aware that there dwelt in him a terrible potential. This entity determined to discover how to use this energy for the good, not for the negative. This entity was extremely positively polarized and remembered more than most Wanderers do.
22.12 Questioner: What type of visit did the Confederation make to this group of 150 entities?
Ra: I am Ra. A light being appeared bearing that which may be called a shield of light. It spoke of the oneness and infinity of all creation and of those things which await those ready for harvest. It described in golden words the beauties of love as lived. It then allowed a telepathic linkage to progressively show those who were interested the plight of third density when seen as a planetary complex. It then left.
16.49 Questioner: You’re saying that we ourselves then create these?
Ra: I am Ra. Entities consciously do not create these. The roots of mind complex, having touched in understanding, intelligent infinity, create them.
17.17 Questioner: Can you tell me what the Orion group did in order to try to cause his downfall?
Ra: I am Ra. We may describe in general what occurred. The technique was that of building upon other negatively oriented information. This information had been given by the one whom your peoples called “Yahweh.” This information involved many strictures upon behavior and promised power of the third-density, service-to-self nature. These two types of distortions were impressed upon those already oriented to think these thought-forms.
This eventually led to many challenges of the entity known as Jesus. It eventually led to one, sound vibration complex “Judas,” as you call this entity, who believed that it was doing the appropriate thing in bringing about or forcing upon the one you call Jesus the necessity for bringing in the third-density planetary power distortion of third-density rule over others.
This entity, Judas, felt that, if pushed into a corner, the entity you call Jesus would then be able to see the wisdom of using the power of intelligent infinity in order to rule others. The one you call Judas was mistaken in this estimation of the reaction of the entity, Jesus, whose teach/learning was not oriented towards this distortion. This resulted in the destruction of the bodily complex of the one known as Jesus to you.
The original Law of One books are copyright ©1982, 1984, 1998 L/L Research. The Ra Contact books are copyright ©2018 L/L Research and Tobey Wheelock.
This site copyright ©2003–2025 Tobey Wheelock.
Questions? Comments? Email me: tw at law of one dot info.