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5.0 Ra: I am Ra. I greet you in the love and the light of the Infinite Creator. I communicate now.
6.0 Ra: I am Ra. I greet you in the love and the light of the Infinite Creator. I communicate now.
6.5 Questioner: How did you journey from Venus to this planet?
Ra: We used thought.
6.21 Questioner: The disc-shaped craft we call UFOs have… some have been said to come… possibly from the planet Venus. Would any of these be your craft?
Ra: I am Ra. We have used crystals for many purposes. The craft of which you speak have not been used by us in your space/time present memory complex. However, we have used crystals and the bell shape in the past of your illusion.
6.22 Questioner: How many years ago in the past did you use the bell-shaped craft to come here?
Ra: I am Ra. We visited your peoples eighteen thousand [18,000] of your years ago and did not land; again, eleven thousand [11,000] years ago.
6.28 Questioner: In that case perhaps we should continue at a later time.
Ra: We shall agree. Therefore, unless you have a short question we will take our leave.
7.0 Ra: I am Ra. I greet you in the love and the light of our Infinite Creator. I communicate now.
7.4 Questioner: [Inaudible] use an example. If ten, only ten, entities on earth required your services how would you compute their call using this square rule?
Ra: We would square one ten sequential times, raising the number to the tenth square.
7.11 Questioner: The names you spoke of, are they Mark Probert* and Henry Puharich*?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
8.0 Ra: I am Ra. I greet you in the love and the light of the Infinite Creator. I communicate now.
8.16 Questioner: What did they do to Charlie Hickson when they took him on board?
Ra: I am Ra. They used his mind/body/spirit complex’s life experience, concentrating upon the experience of the complexes of what you call war.
8.34 Questioner: [Is the] censer off with respect to angle or with respect to lateral displacement?
Ra: There is an approximate three degree displacement from proper perpendicularity.
I am Ra. I leave you in the love and the light of the One Infinite Creator. Go forth, therefore, rejoicing in the power and the peace of the One Creator. Adonai.
9.0 Ra: I am Ra. I greet you in the love and the light of our Infinite Creator. We communicate now.
9.22 Questioner: Then there are two different types of Bigfoot. Correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This will be the final question.
There are three types of Bigfoot, if you will accept that vibratory sound complex used for three such different races of mind/body/spirit complexes. The first two we have described.
The third is a thought-form.
10.0 Ra: I am Ra. I greet you in the love and the light of the Infinite Creator. I communicate now.
10.5 Questioner: Are these the Bigfoot you spoke of?
Ra: I am Ra. These are one type of Bigfoot.
10.16 Questioner: Only one, other than what we can do to make the instrument more comfortable. I have only one other question. I would like to have brief information of the word you use, “galaxy.”
Ra: I am Ra. We use the term known to your people by the sound vibration complex “galaxy.” We accept that some galaxies contain one system of planetary and solar groups, others containing several. However, the importance of the locus in infinite time/space dimensionality is so little that we accept the distortion implicit in such an ambiguous term.
11.0 Ra: I am Ra. I greet you in the love and the light of the Infinite Creator. I communicate now.
11.5 Questioner: You said that entities from Maldek might go to— some may go to fourth-density negative. Are there people who go out of our present third density to places in the universe and serve, which are fourth-density self-service or negative type of planets?
Ra: I am Ra. Your question is unclear. Please restate.
12.0 Ra: I am Ra. I greet you in the love and the light of the Infinite Creator. I communicate now.
12.18 Questioner: Are there any Confederation or Orion individuals living on Earth visible to us and important in our society at this time? Walking among us?
Ra: I am Ra. There are no entities of either group walking among you at this time. However, the crusaders of Orion use two types of entities to do their bidding, shall we say. The first type is a thought-form; the second, a kind of robot.
12.29 Questioner: What could one of these entities do to become karmically involved? Could you give us an example?
Ra: I am Ra. An entity which acts in a consciously unloving manner in action with other beings can become karmically involved.
13.0 Ra: I am Ra. I greet you in the love and the light of the Infinite Creator. I communicate now.
13.4 Questioner: Can you state who then should author the book?
Ra: I can only request that if your discernment/understanding suggests the use of this vibratory sound complex, Ra, the phrase “An humble messenger of the Law of One” be appended.
13.12 Questioner: Could you tell me how intelligent infinity became, shall we say (I’m having difficulty with some of the language), how intelligent infinity became individualized from itself?
Ra: I am Ra. This is an appropriate question.
The intelligent infinity discerned a concept. This concept was discerned due to freedom of will of awareness. This concept was finity. This was the first and primal paradox or distortion of the Law of One. Thus the one intelligent infinity invested itself in an exploration of many-ness. Due to the infinite possibilities of intelligent infinity there is no ending to many-ness. The exploration, thus, is free to continue infinitely in an eternal present.
13.17 Questioner: Does this first density then progress to greater awareness?
Ra: The spiraling energy, which is the characteristic of what you call “light,” moves in straight line spiral thus giving spirals an inevitable vector upwards to a more comprehensive beingness with regards to intelligent infinity. Thus, first dimensional beingness strives towards the second-density lessons of a type of awareness which includes growth rather than dissolution or random change.
13.19 Questioner: By striving toward light, what do you mean?
Ra: I am Ra. A very simplistic example of second-density growth striving towards light is that of the leaf striving towards the source of light.
14.0 Ra: I am Ra. I greet you in the love and the light of the Infinite Creator. We communicate now.
14.6 Questioner: I understood you to say in an earlier session that pyramids were built to ring the Earth. How many pyramids were built?
Ra: I am Ra. There are six balancing pyramids and five two, fifty-two [52] others built for additional healing and initiatory work among your mind/body/spirit social complexes.
14.23 Questioner: In your service in giving the Law of One, do you work with any planets other than the Earth at this time, or just Earth?
Ra: I am Ra. We work only with this planetary sphere at this time.
14.33 Questioner: Is there anything that we can do to make the instrument more comfortable or help during the transmission?
Ra: I am Ra. We only reiterate the importance of alignment. This instrument is placed point two degrees [0.2°] away from the direction of the resting place, which is correct. This may be “eyed,” shall we say, by sight and the instrument reminded. You are being conscientious. Is there any brief question we may answer before this session is closed?
14.34 Questioner: Can you tell me if we are accomplishing our effort reasonably well?
Ra: I am Ra. The Law is One. There are no mistakes.
I am Ra. I leave this instrument in the love and the light of the One Infinite Creator. Go forth, therefore, rejoicing in the power and the peace of the One Creator. Adonai.
15.0 Ra: I am Ra. I greet you in the love and the light of the Infinite Creator. I communicate now.
15.5 Questioner: Do I assume correctly in assuming that one of your attempts in service to this planet was to help the population of this planet more fully understand and practice the Law of One so that this aging, rapid aging could be changed to normal aging?
Ra: I am Ra. You assume correctly to a great degree.
15.16 Questioner: What do you mean by their other-selves being harvestable?
Ra: I am Ra. The other-selves with whom these beings are concerned are those which did not attain harvest during the second major cycle.
15.24 Questioner: By manipulation, do you mean she should go for a walk or we should rub her back?
Ra: I am Ra. We meant the latter. The understanding must be added that this manipulation be done by one in harmony with the entity. Are there any short queries before we leave this instrument?
16.0 Ra: I am Ra. I greet you in the love and the light of the Infinite Creator. We communicate now.
16.4 Questioner: Could you tell me how that works?
Ra: I am Ra. The closest analogy would be a random number generator within certain limits.
16.10 Questioner: You mentioned the word “Empire” in relation to the Orion group. I have thought for some time that the movie Star Wars was somehow an allegory, in part, for what is actually happening. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct in the same way that a simple children’s story is an allegory for physical/philosophical/social complex distortion/understanding.
16.15 Questioner: Can you tell me the origin of the Ten Commandments?
Ra: I am Ra. The origin of these commandments follows the law of negative entities impressing information upon positively oriented mind/body/spirit complexes. The information attempted to copy or ape positivity while retaining negative characteristics.
16.25 Questioner: How many inhabited planets are there in our galaxy?
Ra: I am Ra. We are assuming that you intend all dimensions of consciousness or densities of awareness in this question. Approximately one-fifth of all planetary entities contain awareness of one or more densities. Some planetary spheres are hospitable only for certain densities. Your planetary sphere, for instance, is at this time hospitable to levels or densities one, two, three, and four.
16.27 Questioner: Can you tell me what percentage of those are third, fourth, fifth, sixth density, etc.? Roughly, very roughly.
Ra: I am Ra. A percentage seventeen for first density, a percentage twenty for second density, a percentage twenty-seven for third density, a percentage sixteen for fourth density, a percentage six for fifth density. The other information must be withheld. The free will of your future is not making this available. We shall speak on one item. There is a fairly large percentage, approximately thirty-five percent of the intelligent planets, which do not fit in the percentiles. These mysteries are of sixth and seventh density and are not available for our speaking.
16.42 Questioner: Can you tell me a little more about this honor/responsibility concept?
Ra: I am Ra. Each responsibility is an honor; each honor, a responsibility.
17.12 Questioner: Did you say the fifth vibration was that of love? Fifth density was that of love?
Ra: I am Ra. I have made an error. The fourth-density being is that which we intended to say, the highest level of fourth density going into the fifth. This entity could have gone on to the fifth but chose instead to return to third for this particular mission. This entity was of the highest sub-octave of the vibration of love. This is fourth density.
17.36 Questioner: I’ve heard that there are seven astral and seven devachanic* primary levels. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. You speak of some of the more large distinctions in levels in your inner planes. That is correct.
17.42 Questioner: How long has this been going on, this type of allocation?
Ra: I am Ra. This has been going on since the first individual entity became conscious of its need to learn the lessons of this density. This was the beginning of what you may call a seniority by vibration.
17.45 Questioner: Just— we want to put heavier clothing on the feet. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
I will leave this instrument now, I leave you in the love and the light of the One Infinite Creator. Adonai.
18.0 Ra: I am Ra. I greet you in the love and the light of the Infinite Creator. We communicate now.
18.9 Questioner: Who are these guides?
Ra: I am Ra. These guides are what you call parents, teachers, and friends.
18.16 Questioner: Can you tell me specifically what they did in this case?
Ra: I am Ra. We have answered this question. Please restate for further information.
18.17 Questioner: Can you tell me the difference between the… the sexual programming, let us say, prior to Yahweh’s intervention and after intervention?
Ra: I am Ra. This is a question which we can only answer by stating that intervention by genetic means is the same no matter what the source of this change.
19.0 Ra: I am Ra. I greet you in the love and the light of the Infinite Creator. We communicate now.
19.12 Questioner: This seems to be a carefully planned or engineered stage of development. Can you tell me anything of the origin of this plan for the development?
Ra: I am Ra. We go back to previous information. Consider and remember the discussion of the Logos. With the primal distortion of free will, each galaxy developed its own Logos. This Logos has complete free will in determining the paths of intelligent energy which promote the lessons of each of the densities given the conditions of the planetary spheres and the sun bodies.
19.14 Questioner: Then we have second-density beings who have primarily motivation towards service to self and possibly a little bit of service to others with respect to their immediate families going into third density and carrying this bias with them but being in a position now where this bias will slowly be modified to one which is aimed toward a social complex and then ultimately toward union with the all. Am I correct?
Ra: I am Ra. You are correct.
19.16 Questioner: Then, through free will, some time in the third-density experience, the path splits and an entity consciously— probably does not consciously choose. Does an entity consciously choose this path at the initial splitting point?
Ra: I am Ra. We speak in generalities which is dangerous for always inaccurate. However, we realize you look for the overview; so we will eliminate anomalies and speak of majorities.
The majority of third-density beings is far along the chosen path before realization of that path is conscious.
19.18 Questioner: I assume that an entity on either path can decide to choose paths at any time and possibly retrace steps, the path-changing being more difficult the farther along is gone. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is incorrect. The further an entity has, what you would call, polarized, the more easily this entity may change polarity, for the more power and awareness the entity will have.
Those truly helpless are those who have not consciously chosen but who repeat patterns without knowledge of the repetition or the meaning of the pattern.
20.0 Ra: I am Ra. I greet you in the love and the light of the Infinite Creator. I communicate now.
20.14 Questioner: Assuming a major cycle is 25,000 years, at the end of the first 25,000-year cycle, how long was the life span?
Ra: The life span at the end of the first cycle which you call major was approximately seven hundred of your years.
20.16 Questioner: Can you tell me the reason for this shortening of life span?
Ra: I am Ra. The causes of this shortening are always an ineuphonious or inharmonious relational vibration between other-selves. In the first cycle this was not severe, but due to the dispersion of peoples and the growing feeling complex/distortions towards separateness from other-selves.
20.29 Questioner: Am I to understand, then, there was neither a harvestable entities of positive or negative polarity at [the] end of that 25,000 years?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct. Those whom you call the Orion group made one attempt to offer information to those of third density during that cycle. However, the information did not fall upon the ears of any who were concerned to follow this path to polarity.
20.31 Questioner: Are you speaking in part of the stone heads of Easter Island?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
20.38 Questioner: What structures were built in South America?
Ra: I am Ra. In this location were fashioned some characteristic statues, some formations of what you call rock and some formations involving rock and earth.
21.0 Ra: I am Ra. I greet you in the love and the light of the Infinite Creator. We communicate now.
21.13 Questioner: At the end of this first 25,000-year cycle, then, was there any physical change that occurred rapidly like that which occurs at a 75,000-year cycle or is this just an indexing time for a harvesting period?
Ra: I am Ra. There was no change except that which according to intelligent energy, or what you may term physical evolution, suited physical complexes to their environment, this being of the color of the skin due to the area of the sphere upon which entities lived; the gradual growth of peoples due to improved intake of foodstuffs.
22.0 Ra: I am Ra. I greet you in the love and in the light of the Infinite Creator. I communicate now.
22.4 Questioner: Can you tell me the length of that sp— average span in years at the end of the second major cycle?
Ra: I am Ra. The average is perhaps misleading. To be precise, many spent approximately thirty-five to forty of your years in one incarnation with the possibility not considered abnormal of a life span approaching one hundred of your years.
22.7 Questioner: You spoke of the South American group that was harvestable at the end of the second cycle. How long was their average life span at the end of the second cycle?
Ra: I am Ra. This isolated group had achieved life spans stretching upwards towards the nine-hundred-year [900-year] life span appropriate to this density.
22.9 Questioner: About how many people populated the Earth totally at that time; that is, incarnated in the physical at any one time?
Ra: I am Ra. I am assuming that you intend to query regarding the number of incarnate mind/body/spirit complexes at the end of the second major cycle, this number being approximately three four five, oh oh oh, three hundred forty-five thousand [345,000] entities.
22.17 Questioner: Was any action taken immediately, or did you wait for a call?
Ra: I am Ra. The Council of Saturn acted only in allowing the entry into third density of other mind/body/spirit complexes of third density, not Wanderers, but those who sought further third-density experience. This was done randomly so that free will would not be violated for there was not yet a call.
23.0 Ra: I am Ra. I greet you in the love and the light of the Infinite Creator. We communicate now.
23.4 Questioner: Did you have a reason for being visible to them rather than invisible?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
24.0 Ra: I am Ra. I greet you in the love and in the light of the Infinite Creator. I communicate now.
25.0 Ra: I am Ra. I greet you in the love and the light of the Infinite Creator. We communicate now.
26.0 Ra: I am Ra. I greet you in the love and the light of the Infinite Creator. I communicate now.
26.2 Questioner: And do you mean that everything is satisfactory for continued communication?
Ra: I am Ra. We meant that the changes affect this communication.
26.6 Questioner: Can you tell me if the Old Testament has any of the Law of One?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
26.16 Questioner: I am assuming you mean Thomas Edison and Benjamin Franklin?
Ra: This is incorrect. We were intending to convey the sound vibration complex, Thomas Jefferson. The other, correct.
26.30 Questioner: And then, can you describe the mechanism of the planetary healing?
Ra: I am Ra. Healing is a process of acceptance, forgiveness, and, if possible, restitution. The restitution not being available in time/space, there are many among your peoples now attempting restitution while in the physical.
27.0 Ra: I am Ra. I greet you in the love and the light of the One Infinite Creator. I communicate now.
28.0 Ra: I am Ra. I greet you in the love and the light of the Infinite Creator. I communicate now.
28.9 Questioner: Then what you’re saying is that the lenticular star system which we call a galaxy that we find ourself in with approximately 250 billion other suns like our own was created by a single Logos. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
28.10 Questioner: Now, since there are many individualized portions of consciousness in this lenticular galaxy, did this Logos then subdivide into more individualization of consciousness to create these consciousness or divide into these consciousness?
Ra: I am Ra. You are perceptive. This is also correct although an apparent paradox.
28.14 Questioner: Is there any reason for some portions being much more efficient in learning?
Ra: I am Ra. Is there any reason for some to learn more quickly than others? Look, if you wish, to the function of the will … the, shall we say, attraction to the upward spiraling line of light.
28.20 Questioner: I am assuming that the process of creation, then, after the original creation of the major galaxy, is continued by the further individualization of consciousness of the Logos so that there are many, many portions of individualized consciousness then creating further items, you might say, for experience all over the galaxy. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct, for within the, shall we say, guidelines or ways of the Logos, the sub-Logos may find various means of differentiating experiences without removing or adding to these ways.
26.20 Questioner: Thank you. In the recent past of the last thirty to forty years the UFO phenomena has become known to our population. What was the original reason for— I know there’ve been UFOs throughout history, but what was the original reason for the increase in what we call UFO activity say in the past forty years?
Ra: I am Ra. Information which Confederation sources had offered to your entity, Albert [Einstein], became perverted, and instruments of destruction began to be created, examples of this being the Manhattan Project and its product.
Information offered through Wanderer, sound vibration, Nikola [Tesla], also being experimented with for potential destruction: example, your so-called Philadelphia Experiment.
Thus, we felt a strong need to involve our thought-forms in whatever way we of the Confederation could be of service in order to balance these distortions of information meant to aid your planetary sphere.
29.0 Ra: I am Ra. I greet you in the love and in the light of the Infinite Creator. We communicate now.
29.2 Questioner: Then I am assuming this sub-Logos created this planetary system in all of its densities. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is incorrect. The sub-Logos of your solar entity differentiated some experiential components within the patterns of intelligent energy set in motion by the Logos which created the basic conditions and vibratory rates consistent throughout your, what you have called, major galaxy.
29.20 Questioner: Thank you. Then when our planet Earth here gets fully into fourth density, will there be a greater gravity?
Ra: I am Ra. There will be a greater spiritual gravity thus causing a denser illusion.
29.26 Questioner: Can you tell me why each mind/body/spirit complex has this unique point of distortion-ridding?
Ra: I am Ra. Each mind/body/spirit complex is an unique portion of the One Creator.
30.0 Ra: I am Ra. I greet you in the love and in the light of the One Infinite Creator. We communicate now.
31.0 Ra: I am Ra. I greet you in the love and in the light of the One Infinite Creator. We communicate now.
32.0 Ra: I am Ra. I greet you in the love and the light of the One Infinite Creator. We communicate now.
33.0 Ra: I am Ra. I greet you in the love and in the light of the One Infinite Creator. I communicate now.
33.5 Questioner: Possibly the use of a prism breaking white light into its spectrum and then screening off all parts of the spectrum except that which you wish to pass through a slit and use would be even better. Would this be true?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
33.13 Questioner: Is this seniority system also used for the service-to-self side for becoming harvestable on that side?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct. You may ask one more full question at this time.
33.18 Questioner: I believe that that is sufficient for the time being.
Ra: I am Ra. Do you have a brief query or two before we close this working?
34.0 Ra: I am Ra. I greet you in the love and in the light of the One Infinite Creator. We communicate now.
34.5 Questioner: If an entity develops what is called a karma in an incarnation, is there then programming that sometimes occurs so that he will experience catalyst that will enable him to get to a point of forgiveness thereby alleviating the karma?
Ra: I am Ra. This is, in general, correct. However, both self and any involved other-self may, at any time through the process of understanding, acceptance, and forgiveness, ameliorate these patterns. This is true at any point in an incarnative pattern. Thus one who has set in motion an action may forgive itself and never again make that error. This also brakes or stops what you call karma.
35.0 Ra: I am Ra. I greet you in the love and in the light of the One Infinite Creator. We communicate now.
35.9 Questioner: If there are any further questions I will ask them in the next period which should occur in about four days. I do not want to overtire the instrument. I will only ask if there is anything that we can do to make the instrument more comfortable or improve the contact?
Ra: I am Ra. All is well. I leave you, my friends, in the love and the light of the One Infinite Creator. Go forth, therefore rejoicing in the power and the peace of the One Creator. Adonai.
The original Law of One books are copyright ©1982, 1984, 1998 L/L Research. The Ra Contact books are copyright ©2018 L/L Research and Tobey Wheelock.
This site copyright ©2003–2025 Tobey Wheelock.
Questions? Comments? Email me: tw at law of one dot info.