The Law of One Search Results for ‘Fine Moment one’

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(inaudible) podcast: Listening for love in the messages of the Confederation

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99.11 Questioner: Thank you. In closing I will just ask if there is anything that we can do to make the instrument more comfortable or improve the contact?

Ra: I am Ra. We note the relative discomfort of this group at this space/time and offer those previous statements made by Ra as possible aids to the regaining of the extraordinary harmony which this group has the capability of experiencing in a stable manner.

We find the addition of the swirling waters to be helpful. The appurtenances are conscientiously aligned.

We encourage the conscious strengthening of those invisible ribbands* which fly from the wrists of those who go forward to seek what you may call the Grail. All is well, my friends. We leave you in hopes that each may find true colors to fly in that great metaphysical quest and urge each to urge each other in love, praise, and thanksgiving.

I am Ra. We leave you in the love and light of the One Infinite Creator. Go forth rejoicing in the power and in the peace of the One Glorious Infinite Creator. Adonai.

44.17 Questioner: I am sorry that we got a little off the track today. I think the most important thing we accomplished is knowing how to better regulate the instrument’s sessions, and I would hope that you would bear with me for my inability to select questions properly at times, since I just happen, sometimes, to probe into areas to see if there is a possible direction we may go, and once entering, I…

Other than that, I would just like to know if there is anything this session that we could do to make the instrument more comfortable or to improve the contact?

Ra: I am Ra. There are no mistakes. Be at rest, my friend. Each of you is most conscientious. All is well.

I leave you in the love and the light of the One Infinite Creator. Go forth, therefore, rejoicing in the power and in the peace of the One Infinite Creator. I am Ra. Adonai.

98.15 Questioner: Then any mind/body complex can develop cancer as a result of anger. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.

At this time we would break our routine by making an observation. We observe the following coincidence. Firstly, the congestion of this instrument’s throat due to the flow of mucous caused by energized allergic reaction has, at this point, become such that we may safely predict the probability/possibility vortex approaching certainty that within one-half of an hour we shall need to depart from this working. Secondly, as we noted the above the sound vibration made by one of your sound vibration recording devices was audible to us. If this group desires, it may choose to have sessions which are brought to an ending soon after this sound vibration occurs. This decision would ensure the minimal distortions within the instrument towards the discomfort/comfort within the throat until the effects of the magical working of your fifth-density companion have been removed.

101.4 Questioner: In this particular case, which avenue was the one that produced the catalyst of the bite?

Ra: I am Ra. The nature of catalyst is such that there is only one source, for the catalyst and experience are further attempts at specificity in dealing with the architecture of the unconscious mind of the self. Therefore, in an incarnational experience the self as Creator, especially the higher self, is the base from which catalyst stands to offer its service to the mind, body, or spirit.

In the sense which we feel you intend, the source was the fifth-density, negative friend which had noted the gradual falling away of the inharmonious patterns of the distortion called anger/frustration in the entity. The insect was easily led to an attack, and the physical vehicle, which had long-standing allergies and sensitivities, was also easily led into the mechanisms of the failure of lymphatic function and the greatly diminished ability of the immune system to remove from the yellow-ray body that which distorted it.

104.26 Questioner: Prior to the veiling process there was, I am assuming, no archetypical plan for the evolutionary process. It was totally left up to the free will of the mind/body/spirits to evolve in any way that they desired. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. No.

I am Ra. We leave you in appreciation of the circumstances of the great illusion in which you now choose to play the pipe and timbrel* and move in rhythm. We are also players upon a stage. The stage changes. The acts ring down. The lights come up once again. And throughout the grand illusion and the following and the following there is the undergirding majesty of the One Infinite Creator. All is well. Nothing is lost. Go forth rejoicing in the love and the light, the peace and the power of the One Infinite Creator. I am Ra. Adonai.

105.11 Questioner: Is there any other suggestion that Ra could make with respect to any part of this move that is planned, and will we have any problems at all in contacting Ra in the new dwelling, and if so, would Ra tell us about those and what we could do to alleviate any problems in contacting Ra in the new [location]?

Ra: I am Ra. We weigh this answer carefully, for it comes close to abrogation of free will, but find the proximity acceptable due to this instrument’s determination to be of service to the One Infinite Creator regardless of personal circumstance.

Any physical aid upon the part of the instrument in the packing and unpacking will activate those allergic reactions lying dormant for the most part at this time. This entity is allergic to those items which are unavoidable in transitions within your third-density illusion that is, dust, mildew, etc. The one known as Bob will be of aid in this regard. The scribe should take care also to imbibe a doubled quantity of liquids in order that any allergically caused toxins may be flushed from the body complex.

There is no difficulty in resuming contact through this tuned instrument with the social memory complex, Ra, in the chosen dwelling, or, indeed, in any place whatsoever once physical and metaphysical cleansing has been accomplished.

105.22 Questioner: I believe that I should ask at this time… Is there anything that we can do to make the instrument more comfortable or improve the contact? (Since last session I wasn’t able to get that in and I think it’s important.)

Ra: I am Ra. We find the weariness of the group well-balanced by its harmony. That weariness shall continue in any future circumstance during your incarnations. Therefore look you to your love and thanksgiving for each other and join always in fellowship, correcting each broken strand of that affection with patience, comfort, and quietness. We find all meticulously observed in the alignments and give you these words only as reminder. All that can be done for the instrument seems done with an whole heart, and the instrument itself is working in the indigo ray with perseverance.

We have previously mentioned some temporary measures for the instrument. If these are adopted, additional liquids shall be imbibed by the instrument and by the questioner, whose bond with the instrument is such that each difficulty for one is the same in sympathy for the other.

I am Ra. I leave you rejoicing merrily in the love and the light, the power and the peace of the One Infinite Creator. Adonai.

106.22 Questioner: Can you tell me what the instrument’s difficulty was with her last whirlpool?

Ra: I am Ra. The instrument took on the mental/emotional nature and distortion complex of the questioner as we have previously noted. The instrument has been taking the swirling waters at temperatures which are too hot and at rates of vibration which, when compounded by the heat of the swirling waters, bring about the state of light shock as you would call the distortion. The mind complex has inadequate oxygen in this distorted state and is weakened.

In this state the instrument, having the questioner’s distortion without the questioner’s strength of the distortion one might liken to the wearing of armor, began to enter into an acute psychotic episode. When the state of shock was past the symptoms disappeared. The potential remains as the empathic identity has not been relinquished, and both the questioner and the instrument live as entities in a portion of the mental/emotional complex of the instrument.

May we ask for one more full query at this working and remind the instrument that it is appropriate to reserve some small portion of energy before a working?

37.3 Questioner: Will you comment on it?

Ra: I am Ra. We shall. Firstly, the choosing of this group to do some work to serve others was of an intensive nature. Each present sacrificed much for no tangible result. Each may search its heart for the type of sacrifice, knowing that the material sacrifices are the least; the intensive commitment to blending into an harmonious group at the apex of sacrifice. Under these conditions we found your vibration. We observed your vibration. It will not be seen often. We do not wish to puff up the pride, but we shall not chaffer* with the circumstances necessary for our particular contact. Thus you have received and we willingly undertake the honor/duty of continuing to offer transmissions of concepts which are, to the best of our abilities, precise in nature and grounded in the attempt to unify many of those things that concern you.

Secondly, the use you make of these transmissions is completely at your discretion. We suggest the flowing of the natural intuitive senses and a minimum of the distortion towards concern. We are content, as we have said, to be able to aid in the evolution of one of your peoples. Whatever efforts you make cannot disappoint us, for that number already exceeds one.

46.2 Questioner: In that case, we’d better ask you only one question, unless you deem it all right to ask any more questions than that, but the one question that is bothering us, which I got in meditation, may be an inappropriate question, but I feel it my duty to ask it because it is central to the instrument’s mental condition and ours. [It has] to do with the two cats which we were going to take to have worked upon today for teeth cleaning and the small growth removed from Gandalf’s leg. I got the impression that there might be a[n] inroad there for the Orion group, and I was primarily concerned about anything that we could do for protection for these two cats. I may be out of line in asking this, but I feel it my duty to ask it. Would you please give me information, all the information you can on that subject?

Ra: I am Ra. The entity, mind/body/spirit complex, Gandalf, being harvestable third density, is open to the same type of psychic attack to which you yourselves are vulnerable. Therefore, through the mechanism of images and dreams, it is potentially possible for negative concepts to be offered to this mind/body/spirit complex, thus having possible deleterious results. The entity, Fairchild, though harvestable through investment, does not have the vulnerability to attack in as great an amount due to a lack of the mind complex activity in the distortion of conscious devotion.

For protection of these entities we might indicate two possibilities. Firstly, the meditation putting on the armor of light. Secondly, the repetition of short ritual sentences known to this instrument from the establishment which distorts spiritual oneness for this instrument. This instrument’s knowledge will suffice. This will aid due to the alerting of many discarnate entities also aware of these ritual sentences. The meditation is appropriate at the time of the activity on behalf of these entities. The ritual may be repeated with efficacy from this time until the safe return, at convenient intervals.

48.2 Questioner: I have a question from the instrument that I will read. “You have suggested several times that sexual energy transfers aid the instrument’s vital energy and this contact. It seems that this is not true for all people; that the sexual circuitry and the spiritual circuitry are not the same. Is this instrument an anomaly, or is the positive effect of sexual activity on spiritual energy normal for all third-density beings?”

Ra: I am Ra. This instrument, though not anomalous, is somewhat less distorted towards the separation of mind, body, and spirit than many of your third-density entities. The energies of sexual transfer would, if run through the undeveloped spiritual electrical or magnetic complex which you call circuitry, effectually blow out that particular circuit. Contrarily, the full spiritual energies run through bodily complex circuitry will also adversely affect the undeveloped circuit of the bodily complex. Some there are, such as this instrument, who have not in the particular incarnation chosen at any time to express sexual energy through the bodily circuitry. Thus from the beginning of such an entity’s experience the body and spirit express together in any sexual action. Therefore, to transfer sexual energy for this instrument is to transfer spiritually as well as physically. This instrument’s magnetic field, if scrutinized by one sensitive, will show these unusual configurations. This is not unique to one entity but is common to a reasonable number of entities who, having lost the desire for orange- and green-ray* sexual experiences, have strengthened the combined circuitry of spirit, mind, and body to express the totality of beingness in each action. It is for this reason also that the social intercourse and companionship is very beneficial to this instrument, it being sensitive to the more subtle energy transfers.

* Ra said “green-ray,” but presumably they meant “yellow-ray.”

71.21 Questioner: When you say you searched for this group what do you mean? What was your process of search? I ask this question to understand more the illusion of time and space.

Ra: I am Ra. Consider the process of one who sees the spectrograph of some complex of elements. It is a complex paint sample, let us say for ease of description. We of Ra knew the needed elements for communication which had any chance of enduring. We compared our color chip to many individuals and groups over a long span of your time. Your spectrograph matches our sample.

In response to your desire to see the relationship betwixt space/time and time/space, may we say that we conducted this search in time/space, for in this illusion one may quite readily see entities as vibratory complexes and groups as harmonics within vibratory complexes.

75.2 Questioner: I felt that this session was advisable before the instrument has her hospital experience. She wished to ask a few questions, if possible, about those.

First, is there anything that the instrument or we might do to improve the hospital experience or to aid the instrument in any way with respect to this?

Ra: I am Ra. Yes. There are ways of aiding the mental/emotional state of this entity with the notation that this is so only for this entity or one of like distortions. There is also a general thing which may be accomplished to improve the location which is called the hospital.

The first aiding has to do with the vibration of the ritual with which this entity is most familiar and which this entity has long used to distort its perception of the One Infinite Creator. This is an helpful thing at any point in the diurnal period but is especially helpful as your sun body removes itself from your local sight.

The general improvement of the place of the performance of the ritual of the purification of the place is known. We may note that the distortion towards love, as you call this spiritual/emotional complex which is felt by each for this entity, will be of aid whether this is expressed or unmanifest as there is no protection greater than love.

75.9 Questioner: The instrument would like to know what she can do to improve the condition of her back, as she says it could be a problem for the operation.

Ra: I am Ra. As we scan the physical complex we find several factors contributing to one general distortion experienced by the instrument. Two of these distortions have been diagnosed; one has not; nor will the entity be willing to accept the chemicals sufficient to cause cessation of this distortion you call pain.

In general we may say that the sole modality addressing itself specifically to all three contributing distortions, which is not now being used, is that of the warmed water which is moved with gentle force repeatedly against the entire physical complex while the physical vehicle is seated. This would be of some aid if practiced daily after the exercise period.

96.2 Questioner: Could you tell me the cause of the lessening of the physical and vital energies?

Ra: I am Ra. We found the need of examining the mental configurations of the instrument before framing an answer due to our reluctance to infringe upon its free will. Those concepts relating to the spiritual contemplation of personal catalyst have been appreciated by the entity so we may proceed.

This entity has an habitual attitude which is singular; that is, when there is some necessity for action the entity is accustomed to analyzing the catalyst in terms of service and determining a course. There was a most unusual variation in this configuration of attitude when this instrument beheld the dwelling which is to be inhabited by this group. The instrument perceived those elementals and beings of astral character of which we have spoken. The instrument desired to be of service by achieving the domicile in question but found its instincts reacting to the unwelcome presences. The division of mind configuration was increased by the continuing catalyst of lack of control. Had this entity been able to physically begin cleansing the dwelling the, shall we say, opening would not have occurred.

Although this entity attempted clear communication upon this matter, and although each in the support group did likewise, the amount of blue-ray work necessary to uncover and grasp the nature of the catalyst was not effected. Therefore, there was an opening, quite rare for this mind/body/spirit complex, and into this opening the one which greets you moved and performed what may be considered to be the most potent of its purely magical manifestations to this present nexus, as you know time.

It is well that this instrument is not distorted towards what you may call hysteria, for the potential of this working was such that had the instrument allowed fear to become greater than the will to persevere when it could not breathe, each attempt at respiration would have been even more nearly impossible until the suffocation occurred which was desired by the one which greets you in its own way. Thus the entity would have passed from this incarnation.

9.1 Questioner: We [are] definitely going to make the Law of One the primary portion of this book. I apologize for getting sidetracked on these subjects. We’re in the position of, shall we say, beating around as to what direction to go with the book to begin with. For this reason I have asked a few questions and probably will ask a few more questions in the early part of these sessions that will be somewhat meaningless with respect to application of the Law of One because my own ignorance what I’m doing. However, I expect [to] become more proficient rapidly while we go on.

There are a couple of questions that are probably meaningless but if I could get them out of the way. They’re bothering me a little bit.

Is it possible for you to suggest a publisher for this book?

Ra: I am Ra. No.

75.35 Questioner: May anyone in third density accomplish some degree of healing if they have the proper will, desire, and polarity, or is there a minimal balance of the energy centers of the healer that is also necessary?

Ra: I am Ra. Any entity may at any time instantaneously clear and balance its energy centers. Thus in many cases those normally quite blocked, weakened, and distorted may, through love and strength of will, become healers momentarily. To be a healer by nature one must indeed train its self in the disciplines of the personality.

69.17 Questioner: Now, this is a point that I find quite confusing to me.

It is a function of the free will of the positively polarized entity to move into negatively polarized time/space. However, it is also a function of his lack of understanding of what he is doing. I am sure if the entity had full understanding of what he was doing that he would not do it. It is a function of his negatively polarized other-self creating a situation by which he is, shall I say, lured to that configuration. What is the principle with respect to the first distortion that allows this to occur since we have two portions of the Creator, each of equal value or equal potential, shall I say, but oppositely polarized and we have this situation resulting. Could you tell me the philosophical principle behind this particular act?

Ra: I am Ra. There are two important points in this regard. Firstly, we may note the situation wherein an entity gets a road map which is poorly marked and in fact is quite incorrect. The entity sets out to its destination. It wishes only to reach the point of destination but, becoming confused by the faulty authority and not knowing the territory through which it drives, it becomes hopelessly lost.

Free will does not mean that there will be no circumstances when calculations will be awry. This is so in all aspects of the life experience. Although there are no mistakes, there are surprises.

Secondly, that which we and you do in workings such as this carries a magical charge, if you would use this much misunderstood term. Perhaps we may say a metaphysical power. Those who do work of power are available for communication to and from entities of roughly similar power. It is fortunate that the Orion entity does not have the native power of this group. However, it is quite disciplined whereas this group lacks the finesse equivalent to its power. Each is working in consciousness but the group has not begun a work as a group. The individual work is helpful, for the group is mutually an aid, one to another.

89.44 Questioner: I didn’t mean to get so far off the track of my original direction of questioning, but I think some of these excursions are very enlightening and will help in understanding of the basic mechanisms that we are so interested in in evolution.

Ra stated that archetypes are helpful when used in a controlled way. Would you give me an example of what you mean by using an archetype in a controlled way?

Ra: I am Ra. We speak with some regret in stating that this shall be our last query of length. There is substantial energy left but this instrument has distortions that rapidly approach the limit of our ability to maintain secure contact.

The controlled use of the archetype is that which is done within the self for the polarization of the self and to the benefit of the self, if negatively polarized, or others, if positively polarized, upon the most subtle of levels.

Keep in mind at all times that the archetypical mind is a portion of the deep mind and informs thought processes. When the archetype is translated without regard for magical propriety into the manifested daily actions of an individual the greatest distortions may take place and great infringement upon the free will of others is possible. This is more nearly acceptable to one negatively polarized. However, the more carefully polarized of negative mind/body/spirits* will also prefer to work with a finely tuned instrument. May we ask if there are any brief queries before we leave this working?

* Should be mind/body/spirit complexes, presumably.

57.6 Questioner: Would you tell me how to use that crystal for this purpose?

Ra: I am Ra. This is a large question.

You first, as a mind/body/spirit complex, balance and polarize the self, connecting the inner light with the upward spiraling inpourings of the universal light. You have done exercises to regularize the processes involved. Look to them for the preparation of the crystallized being.

Take, then, the crystal and feel your polarized and potentiated balanced energy channeled in green-ray healing through your being, going into and activating the crystalline regularity of frozen light which is the crystal. The crystal will resound with the charged light of incarnative love and light energy, and will begin to radiate in specified fashion, beaming, in required light vibrations, healing energy, focused and intensified towards the magnetic field of the mind/body/spirit complex which is to be healed. This entity requesting such healing will then open the armor of the overall violet/red-ray protective vibratory shield. Thus the inner vibratory fields, from center to center in mind, body, and spirit, may be interrupted and adjusted momentarily, thus offering the one to be healed the opportunity to choose a less distorted inner complex of energy fields and vibratory relationships.

61.4 Questioner: Would it be helpful to plot the cycles for the instrument and attempt to have these sessions at the most favorable points with respect to the cycle?

Ra: I am Ra. To that specific query we have no response.

It may be noted that the three in this triad bring in this energy pattern which is Ra. Thus each energy input of the triad is of note.

We may say that while these information systems are interesting they are in sway only insofar as the entity or entities involved have not made totally efficient use of catalyst and, therefore, instead of accepting the, shall we say, negative or retrograde moments or periods without undue notice, have the distortion towards the retaining of these distortions in order to work out the unused catalyst.

It is to be noted that psychic attack continues upon this entity although it is only effective at this time in physical distortions towards discomfort.

We may suggest that it is always of some interest to observe the road map, both of the cycles and of the planetary and other cosmic influences, in that one may see certain wide roads or possibilities. However, we remind that this group is an unit.

80.0 Ra: I am Ra. We greet you in the love and in the light of the One Infinite Creator.

Before we initiate this working we would wish to correct an error which we have found in previous material. That archetype, Five, which you have called the Hierophant, is the Significator of the Mind complex.

This instrument is prey to sudden flares towards the distortion known as pain. We are aware of your conscientious attempts to aid the instrument but know of no other modality available to the support group other than the provision of water therapy upon the erect spinal portion of the physical body complex, which we have previously mentioned.

This instrument’s distortions of body do not ever rule out, shall we say, such flares during these periods of increased distortion of the body complex. Our contact may become momentarily garbled. Therefore, we request that any information which seems garbled be questioned as we wish this contact to remain as undistorted as the limitations of language, mentality, and sensibility allow.

We communicate now.

1.9 Questioner: Can you say anything about the coming planetary changes?

[Background noise.]

Ra: I am Ra. I preferred to wait until this instrument had again reached the proper state of depth of singleness or one-pointedness before we spoke.

The changes are very, very trivial. We do not concern ourselves with the conditions which bring about harvest*.

2.0 Ra: I am Ra. I greet you in the love and the light of our Infinite Creator. I am with this mind/body/spirit complex which has offered itself for a channel. I communicate with you.

Queries are in order in your projections of mind distortion at this time/space. Thusly would I assure this group that my own social memory complex has one particular method of communicating with those few who may be able to harmonize their distortions with ours, and that is to respond to queries for information. We are comfortable with this format. May the queries now begin.

3.0 Ra: I am Ra. I greet you in the love and the light of the One Infinite Creator. I communicate with you now.

3.12 Questioner: Then the rock was created by thought in place rather than moved from somewhere else? Is that correct?

Ra: I am Ra. We built with everlasting rock the Great Pyramid, as you call it. Other of the pyramids were built with stone moved from one place to another.

3.18 Questioner: Should we have her drink the water from the chalice behind her head after we charge it or should we use a different glass of water?

Ra: That and only that chalice shall be the most beneficial as the virgin material living in the chalice accepts, retains, and responds to the love vibration activated by your beingness.

I am Ra. I will now leave this group rejoicing in the power and peace of the One Creator. Adonai.

4.10 Questioner: [I would] very much like to continue investigation into the possibility of this healing process, but I’m a little lost as to where to begin. Can you tell me what my first step would be?

Ra: I am Ra. I cannot tell you what to ask. I may suggest that you consider the somewhat complex information just given and thus discover several avenues of inquiry. There is one “health,” as you call it, in your polarized environment, but there are several significantly various distortions of types of mind/body/spirit complexes. Each type must pursue its own learn/teaching in this area.

6.6 Questioner: Then you… Would it be possible to take one of the people at that time from our planet and place him on Venus? Would he survive? Were conditions much [inaudible]?

Ra: The third-density conditions are not hospitable to the life-forms of your peoples. The fifth and sixth dimensions of that planetary sphere are quite conducive to growing/learning/teaching.

6.13 Questioner: Thanks. Is all of the Earth’s population then, human population of the earth, are all of them originally from Maldek?

Ra: I am Ra. This is a new line of questioning, and deserves a place of its own. The ones who were harvested to your sphere from the sphere known before its dissolution as other names, but to your peoples as Maldek, incarnated, many within your Earth’s surface rather than upon it. The population of your planet contains many various groups harvested from other second-dimension and cycled third-dimension spheres. You are not all one race or background of beginning. The experience you share is unique to this time/space continuum.

7.1 Questioner: You mentioned that you were a member of the Confederation of Planets. What avenues of service, or types of service, are available to members of the Confederation? Would you describe some of them?

Ra: I am Ra. I am assuming that you intend the service which we of the Confederation can offer, rather than the service which is available to our use.

The service available for our offering to those who call us is equivalent to the square of the distortion/need of that calling divided by, or integrated with, the basic Law of One in its distortion indicating the free will of those who are not aware of the unity of creation.

7.3 Questioner: By squared, do you mean that if ten people call you can count that, when comparing it to the planetary ratio of people, as 100 people, squaring ten, getting 100? Is that correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is incorrect. The square is sequential — one, two, three, four, each squared by the next number.

7.4 Questioner: [Inaudible] use an example. If ten, only ten, entities on earth required your services how would you compute their call using this square rule?

Ra: We would square one ten sequential times, raising the number to the tenth square.

7.5 Questioner: What would be the result of this calculation?

Ra: [24-second pause] The result is difficult to transmit. It is one thousand and twelve [1,012], approximately. The entities who call are sometimes not totally unified in their calling and, thus, the squaring is slightly less. Thus, there is a statistical loss over a period of call. However, perhaps you may see by this statistically corrected information the squaring mechanism.

7.10 Questioner: Is the Council of Nine the same nine that was mentioned in this book? [Questioner gestures to Uri.]

Ra: I am Ra. The Council of Nine has been retained in semi-undistorted form by two main sources, that known in your naming, as Mark and that known in your naming as Henry. In one case, the channel became the scribe. In the other, the channel was not the scribe. However, without the aid of the scribe, the energy would not have come to the channel.

8.19 Questioner: Did those who used him use his war experiences to learn more of the Law of One?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.

8.31 Questioner: Would it be possible for any of us to have some type of contact with the Confederation in a more direct way?

Ra: I am Ra. In observing the distortions of those who underwent this experiential sequence we decided to gradually back off, shall I say, from direct contact in thought-form. The least distortion seems to be available in mind-to-mind communication. Therefore, the request to be taken aboard is not one we care to comply with. You are most valuable in your present orientation.

10.5 Questioner: Are these the Bigfoot you spoke of?

Ra: I am Ra. These are one type of Bigfoot.

10.11 Questioner: While an entity is incarnate in this third density at this time he may either learn without consciously knowing what he’s doing, or he may learn after he is consciously aware that he is learning in the ways of the Law of One. The second way, it is possible for the entity to greatly accelerate his growth. Is not this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.

11.13 Questioner: Who went to the Orion group?

Ra: I am Ra. The one known as Genghis Khan.

11.15 Questioner: Is it impossible for you to tell us precisely how he does this service?

Ra: I am Ra. It is possible for us to speak to this query. However, we use any chance we may have to reiterate the basic understanding/learning that all beings serve the Creator.

The one you speak of as Genghis Khan, at present, is incarnate in a physical light body which has the work of disseminating material of thought control to those who are what you may call crusaders. He is, as you would term this entity, a shipping clerk.

11.17 Questioner: At what stage does a planet achieve social memory?

Ra: I am Ra. A mind/body/spirit social complex becomes a social memory complex when its entire group of entities are of one orientation or seeking. The group memory lost to the individuals in the roots of the tree of mind then become[s] known to the social complex, thus creating a social memory complex. The advantages of this complex are the relative lack of distortion in understanding the social beingness and the relative lack of distortion in pursuing the direction of seeking, for all understanding/distortions are available to the entities of the society.

11.21 Questioner: What type of information is passed on from the crusaders to these people?

Ra: I am Ra. The Orion group passes on information concerning the Law of One with the orientation of service to self. The information can become technical just as some in the Confederation, in attempts to aid this planet in service to others, have provided what you would call technical information. The technology provided by this group is in the form of various means of control or manipulation of others to serve the self.

11.23 Questioner: Is this how we learned of nuclear energy? Was it mixed, both positive and negative orientation?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct. The entities responsible for the gathering of the scientists were of a mixed orientation. The scientists were overwhelmingly positive in their orientation. The scientists who followed their work were of mixed orientation including one extremely negative entity, as you would term it.

11.25 Questioner: Then I assume you can’t name him and would ask you where Nikola Tesla got his information?

Ra: I am Ra. The one known as Nikola received information from Confederation sources desirous of aiding this extremely, shall we say, angelically positive entity in bettering the existence of its fellow mind/body/spirit complexes. It is unfortunate, shall we say, that like many Wanderers the vibratory distortions of third-density illusion caused this entity to become extremely distorted in its perceptions of its fellow mind/body/spirit complexes so that its mission was hindered and in the result, perverted from its purposes.

11.32 Questioner: Just was one thing I forgot. Is it possible to do another session late today?

Ra: I am Ra. It is well.

12.3 Questioner: Is there any effort by the Confederation to stop the Orion chariots from arriving here?

Ra: I am Ra. Every effort is made to quarantine this planet. However, the network of guardians, much like any other pattern of patrols on whatever level, does not hinder each and every entity from penetrating quarantine, for if request is made in light/love, the Law of One will be met with acquiescence. If the request is not made, due to the slipping through the net, then there is penetration of this net.

12.7 Questioner: What would happen to the entity then [if] he did this? What’d happen to his chariot?

Ra: I am Ra. The Creator is one being. The vibratory level of those able to reach the quarantine boundaries is such that upon seeing the love/light net it is impossible to break this Law. Therefore, nothing happens. No attempt is made. There is no confrontation. The only beings who are able to penetrate the quarantine are those who discover windows or distortions in the space/time continua surrounding your planet’s energy fields. Through these windows they come. These windows are rare and unpredictable.

12.14 Questioner: [Would] this be the origin of what we call black magic?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct in one sense, incorrect in another. The Orion group has aided the so-called negatively oriented among your mind/body/spirit complexes. These same entities would be concerning themselves with service to self in any case and there are many upon your so-called inner planes which are negatively oriented and thus available as inner teachers or guides and so-called possessors of certain souls who seek this distortion of service to self.

12.17 Questioner: Does an individual in the fourth density normally appear— or are they normally invisible to us?

Ra: I am Ra. The use of the word “normal” is one which befuddles the meaning of the question. Let us rephrase for clarity. The fourth density is, by choice, not visible to third density. It is possible for fourth density to be visible. However, it is not the choice of the fourth-density entity to be visible due to the necessity for concentration upon a rather difficult vibrational complex which is the third density you experience.

12.29 Questioner: What could one of these entities do to become karmically involved? Could you give us an example?

Ra: I am Ra. An entity which acts in a consciously unloving manner in action with other beings can become karmically involved.

13.3 Questioner: Secondly, I would like to title the book, The Law of One, by Ra. Is this agreeable?

Ra: I am Ra. The title of the book is acceptable. The authorship by vibratory sound complex Ra is, in our distortion of understanding, incomplete. We are messengers.

13.11 Questioner: Could you tell me— taking the question previous to the one that I asked about galaxy and planets, would you tell me the next step that occurred after that step?

Ra: I am Ra. The steps, as you call them, are, at the point of question, simultaneous and infinite.

14.5 Questioner: Was the Egyptian visit of 11,000 years ago the only one where you actually walked the Earth?

Ra: I am Ra. I understand your question distorted in the direction of selves rather than other-selves. We of the vibratory sound complex, Ra, have walked among you only at that time.

14.7 Questioner: What is a balancing pyramid?

Ra: I am Ra. Imagine, if you will, the many force fields of the Earth in their geometrically precise web. Energies stream into the Earth planes, as you would call them, from magnetically determined points. Due to growing thought-form distortions in understanding of the Law of One, the planet itself was seen to have the potential for imbalance. The balancing pyramidal structures were charged with crystals which drew the appropriate balance from the energy forces streaming into the various geometrical centers of electromagnetic energy which surround and shape the planetary sphere.

14.19 Questioner: At what density level is Ra?

Ra: I am Ra. I am sixth density with a strong seeking towards seventh density. The harvest for us will be in only approximately two and one-half million of your years and it is our desire to be ready for harvest as it approaches in our space/time continuum.

14.20 Questioner: And you ready yourselves for harvest through [the] best service you can provide. Is this correct?

Ra: This is correct. We offer the Law of One, the solving of paradoxes, the balancing of love/light and light/love.

14.23 Questioner: In your service in giving the Law of One, do you work with any planets other than the Earth at this time, or just Earth?

Ra: I am Ra. We work only with this planetary sphere at this time.

14.24 Questioner: You stated that you were called by 352,000 Earth entities. Does this mean that this number is the number who will understand and accept the Law of One? Am I correct?

Ra: I am Ra. We cannot estimate the correctness of your statement for those who call are not in every case able to understand the answer to their calling. Moreover, those who were not calling previously may, with great trauma, discover the answers to the call nearly simultaneously with their late call. There is no time/space in call. Therefore, we cannot estimate the number of your mind/body/spirit complexes which will, in your space/time continuum distortion, hear and understand.

14.32 Questioner: Where did the information come from that Edgar Cayce channeled?

Ra: I am Ra. We have explained before that the intelligent infinity is brought into intelligent energy from eighth density or the octave. The one vibratory sound complex called Edgar used this gateway to view the present, which is not the continuum you experience but the potential social memory complex of this planetary sphere. The term your peoples have used for this is the “Akashic Record” or the “Hall of Records.” This is the last question which you may now ask.

15.8 Questioner: If an entity were perfectly balanced on this planet with respect to the Law of One, would he undergo the aging process?

Ra: I am Ra. A perfectly balanced entity would become tired rather than visibly aged. The lessons being learned, the entity would depart. However, this is appropriate and is a form of aging which your peoples do not experience. The understanding comes slowly, the body complex decomposing more rapidly.

15.10 Questioner: Am I correct in assuming that one of the blockages [of] a mind/body/spirit complex might be due to an unbalance of, shall we say, ego, and this could be balanced using, say, a worthiness/unworthiness balance?

Ra: I am Ra. This is incorrect.

15.22 Questioner: You also said that you offered the Law of One, which is the balancing of love/light and light/love. Is there any difference between love/light and light/love?

Ra: I am Ra. This will be the final question of this time/space. There is the same difference between love/light and light/love as there is between teach/learning and learn/teaching. Love/light is the enabler, the power, the energy giver. Light/love is the manifestation which occurs when light has been impressed with love.

15.23 Questioner: Is there anything that we can do to make the instrument more comfortable? And can we have another session today?

Ra: I am Ra. This instrument requires a certain amount of manipulation of the physical or body complex due to a stiffness. Other than this, all is well, the energies being balanced. There is a slight distortion in the mental energy of this instrument due to concern for a loved one, as you call it. This is only slightly lowering the vital energies of the instrument. Given a manipulation, this instrument will be well for another working.

15.24 Questioner: By manipulation, do you mean she should go for a walk or we should rub her back?

Ra: I am Ra. We meant the latter. The understanding must be added that this manipulation be done by one in harmony with the entity. Are there any short queries before we leave this instrument?

16.5 Questioner: What is the source of this random number generator? Is it created by the Guardians to balance their guarding? Or is it a source other than the Guardians?

Ra: I am Ra. All sources are one. However, we understand your query. The window phenomenon is an other-self phenomenon from the Guardians. It operates from the dimensions beyond space/time in what you may call the area of intelligent energy. Like your cycles, such balancing, such rhythms are as a clock striking. In the case of the windows, no entities have the clock. Therefore, it seems random. It is not random in the dimension which produces this balance. That is why we stated the analogy was within certain limits.

16.20 Questioner: It would be unlike an entity fully aware of the knowledge of the Law of One to ever say “Thou shalt not.” Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.

16.22 Questioner: Thank you very much. In previous material, before we communicated with you, it was stated by the Confederation that there is actually no past or future… all is present. Would this be a good analogy?

Ra: I am Ra. There is past, present, and future in third density. In an overview such as an entity may have, removed from the space/time continuum, it may be seen that in the cycle of completion there exists only the present. We, ourselves, seek to learn this understanding. At the seventh level or dimension, we shall, if our humble efforts are sufficient, become one with all, thus having no memory, no identity, no past or future, but existing in the all.

16.24 Questioner: I was wondering how many inhabited planets there are in our galaxy and if they all reach higher density by the Law of One, or if there is any other way— it doesn’t seem to me that there would be any other way to reach higher density. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. Please restate your query.

16.27 Questioner: Can you tell me what percentage of those are third, fourth, fifth, sixth density, etc.? Roughly, very roughly.

Ra: I am Ra. A percentage seventeen for first density, a percentage twenty for second density, a percentage twenty-seven for third density, a percentage sixteen for fourth density, a percentage six for fifth density. The other information must be withheld. The free will of your future is not making this available. We shall speak on one item. There is a fairly large percentage, approximately thirty-five percent of the intelligent planets, which do not fit in the percentiles. These mysteries are of sixth and seventh density and are not available for our speaking.

16.28 Questioner: Well, this first five densities, have all of them progressed from third density by knowledge and application of the Law of One?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.

16.29 Questioner: Then the only way for a planet to get out of the situation that we are in, or the only way for the population is to become aware of and start practicing the Law [of One]. Is this correct?

Ra: This is correct.

16.39 Questioner: I am assuming it is not necessary for an individual to understand the Law of One to go from third to fourth density. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. It is absolutely necessary that an entity consciously realize it does not understand in order for it to be harvestable. Understanding is not of this density.

16.40 Questioner: That is a very important point. I used the wrong word. What I meant to say was I believe that it was not necessary for an entity to be consciously aware of the Law of One to go from third to fourth density.

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.

16.51 Questioner: Could you define the word density as we have been using it to give us a little greater idea of the concept of this term when used by you?

Ra: I am Ra. The term density is a, what you would call, mathematical one. The closest analogy is that of music, whereby after seven notes on your western type of scale, if you will, the eighth note begins a new octave. Within your great octave of existence which we share with you, there are seven octaves or densities. Within each density there are seven sub-densities. Within each sub-density, seven sub-sub-densities, and so on infinitely.

16.54 Questioner: Does what we do, when we think of possibilities that can occur, say daydreaming: Do these become real in these densities?

Ra: I am Ra. This depends upon the nature of the daydream. This is a large subject. Perhaps the simplest thing we can say is, if the daydream, as you call it, is one which attracts to self, this then becomes reality to self. If it is contemplative general daydream, this may enter the infinity of possibility/probability complexes and occur elsewhere, having no particular attachment to the energy fields of the creator.

16.55 Questioner: To make this a little more clear, if I were to daydream strongly about building a ship, would this occur in one of these other densities?

Ra: I am Ra. This would, would have, or shall occur.

17.10 Questioner: Thank you. Can you tell me who, before incarnation into this density, was the one known as Jesus of Nazareth?

Ra: I am Ra. I have difficulty with this question as it is phrased. Can you discover another form for this query?

17.11 Questioner: Yes. What I meant to say was can you tell me if Jesus of Nazareth came from the Confederation before incarnation here?

Ra: I am Ra. The one known to you as Jesus of Nazareth did not have a name. This entity was a member of fifth* density of the highest level of that sub-octave. This entity was desirous of entering this planetary sphere in order to share the love vibration in as pure a manner as possible. Thus, this entity received permission to perform this mission. This entity was then a Wanderer of no name, of Confederation origins, of fifth* density, representing the fifth-density* understanding of the vibration of understanding or love.

* This should be fourth. Ra corrects the error in the next answer.

17.15 Questioner: I would like to make a point clear now that I am sure of myself. People of this planet, following any religion or no religion at all, or having no intellectual knowledge of the Law of One or of anything at all, can still be harvested into the fourth density if they are of that vibration. Is this not correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct. However, you will find few who are harvestable whose radiance does not cause others to be aware of their, what you may call, spirituality, the quality of the mind/body/spirit complex distortion. Thus, it is not particularly probable that an entity would be completely unknown to his immediate acquaintances as an unusually radiant personality, even were this individual not caught up in any of the distortions of your so-called religious systems.

17.19 Questioner: How did Jesus learn this during his incarnation?

Ra: I am Ra. This entity learned the ability by a natural kind of remembering at a very young age. Unfortunately, this entity first discovered his ability to penetrate intelligent infinity by becoming the distortion you call “angry” at a playmate. This entity was touched by the entity known as Jesus to you and was fatally wounded.

Thus the one known as Jesus became aware that there dwelt in him a terrible potential. This entity determined to discover how to use this energy for the good, not for the negative. This entity was extremely positively polarized and remembered more than most Wanderers do.

17.34 Questioner: Well, then if an entity is harvested into fourth density with a grade, let’s say, of fifty-one percent for others, forty-nine percent for self, what level of the fourth density would he go into? I’m assuming there are different levels of the fourth density.

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct. Each enters the sub-density which vibrates in accordance with the entity’s understanding.

17.43 Questioner: Can you explain what you mean by a seniority by vibration?

Ra: I am Ra. This will be the final question of this session of working.

The seniority by vibration is the preferential treatment, shall we say, which follows the ways of the Law of One which encourages harvestable individuals, each individual becoming aware of the time of harvest and the need on a self-level to bend mind, body, and spirit towards the learn/teaching of these lessons, is given priority in order that this entity may have the best possible chance, shall we say, of succeeding in this attempt.

May we ask at this time if there are any questions?

17.45 Questioner: Just— we want to put heavier clothing on the feet. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.

I will leave this instrument now, I leave you in the love and the light of the One Infinite Creator. Adonai.

18.12 Questioner: You stated yesterday that forgiveness is the eradicator of karma. I am assuming that balanced forgiveness for the full eradication of karma would require forgiveness not only of other-selves but forgiveness of self. Am I correct?

Ra: I am Ra. You are correct. We will briefly expand upon this understanding in order to clarify.

Forgiveness of other-self is forgiveness of self. An understanding of this insists upon full forgiveness upon the conscious level of self and other-self, for they are one. A full forgiveness is thus impossible without the inclusion of self.

18.13 Questioner: Thank you. A most important point to my way of thinking.

You mentioned that there were a number of Confederations. Do all serve the Infinite Creator in basically the same way, or do some specialize in some particular types of service?

Ra: I am Ra. All serve the One Creator. There is nothing else to serve, for the Creator is all that there is. It is impossible not to serve the Creator. There are simply various distortions of this service.

As in the Confederation which works with your peoples, each Confederation is a group of specialized individual social memory complexes, each doing that which it expresses to bring into manifestation.

18.18 Questioner: Can you tell me Yahweh’s purpose in making the genetic sexual changes?

Ra: I am Ra. The purpose seven five oh oh oh [75,000] years ago, as you measure time, the changes subsequent to that time were of one purpose only: that to express in the mind/body complex those characteristics which would lead to further and more speedy development of the spiritual complex.

18.22 Questioner: Then the Orion group… I’m not quite sure that I understand this. Do you mean that the Orion group produced this larger body complex to create an elite so that the Law of One could be applied in what we call the negative sense?

Ra: I am Ra. This is incorrect. The entities of Yahweh were responsible for this procedure in isolated cases as experiments in combating the Orion group.

However, the Orion group were able to use this distortion of mind/body complex to inculcate the thoughts of the elite rather than concentrations upon the learning/teaching of oneness.

18.26 Questioner: Thank you very much. I believe that to be a very important point in understanding the total workings of the Law of One. It’ll be helpful. As you probably know I must work for the next three days, so we will possibly have another session tonight if you think it is possible. And the next session after that would not be until four days from now. Do you believe another session tonight is possible?

Ra: I am Ra. This instrument is somewhat weak. This is a distortion caused by lack of vital energy. Thus, nurturing the instrument in physical balancing will allow another session. Do you understand?

19.10 Questioner: Over approximately how long a period of time does— was this transfiguration? It must have been very short.

Ra: I am Ra. The assumption is correct, in our terms at least — within a generation and one-half, as you know these things. Those who had been harvested of this planet were able to use the newly created physical complex of chemical elements suitable for third-density lessons.

19.14 Questioner: Then we have second-density beings who have primarily motivation towards service to self and possibly a little bit of service to others with respect to their immediate families going into third density and carrying this bias with them but being in a position now where this bias will slowly be modified to one which is aimed toward a social complex and then ultimately toward union with the all. Am I correct?

Ra: I am Ra. You are correct.

20.10 Questioner: Then the concept of service to self or service to others is mandatory if we wish to have work, whether it be work in consciousness or work in the mechanical or Newtonian concept in the physical. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct with one addendum. The coil, as you may understand this term, is wound, is potential, is ready. The thing that is missing without polarizing is the charge.

20.29 Questioner: Am I to understand, then, there was neither a harvestable entities of positive or negative polarity at [the] end of that 25,000 years?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct. Those whom you call the Orion group made one attempt to offer information to those of third density during that cycle. However, the information did not fall upon the ears of any who were concerned to follow this path to polarity.

20.30 Questioner: What technique did the Orion group use to give this information?

Ra: I am Ra. The technique used was of two kinds: one, the thought transfer or what you may call “telepathy”; two, the arrangement of certain stones in order to suggest strong influences of power, this being those of statues and of rock formations in your Pacific areas, as you now call them, and to an extent in your Central American regions, as you now understand them.

20.34 Questioner: Well, then, did Orion entities do this themselves? Did they, did they land in physical, or did they do it from mental planes, or did they use one of the incarnate entities to construct these by thought?

Ra: I am Ra. Nearly all of these structures and formations were constructed at a distance by thought. A very few were created in later times in imitation of original constructs by entities upon your Earth plane/density.

20.36 Questioner: You use the same nomenclature for fourth-density negative as for fourth-density positive. Both are called the dimension of love or understanding. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct. Love and understanding, whether it be of self or of self towards other-self, is one.

21.18 Questioner: Did the first distortion of the Law of One require then that equal time, shall I say, be given to the self-service oriented group?

Ra: I am Ra. In this case this was not necessary for some of your time due to the orientation of the entities.

22.9 Questioner: About how many people populated the Earth totally at that time; that is, incarnated in the physical at any one time?

Ra: I am Ra. I am assuming that you intend to query regarding the number of incarnate mind/body/spirit complexes at the end of the second major cycle, this number being approximately three four five, oh oh oh, three hundred forty-five thousand [345,000] entities.

22.10 Questioner: Approximately how many were harvestable out of the total number?

Ra: I am Ra. There were approximately one hundred fifty [150] entities harvestable.

22.26 Questioner: I see then. What you’re saying is these naïve Confederation entities had had the same thing happen to them in the past so they were doing the same thing for the Atlantean entities. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct. We remind you that we are one of the naïve members of that Confederation and are still attempting to recoup the damage for which we feel responsibility. It is our duty as well as honor to continue with your peoples, therefore, until all traces of the distortions of our teach/learnings have been embraced by their opposite distortions, and balance achieved.

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The original Law of One books are copyright ©1982, 1984, 1998 L/L Research. The Ra Contact books are copyright ©2018 L/L Research and Tobey Wheelock.
This site copyright ©2003–2025 Tobey Wheelock.

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