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(inaudible) podcast: Listening for love in the messages of the Confederation

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29.31 Questioner: Is it possible at all for you to instruct us in specific uses of crystals?

Ra: I am Ra. It is possible. There are, we consider, things which are not efficacious to tell you due to possible infringement upon your free will. Entities of the Confederation have erred in this in the past. The uses of the crystal, as you know, include the uses for healing, for power, and even for the development of life-forms. We feel that it is unwise to offer instruction at this time as your peoples have shown a tendency to use peaceful sources of power for disharmonious reasons.

22.29 Questioner: Is there any way that we can make the instrument more comfortable or anything that we can do for her?

Ra: I am Ra. The instrument is well. It is somewhat less easy to maintain clear contact during a time when some or one of the entities in the circle of working is or are not fully conscious. We request that entities in the circle be aware that their energy is helpful for increasing the vitality of this contact. We thank you for being conscientious in the asking.

I am Ra. It is a great joy to leave you in the love and the light of the One Infinite Creator. Go forth, therefore, rejoicing in the power and the peace of the One Creator. Adonai.

38.14 Questioner: All right, I’ll just ask this one. I have here that— could you give me some idea of what conditions are like on a fourth-density negative or self-service planet? Can you do this?

Ra: I am Ra. The graduation into fourth-density negative is achieved by those beings who have consciously contacted intelligent infinity through the use of red, orange, and yellow rays of energy. Therefore, the planetary conditions of fourth-density negative include the constant alignment and realignment of entities in efforts to form the dominant patterns of combined energy.

The early fourth density is one of the most intensive struggle. When the order of authority has been established and all have fought until convinced that each is in the proper placement for power structure, the social memory complex begins. Always the fourth-density effects of telepathy and the transparency of thought are attempted to be used for the sake of those at the apex of the power structure.

This, as you may see, is often quite damaging to the further polarization of fourth-density negative entities, for the further negative polarization can only come about through group effort. As the fourth-density entities manage to combine, they then polarize through such services to self as those offered by the crusaders of Orion.

You may ask more specific questions in the next session of working. Are there any brief queries before we leave this instrument?

96.2 Questioner: Could you tell me the cause of the lessening of the physical and vital energies?

Ra: I am Ra. We found the need of examining the mental configurations of the instrument before framing an answer due to our reluctance to infringe upon its free will. Those concepts relating to the spiritual contemplation of personal catalyst have been appreciated by the entity so we may proceed.

This entity has an habitual attitude which is singular; that is, when there is some necessity for action the entity is accustomed to analyzing the catalyst in terms of service and determining a course. There was a most unusual variation in this configuration of attitude when this instrument beheld the dwelling which is to be inhabited by this group. The instrument perceived those elementals and beings of astral character of which we have spoken. The instrument desired to be of service by achieving the domicile in question but found its instincts reacting to the unwelcome presences. The division of mind configuration was increased by the continuing catalyst of lack of control. Had this entity been able to physically begin cleansing the dwelling the, shall we say, opening would not have occurred.

Although this entity attempted clear communication upon this matter, and although each in the support group did likewise, the amount of blue-ray work necessary to uncover and grasp the nature of the catalyst was not effected. Therefore, there was an opening, quite rare for this mind/body/spirit complex, and into this opening the one which greets you moved and performed what may be considered to be the most potent of its purely magical manifestations to this present nexus, as you know time.

It is well that this instrument is not distorted towards what you may call hysteria, for the potential of this working was such that had the instrument allowed fear to become greater than the will to persevere when it could not breathe, each attempt at respiration would have been even more nearly impossible until the suffocation occurred which was desired by the one which greets you in its own way. Thus the entity would have passed from this incarnation.

48.11 Questioner: Just if there is anything that we can do to make the instrument more comfortable or improve the contact?

Ra: I am Ra. All is well. As we have said, this instrument is weak physically and continued work times will lengthen this weakness. The continued contact also aids in the continued climb in vital energy of the instrument as well as the integration and vital energy of the group as an unit. The choice is yours. We are pleased. All is well. You are conscientious. Continue so.

I am Ra. I leave you in the love and in the light of the One Infinite Creator. Go forth, then, my friends, rejoicing in the power and in the peace of the One Infinite Creator. Adonai.

71.14 Questioner: You have made the statement that pure negativity acts as a gravity well pulling all into it. I was wondering first if pure positivity has precisely the same effect? Could you answer that please?

Ra: I am Ra. This is incorrect. Positivity has a much weaker effect due to the strong element of recognition of free will in any positivity approaching purity. Thus although the negatively oriented entity may find it difficult to polarize negatively in the midst of such resounding harmony it will not find it impossible.

Upon the other hand, the negative polarization is one which does not accept the concept of the free will of other-selves. Thusly in a social complex whose negativity approaches purity the pull upon other-selves is constant. A positively oriented entity in such a situation would desire for other-selves to have their free will and thusly would find itself removed from its ability to exercise its own free will, for the free will of negatively oriented entities is bent upon conquest.

66.10 Questioner: What is the difference, philosophically, between a mind/body/spirit complex healing itself through mental, shall I say, configuration or it being healed by an healer?

Ra: I am Ra. You have a misconception. The healer does not heal. The crystallized healer is a channel for intelligent energy which offers an opportunity to an entity that it might heal itself.

In no case is there an other description of healing. Therefore, there is no difference as long as the healer never approaches one whose request for aid has not come to it previously. This is also true of the more conventional healers of your culture and if these healers could but fully realize that they are responsible only for offering the opportunity of healing, and not for the healing, many of these entities would feel an enormous load of misconceived responsibility fall from them.

84.18 Questioner: After the veil, in our particular case now, we have, in the circuitry of which we were speaking, what you’d call a blockage that first occurs in orange ray. Could you describe what occurs with this first blockage and what its effects are on each of the entities assuming that one blocks and the other does not or if both are blocked?

Ra: I am Ra. This material has been covered previously. If both entities are blocked both will have an increased hunger for the same activity, seeking to unblock the baffled flow of energy. If one entity is blocked and the other vibrates in love, the entity baffled will hunger still but have a tendency to attempt to continue the procedure of sating the increasing hunger with the one vibrating green ray due to an impression that this entity might prove helpful in this endeavor. The green-ray active individual shall polarize slightly in the direction of service to others but have only the energy with which it began.

30.16 Questioner: Well then, could you generally say that as you get closer to the center of this major galactic system that there is a greater spiritual density, I’ll use the term, or that this general spiritual quality is advanced at that area?

Ra: I am Ra. This will be the last full question of this session as this instrument is somewhat uncomfortable. We do not wish to deplete the instrument.

The spiritual density or mass of those more towards the center of your galaxy is known. However, this is due simply to the varying timelessness states during which the planetary spheres may coalesce, this process of space/time beginnings occurring earlier, shall we say, as you approach the center of the galactic spiral. We welcome any short [tape ends]

73.2 Questioner: Has the banishing ritual that we have performed been helpful for this contact?

Ra: I am Ra. The ritual described has gained with each working in making efficacious the purity of contact needed not only for the Ra contact but for any working of the adept.

94.9 Questioner: Then she says, “If this is so, this seems to be part of the riddle about the manner of beingness that Ra spoke of. I fear if I do not work successfully on my human distortions I shall be responsible for losing the contact. Yet also Ra suggests the over-dedication to any outcome is unwise. Could Ra comment on these thoughts?”

Ra: I am Ra. We comment in general first upon the query about the contact which indicates once again that the instrument views the mind/body/spirit complex with jaundiced eye. Each mind/body/spirit complex that is seeking shall almost certainly have the immature and irrational behaviors. It is also the case that this entity, as well as almost all seekers, [has] done substantial work within the framework of the incarnative experience and [has] indeed developed maturity and rationality. That this instrument should fail to see that which has been accomplished and see only that which remains to be accomplished may well be noted. Indeed, any seeker discovering in itself this complex of mental and mental/emotional distortions shall ponder the possible non-efficacy of judgment.

As we approach the second portion of the query we view the possibility of infringement upon free will. However, we believe we may make reply within the boundaries of the Law of Confusion.

This particular instrument was not trained, nor did it study, nor worked it at any discipline in order to contact Ra. We were able, as we have said many times, to contact this group using this instrument because of the purity of this instrument’s dedication to the service of the One Infinite Creator and also because of the great amount of harmony and acceptance enjoyed each by each within the group; this situation making it possible for the support group to function without significant distortion.

We are humble messengers. How can any thought be taken by an instrument as to the will of the Creator? We thank this group that we may speak through it, but the future is mazed. We cannot know whether our geste* may, after one final working, be complete. Can the instrument, then, think for a moment that it shall cease in the service of the One Infinite Creator? We ask the instrument to ponder these queries and observations.

28.13 Questioner: Thank you. Do all of the individualized portions of the Logos, then, in our— I’ll call the lenticular galaxy that we are in, 250 billion suns, or stars, I will call that the major galaxy just so we will not get mixed up in our terms. Does all the consciousness, then, in this individualized form that goes into what we are calling the major galaxy start out and go through all of the densities in order, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven or— then to eighth— or is there, shall I say, some who start higher up the rank and go in a— so that there is always a mixture of intelligent consciousness in the galaxy?

Ra: I am Ra. The latter is more nearly correct. In each beginning there is the beginning from infinite strength. Free will acts as a catalyst. Beings begin to form the universes. Consciousness then begins to have the potential to experience. The potentials of experience are created as a part of intelligent energy and are fixed before experience begins.

However, there is always, due to free will acting infinitely upon the creation, a great variation in initial responses to intelligent energy’s potential. Thus almost immediately the foundations of the, shall we call it, hierarchical nature of beings begins to manifest as some portions of consciousness or awareness learn through experience in a much more efficient manner.

19.3 Questioner: When this transition from second to third density takes place, how does the entity, whether it be animal, tree, or mineral, become enspirited?

Ra: I am Ra. Entities do not become enspirited. They become aware of the intelligent energy within each portion, cell, or atom, as you may call it, of its beingness.

This awareness is that which is awareness of that already given. From the infinite come all densities. The self-awareness comes from within given the catalyst of certain experiences understanding, as we may call this particular energy, the upward spiraling of the cell or atom or consciousness.

You may then see that there is an inevitable pull towards the, what you may call, eventual realization of self.

14.23 Questioner: In your service in giving the Law of One, do you work with any planets other than the Earth at this time, or just Earth?

Ra: I am Ra. We work only with this planetary sphere at this time.

42.21 Questioner: If this is not brief enough, don’t bother to answer it. But first, I just wondered if certain parts are always removed, the same parts removed in cattle mutilations and is that related to the energy centers and why these parts, these particular parts were removed. But if that is too long of an answer, I’ll just ask if there’s anything that we can do to make the instrument more comfortable or improve the contact?

Ra: I am Ra. It would be well to respond to the query at another working. The instrument is well.

I am Ra. I leave you, my friends, in the love and the light of the Infinite Creator. Go forth, then, rejoicing in the power and the peace of the One Infinite Creator. Adonai.

37.5 Questioner: We will attempt to work around these problems in dissemination of the Law of One. It will take some careful work to do this but we will. I personally will not cease while still incarnate to attempt to disseminate this. I believe it will be necessary to write a book, most probably about UFOs since the Law of One is connected with the phenomenon. It’s connected with all phenomena, but this is the… seems to be the easiest entry into dissemination. My first plan is to, using the UFO in the advertising sense that it was meant by the Confederation, use this as an entry into an explanation of the process of evolution that has gone on on this planet and how the rest of the… or the Confederation has been involved in a more understandable way, shall I say, for the population who will read it, using the Ra material in undistorted form just as it has been recorded here in various places through the book to amplify and clarify what we are saying in the book. This is the only way that I can see right now to create enough dissemination for the people who would like to have the Law of One for them to be able to get it. I could just go ahead and print up the material we have off the tape recorder and publish it but we would be unable to disseminate it very well because of distribution problems. Will you comment on my second idea of doing a general book on UFOs including the material from the Law of One?

Ra: I am Ra. We shall comment. We hope that your Ra plans materialize. This is a cosmic joke. You were asking for such an example of humor and we feel this is a rather appropriate nexus in which one may be inserted. Continue with your intentions to the best of your natures and abilities. What more can be done, my friends?

91.12 Questioner: To get back to what we were talking about, would then possibly the different races that inhabit this planet be from different planets in our local vicinity or the planets of nearby Logoi that have evolved through their second-density experiences to create the large number of different races that we experience on this planet? Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. There are correctnesses to your supposition. However, not all races and sub-races are of various planetary origins. We suggest that in looking at planetary origins one observes not the pigmentation of the integument but the biases concerning interactions with other-selves and definitions regarding the nature of the self.

58.24 Questioner: Well, I did have a question on what you meant by the “third spiral” and if that is too long I would just ask if there is anything that we can do to make the instrument more comfortable or improve the contact?

Ra: I am Ra. We may answer briefly. You may query in more detail if you deem it desirable at another session.

If you picture the candle flame, you may see the third spiral.

This instrument is well balanced. The accoutrements* are aligned well. You are conscientious.

I am Ra. I leave you, my friends, in the love and in the light of the One Infinite Creator. Go forth, therefore, rejoicing in the power and the peace of the One Infinite Creator. Adonai.

38.2 Questioner: Thank you. Backtracking just a little bit today I would like to know if the reason the nuclear energy was brought into this density forty or so years ago had anything to do with giving the entities that were here who had caused the destruction of Maldek another chance to use nuclear energy peacefully rather than destructively? Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is incorrect in that it places cart before horse, as your people say. The desire for this type of information attracted this data to your people. It was not given for a reason from outside influences; rather it was desired by your peoples. From this point forward your reasoning is correct in that entities had desired the second chance which you mentioned.

4.2 Questioner: Does the shape of the pyramid have effect upon the initiation?

Ra: I am Ra. As we began the last session question, you have already recorded in your individual memory complex the first use of the shape having to do with the body complex initiation. The initiation of spirit was a more carefully designed type of initiation as regards the time/space ratios about which the entity to be initiated found itself.

If you will picture with me the side of the so-called pyramid shape and mentally imagine this triangle cut into four equal triangles, you will find the intersection of the triangle which is at the first level on each of the four sides forms a diamond in a plane which is horizontal. The middle of this plane is the appropriate place for the intersection of the energies streaming from the infinite dimensions and the mind/body/spirit complexes of various interwoven energy fields. Thus it was designed that the one to be initiated would, by mind, be able to perceive and then channel this, shall we say, gateway to intelligent infinity. This, then, was the second point of designing this specific shape.

May we provide a further description of any kind to your query?

85.4 Questioner: What is the nature of this crisis?

Ra: I am Ra. The nature of this crisis is the determination of the relative polarity of your companion and yourselves. You are in the position of being in the third-density illusion and consequently having the conscious collective magical ability of the neophyte, whereas your companion is most adept. However, the faculties of will and faith and the calling to the light have been used by this group to the exclusion of any significant depolarization from the service-to-others path.

If your companion can possibly depolarize this group it must do so and that quickly, for in this unsuccessful attempt at exploring the wisdom of separation it is encountering some depolarization. This shall continue. Therefore, the efforts of your companion are pronounced at this space/time and time/space nexus.

54.5 Questioner: Now, I am assuming that the different frequencies are separated, as we have said, into the seven colors, that each of these colors may be the basic frequency for a sub-Logos of our sun Logos and that a sub-Logos or, shall we say, an individual may activate any one of these basic frequency or colors and use the body that is generated from the activation of that frequency or color. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. If we grasp your query correctly this is not correct in that the sub-sub-Logos resides, not in dimensionalities, but only in co-Creators, or mind/body/spirit complexes.

50.3 Questioner: Why do you say the experience is drawn to or attracted to the entity?

Ra: I am Ra. We say this due to our understanding that this is the nature of the phenomenon of experiential catalyst and its entry into the mind/body/spirit complex’s awareness.

85.9 Questioner: I am assuming that, if for no other reason, since our fifth-density companion has been monitoring our communications with Ra it has been made aware of the veiling process of which we have been speaking. And it seems to me that, from an intellectual point of view, that conscious knowledge and acceptance of the fact that this veiling process was used for the purpose for which it was used, that it would be difficult to maintain high negative polarization once it was intellectually consciously accepted that this veiling process did in fact occur the way that you have described. Could you clear up my thinking on that point?

Ra: I am Ra. We are unsure as to our success in realigning your modes of mentation. We may, however, comment.

The polarization process, as it enters fourth density, is one which occurs with full knowledge of the veiling process which has taken place in third density. This veiling process is that which is a portion of the third-density experience. The knowledge and memory of the outcome of this and all portions of the third-density experience informs the higher-density polarized entity. It, however, does not influence the choice which has been made and which is the basis for further work past third density in polarization. Those which have chosen the service-to-others* path have simply used the veiling process in order to potentiate that which is not. This is an entirely acceptable method of self-knowledge of and by the Creator.

* This should be service-to-self. Don and Ra corrected the error later in the session.

97.9 Questioner: Possibly I didn’t phrase that the way I meant to, which was: we already have determined the items that should be removed from the first four cards. The question was: have I missed anything that should be removed which were not of Ra’s original intention in the last few sessions of determining what should be removed?

Ra: I am Ra. We shall repeat our opinion that there are several concepts which, in each image, are astrologically based. However, these concepts are not without merit within the concept complex intended by Ra, given the perception by the student of these concepts in an appropriate manner.

We wish not to form that which may be considered by any mind/body/spirit complex to be a complete and infallible series of images. There is a substantial point to be made in this regard. We have been, with the questioner’s aid, investigating the concept complexes of the great architecture of the archetypical mind. To more clearly grasp the nature, the process, and the purpose of archetypes, Ra provided a series of concept complexes. In no way whatsoever should we, as humble messengers of the One Infinite Creator, wish to place before the consideration of any mind/body/spirit complex which seeks its evolution the palest tint of the idea that these images are anything but a resource for working in the area of the development of the faith and the will.

To put this into perspective we must gaze then at the stunning mystery of the One Infinite Creator. The archetypical mind does not resolve any paradox or bring all into unity. This is not the property of any resource which is of the third density. Therefore, may we ask the student to look up from inward working and behold the glory, the might, the majesty, the mystery, and the peace of oneness. Let no consideration of bird or beast, darkness or light, shape or shadow keep any which seeks from the central consideration of unity.

We are not messengers of the complex. We bring the message of unity. In this perspective only may we affirm the value to the seeker of adepthood of the grasping, articulating, and use of this resource of the deep mind exemplified by the concept complexes of the archetypes.

27.7 Questioner: Now I think I have extracted an important point from this in that in intelligent infinity we have work without polarity, or a potential difference does not have to exist. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. There is no difference, potential or kinetic, in unity. The basic rhythms of intelligent infinity are totally without distortion of any kind. The rhythms are clothed in mystery, for they are being itself. From this undistorted unity, however, appears a potential in relation to intelligent energy.

In this way you may observe the term to be somewhat two-sided, one use of the term, that being as the undistorted unity, being without any kinetic or potential side. The other application of this term, which we use undifferentiatedly for lack of other term in the sense of the vast potential tapped into by foci or focuses of energy, we call intelligent energy.

13.26 Questioner: This is always acceptable in any session. I will ask my final question. Is there anything that we can do to make the instrument more comfortable or facilitate these communications?

Ra: I am Ra. It is well. Each is most conscientious. Continue in the same. Is there any other short query?

11.27 Questioner: By freeing the planetary entities from darkness, precisely what do you mean?

Ra: I am Ra. [Most of the following answer was lost due to tape recorder malfunction. The core of the response was as follows.] We spoke of freeing people from darkness in a literal sense.

42.10 Questioner: How can a person know when he is unswayed by an emotionally charged situation if he is repressing the flow of emotions, or if he is in balance and truly unswayed?

Ra: I am Ra. We have spoken to this point. Therefore, we shall briefly iterate that to the balanced entity no situation has an emotional charge but is simply a situation like any other in which the entity may or may not observe an opportunity to be of service. The closer an entity comes to this attitude the closer an entity is to balance. You may note that it is not our recommendation that reactions to catalyst be repressed or suppressed unless such reactions would be a stumbling block not consonant with the Law of One to an other-self. It is far, far better to allow the experience to express itself in order that the entity may then make fuller use of this catalyst.

104.14 Questioner: Could we administer the drops you spoke of that would help his eyesight so that he wouldn’t find the… so that he wouldn’t be confined? Is there any way that we could do that?

Ra: I am Ra. It is unlikely.

67.2 Questioner: Can you describe what you call the psychic attack component and tell me why it is strong at this particular time?

Ra: I am Ra. We shall elect not to retrace previously given information but rather elect to note that the psychic attack upon this instrument is at a constant level as long as it continues in this particular service.

Variations towards the distortion of intensity of attack occur due to the opportunities presented by the entity in any weakness. At this particular nexus the entity has been dealing with the distortion which you call pain for some time, as you call this measurement, and this has a cumulatively weakening effect upon physical energy levels. This creates a particularly favorable target of opportunity, and the entity of which we have previously spoken has taken this opportunity to attempt to be of service in its own way. It is fortunate for the ongoing vitality of this contact that the instrument is a strong-willed entity with little tendency towards the distortion, called among your peoples, hysteria, since the dizzying effects of this attack have been constant and at times disruptive for several of your diurnal periods.

However, this particular entity is adapting well to the situation without undue distortions towards fear. Thus the psychic attack is not successful but does have some draining influence upon the instrument.

94.3 Questioner: Is there anything that we can do that we are not doing to remedy this situation so that the instrument does not experience this pain, or as much of it?

Ra: I am Ra. There is little that can be done due to a complex of pre-existing distortions. The distortions are triple in the source.

There is the, shall we say, less than adequate work of your chirurgeons* which allows for various distortions in the left wrist area.

There is the distortion called systemic lupus erythematosus which causes the musculature of the lower left and right arms to allow for distortions in the normal, shall we say, configuration of both.

Lastly, there is the nerve damage, more especially to the left, but in both appendages from the thoracic outlet.

In the course of the waking behavior the instrument can respond to the various signals which ring the tocsin* of pain, thus alerting the mind complex, which in turn moves the physical complex in many and subtle configurations which relieve the various distortions. Your friend greets these distortions, as has been stated before, immediately prior to the beginning of the working. However, during the working the instrument is not with its yellow-ray chemical vehicle and thusly the many small movements which could most effectively aid in the decrease of these distortions is not possible. Ra must carefully examine the mental configurations of the mind complex in order to make even the grossest manipulation. It is not our skill to use a yellow-ray vehicle.

The weight of the cover has some deleterious effect upon these distortions in some cases and thus we mentioned that there was a small thing which could be done; that is, the framing of that which lifted the coverlet from the body slightly. In order to compensate for loss of warmth the wearing of material warming the manual appendages would then be indicated.

92.26 Questioner: Are there any other parts of this picture that were not given by Ra?

Ra: I am Ra. The astrological symbols offered are not given by Ra.

11.10 Questioner: How did they accomplish this? What was necessary for them to accomplish this?

Ra: All of the aforementioned entities were aware, through memory, of Atlantean understandings having to do with the use of the various centers of mind/body/spirit complex energy influx in attaining the gateway to intelligent infinity.

73.5 Questioner: I will undoubtedly make many errors in my statements today because what I am going to do is try to guess at how this works and let you correct me.

In considering the exercise of the Middle Pillar I have thought it to be wrong in that the adept sees or visualizes light moving downward from the crown chakra down to the feet. Ra has stated that the Creator enters from the feet and moves upward, and that this spiraling light enters from the feet and moves upward. It seems to me that an adept alerting light strength, in visualizing the use of this, would visualize it entering in the direction of the feet and energizing first, the red energy center and moving upward through the energy centers in that fashion. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. No.

3.14 Questioner: This is slightly trivial, but I was wondering why, in that case, the pyramid was made of many blocks rather than the whole thing being created at once.

Ra: I am Ra. There is a law which we believe to be one of the more significant primal distortions of the Law of One. That is the Law of Confusion. You have called this the Law of Free Will. We wished to make an healing machine, or time/space ratio complex which was as efficacious as possible. However, we did not desire to allow the mystery to be penetrated by the peoples in such a way that we became worshiped as builders of a miraculous pyramid. Thus it appears to be made, not thought.

46.7 Questioner: I was just wondering, if an entity polarizes toward the service-to-self path, would the anger have the same physical effect that it affects an entity polarized toward the service-to-others path? Would it also cause cancer, or is it just a catalytic effect working in the positively polarized entity?

Ra: I am Ra. The catalytic mechanisms are dependent, not upon the chosen polarity of a mind/body/spirit complex, but upon the use or purpose to which this catalysis is put. Thus the entity which uses the experience of anger to polarize consciously positively or negatively does not experience the bodily catalyst but rather uses the catalyst in mental configuration.

73.19 Questioner: I’ll make a general statement which you can correct. The way I see the overall picture of healer and patient is that the one to be healed has, because of a blockage in one of the energy centers or more, but we will just consider one particular problem… Because of this energy center blockage the upward spiraling light that creates one of the seven bodies has been blocked from the maintenance of that body, and this has resulted in a distortion from the perfection of that body that we call disease or a bodily anomaly which is other than perfect. The healer, having suitably configured its energy centers, is able to channel light, the downward pouring light, through its properly configured energy situation to the one to be healed. If the one to be healed has the mental configuration of acceptance of this light, the light then enters [the] physical complex and re-configures the distortion that was created by the original blockage. I am sure that I have made some mistakes in that. Would you please correct them?

Ra: I am Ra. Your mistakes were small. We would not, at this time, attempt a great deal of refinement of that statement as there is preliminary material which will undoubtedly come forward. We may say that there are various forms of healing. In many, only the energy of the adept is used. In the exercise of fire some physical complex energy is also channeled.

We might note further that when the one wishing to be healed, though sincere, remains unhealed, as you call this distortion, you may consider pre-incarnative choices and your more helpful aid to such an entity may be the suggestion that it meditate upon the affirmative uses of whatever limitations it might experience. We would also note that in these cases the indigo-ray workings are often of aid.

Other than these notes, we do not wish to further comment upon your statement at this working.

9.17 Questioner: Do these beings then evolve from second density to third density?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct, although no guarantee can be made of the number of cycles it will take an entity to learn the lessons of consciousness of self which are the prerequisite for transition to third density.

85.13 Questioner: I think simply that the statement was made that we were speaking of the service-to-others path. Would you check that, please?

Ra: I am Ra. May we ask that you be apprised of our intention to have spoken of the service-to-self path as the path of that which is not.

16.39 Questioner: I am assuming it is not necessary for an individual to understand the Law of One to go from third to fourth density. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. It is absolutely necessary that an entity consciously realize it does not understand in order for it to be harvestable. Understanding is not of this density.

88.17 Questioner: I will make this statement as to my understanding of some of the archetypes and let you correct this statement. It seems to me that the Significator of Mind, Body, and Spirit are acted upon in each of these by the catalyst. This produces Experience which then leads to the Transformation and produces the Great Way. This is the same process for mind, the body, and spirit. The archetypes are just repeated but act in a different way as catalyst because of the differences of mind, body, and spirit. They produce a different type of experience for each because of the differences in the three. The Transformation is slightly different. The Great Way is somewhat different but the archetypes are all basically doing the same thing. They are just acting on three different portions of the mind/body/spirit complex so that we can condense the entire archetypical mind into a way of saying that in making the Significator a complex basically we have provided a way for Catalyst to create Transformation more efficiently. Would you correct my statement, please?

Ra: I am Ra. In your statement correctness is so plaited up with tendrils of the most fundamental misunderstanding that correction of your statement is difficult. We shall make comments and from these comments request that you allow a possible realignment of conceptualization to occur.

The archetypical mind is a great and fundamental portion of the mind complex, one of its most basic elements and one of the richest sources of information for the seeker of the One Infinite Creator. To attempt to condense the archetypes is to make an erroneous attempt. Each archetype is a significant ding an sich*, or thing in itself, with its own complex of concepts. While it is informative to survey the relationships of one archetype to another it can be said that this line of inquiry is secondary to the discovery of the purest gestalt or vision or melody which each archetype signifies to both the intellectual and intuitive mind.

The Significators of Mind, Body, and Spirit complexes are complex in and of themselves, and the archetypes of Catalyst, Experience, Transformation, and the Great Way are most fruitfully viewed as independent complexes which have their own melodies with which they may inform the mind of its nature.

We ask that you consider that the archetypical mind informs those thoughts which then may have bearing upon the mind, the body, or the spirit. The archetypes do not have a direct linkage to body or spirit. All must be drawn up through the higher levels of the subconscious mind to the conscious mind and thence they may flee whither they have been bidden to go. When used in a controlled way they are most helpful. Rather than continue beyond the boundaries of your prior statement we would appreciate the opportunity for your re-questioning at this time so that we may answer you more precisely.

33.20 Questioner: Just as a slight appendage to that question, what would the rays of fifth and sixth density look like?

Ra: I am Ra. We may speak only approximately. However, we hope you understand, shall we say, that there is a distinctive difference in the color structure of each density.

Fifth density is perhaps best described as extremely white in vibration.

The sixth density of a whiteness which contains a golden quality as you would perceive it; these colors having to do with the blending into wisdom of the compassion learned in fourth density, then in sixth the blending of wisdom back into an unified understanding of compassion viewed with wisdom. This golden color is not of your spectrum but is what you would call alive.

You may ask one more question briefly.

62.18 Questioner: Then what do the ones at the top of the pecking order of the Orion group— well, let me first ask this: Are we talking about the fourth-density group now?

Ra: I am Ra. There are fourth and a few fifth-density members of the Orion group.

3.1 Questioner: My first question is, did we correctly perform the ritual for starting the communication?

Ra: I am Ra. The placement of the artifacts designed to balance the instrument should be placed at the instrument’s head for the least distortion of effect. The remainder of the beginning account of purpose is quite acceptable, for those speaking desire to serve. Otherwise, the attendant emphasis in mind complexities would not have been effected properly. We caution you to guard against those who are not wishing to serve others above all else from taking part in the beginning or in lending their distortions of mind/body/spirit complex to any session as we should then be unable to properly blend our distortions with those of this instrument.

44.1 Questioner: The instrument had some question as to her vitality. We were having a hard time appraising it. Is it possible for you to comment on this?

Ra: I am Ra. We scan this instrument and find that we may be of service without infringement due to this instrument’s decision to abide by the most careful appraisal possible rather than the most desired.

We have been surprised that we have been able to maintain contact on a regular basis during this most intense period of negatively influenced interference. Sexual energy transfers have at some workings given this instrument additional vital resources upon which to draw. However, this is not so at this working and, therefore, the will of the instrument drives its bodily complex. This instrument has no judgment about this service. The faculty of will, while recognized as most central and valuable, could in this application cause serious distortion in bodily complex of the instrument. May we note that martyrdom is not necessarily helpful. We ask this instrument to examine these thoughts, judge, and discriminate the possible truth of them, and if they be deemed true we suggest this instrument release the power of judgment to the support group whose interests are balanced far more than this instrument’s. Allow decisions to be made without expectation or attachment to the outcome. Our hopes, may we say, for long-term contact through this instrument depend upon its maturing ability to be of service to other-selves by accepting their help and thus remaining a viable instrument.

May we thank the questioner for allowing us to speak to this point, for we were aware of the distortions incumbent upon one whose will to serve is not regulated by knowledge of limitations of bodily complex distortion.

92.30 Questioner: Would this crux ansata then be indicating a sign of life or spirit enlivening matter?

Ra: I am Ra. This is quite correct. Moreover, it illuminates a concept which is a portion of the archetype which has to do with the continuation of the consciousness which is being potentiated in incarnation, beyond incarnation.

15.24 Questioner: By manipulation, do you mean she should go for a walk or we should rub her back?

Ra: I am Ra. We meant the latter. The understanding must be added that this manipulation be done by one in harmony with the entity. Are there any short queries before we leave this instrument?

79.26 Questioner: OK. Now, was then this simple experiment carried out and the product of this experiment observed before greater complexity was attempted?

Ra: I am Ra. As we have said there have been a great number of successive experiments.

85.20 Questioner: Well, I will just ask in closing: is an individualized portion or entity of Ra inhabiting the instrument’s body for the purpose of communication? And then, is there anything that we can do to improve the contact or make the instrument more comfortable?

Ra: I am Ra. We of Ra communicate through narrow-band channel through the violet-ray energy center. We are not, as you would say, physically indwelling in this instrument; rather, the mind/body/spirit complex of this instrument rests with us.

You are diligent and conscientious. The alignments are excellent. We leave you rejoicing in the power and in the peace of the One Infinite Creator. Go forth, then, my friends, rejoicing in the power and in the peace of the infinite love and the ineffable* light of the One Creator. I am Ra. Adonai.

56.6 Questioner: Would you please do that?

Ra: The spiraling energy is beginning to be diffused at the point where it goes through the King’s Chamber position. However, although the spirals continue to intersect, closing and opening in double spiral fashion through the apex angle, the diffusion or strength of the spiraling energies, red through violet color values, lessens if we speak of strength, and gains, if we speak of diffusion, until at the peak of the pyramid you have a very weak color resolution useful for healing purposes. Thus the King’s Chamber position is chosen as the first spiral after the centered beginning through the Queen’s Chamber position. You may visualize the diffusion angle as the opposite of the pyramid angle but the angle being less wide than the apex angle of the pyramid, being somewhere between 33 and 54°, depending upon the various rhythms of the planet itself.

26.36 Questioner: Then I am assuming all of the UFO groups who were getting telepathic contact from the Confederation were, shall we say, high-priority targets for the Orion crusaders, and I would assume that a large percentage of them were, shall we say, had their information polluted then. Can you tell me, do you have any idea what percentage of these groups were heavily polluted by the Orion information and if any of them were able to remain purely a Confederation channel?

Ra: I am Ra. To give you this information would be to infringe upon the free will or confusion of some living. We can only ask each group to consider the relative effect of philosophy and your so-called specific information. It is not the specificity of the information which attracts negative influences. It is the importance placed upon it.

This is why we iterate quite often, when asked for specific information, that it pales to insignificance, just as the grass withers and dies while the love and the light of the One Infinite Creator redounds to the very infinite realms of creation forever and ever, creating and creating itself in perpetuity.

Why then be concerned with the grass that blooms, withers and dies in its season only to grow once again due to the infinite love and light of the One Creator? This is the message we bring. Each entity is only superficially that which blooms and dies. In the deeper sense there is no end to beingness.

54.17 Questioner: I would like then to trace the evolution of catalyst upon the mind/body/spirit complexes and how it comes into use and is fully used to create this tuning. I assume that the sub-Logos that formed our tiny part of the creation using the intelligence of the Logos of which it is a part, provides, shall I say, the base catalyst that will act upon mind/body complexes and mind/body/spirit complexes before they reach the state of development where they can begin to program their own catalyst. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is partially correct. The sub-Logos offers the catalyst at the lower levels of energy, the first triad; these have to do with the survival of the physical complex. The higher centers gain catalyst from the biases of the mind/body/spirit complex itself in response to all random and directed experiences.

Thus the less developed entity will perceive the catalyst about it in terms of survival of the physical complex with the distortions which are preferred. The more conscious entity, being conscious of the catalytic process, will begin to transform the catalyst offered by the sub-Logos into catalyst which may act upon the higher energy nexi. Thus the sub-Logos can offer only a basic skeleton, shall we say, of catalyst. The muscles and flesh having to do with the, shall we say, survival of wisdom, love, compassion, and service are brought about by the action of the mind/body/spirit complex on basic catalyst so as to create a more complex catalyst which may in turn be used to form distortions within these higher energy centers.

The more advanced the entity, the more tenuous the connection between the sub-Logos and the perceived catalyst until, finally, all catalyst is chosen, generated, and manufactured by the self, for the self.

79.9 Questioner: Is it possible to give a time of incarnation with respect to our years and would you do so if it is?

Ra: I am Ra. The optimal incarnative period is somewhere close to a measure you call a millennium. This is, as you may say, a constant regardless of other factors of the third-density experience.

92.35 Questioner: Is there anything that we can do to make the instrument more comfortable or improve the contact?

Ra: I am Ra. The support group is functioning well. The instrument, itself, might ponder some earlier words and consider their implications. We say this because the continued calling upon vital energies, if allowed to proceed to the end of the vital energy, will end this contact. There is not the need for continued calling upon these energies. The instrument must find the key to this riddle or face a growing loss of this particular service at this particular space/time nexus.

All is well. The alignments are exemplary.

I am Ra. I leave you, my friends, in the love and the light of the One Infinite Creator. Go forth, then, rejoicing in the power and in the peace of the One Infinite Creator. Adonai.

47.10 Questioner: Then the yellow-ray body in potentiation is used to create the chemical arrangement that I have as a physical body now. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is incorrect only in that in your present incarnation the yellow-ray body is not in potentiation but in activation, it being that body which is manifest.

102.9 Questioner: Then these spasms, of course, were originally— the opening was made by yellow-ray blockage but these spasms then are triggered, I am assuming, by the foodstuff which has to do with the ingestion of sugar, as I understand it. Am I correct?

Ra: I am Ra. You are partially correct.

54.26 Questioner: Can you describe the energy that enters any of these energy centers? Can you describe its path from its origin, its form, and its effect? I don’t know if this is possible, but can you do that?

Ra: I am Ra. This is partially possible.

86.19 Questioner: Perhaps you could give examples of use of the body prior to veiling and after veiling in the same aspect so that we could understand the change in knowledge and control over the body more clearly. Could you do this, please?

Ra: I am Ra. We could.

88.12 Questioner: From what you have told me, then, I have planned the following: We will, after a session is complete and the instrument has been awakened, before moving the instrument, have the instrument continually talk to us while I take pictures of the configuration the instrument is in at this time. In addition to this I will take some other pictures of the instrument in the other room, and probably ourselves, too, just for additional pictures of us as requested by the publisher. Is this the optimal, or one of the optimal, fillings of this requirement?

Ra: I am Ra. Yes. We ask that any photographs tell the truth, that they be dated, and shine with a clarity so that there is no shadow of any but genuine expression which may be offered to those which seek truth. We come as humble messengers of the Law of One, desiring to decrease distortions. We ask that you, who have been our friends, work with any considerations such as above discussed, not with the thought of quickly removing an unimportant detail, but, as in all ways, regard such as another opportunity to, as the adept must, be yourselves and offer that which is in and with you without pretense of any kind.

10.15 Questioner: [I] was wondering about the advent of the civilization called Atlantis and Lemuria*, the way these civilizations occurred, and where did they come from [inaudible] civilizations?

Ra: I am Ra. This is the last question of this work. The civilizations of Atlantis and Lemuria* were not one but two. Let us look first at the Mu entities.

They were beings of a somewhat primitive nature, but those who had very advanced spiritual distortions. The civilization was part of this cycle, experienced early within the cycle at a time of approximately five three oh oh oh, fifty-three thousand [53,000] of your years ago. It was an helpful and harmless place which was washed beneath the ocean during a readjustment of your sphere’s tectonic plates through no action of their own. They set out those who survived and reached many places in what you call Russia, North America, and South America. The Indians of whom you have come to feel some sympathy in your social complex distortions are the descendants of these entities. Like the other incarnates of this cycle, they came from elsewhere. However, these particular entities were largely drawn from a second-density planet which had some difficulty, due to the age of its sun, in achieving third-density life conditions. This planet was from the galaxy Deneb*.

The Atlantean race was a very conglomerate social complex which began to form approximately three one oh oh oh, thirty-one thousand [31,000] years in the past of your space/time continuum illusion. It was a slow growing and very agrarian society until approximately one five oh oh oh, fifteen thousand [15,000] of your years ago. It reached quickly a high technological understanding which caused it to be able to use intelligent infinity in a less informative manner. We may add that they used intelligent energy as well, manipulating greatly the natural influxes of the indigo or pineal ray from divine or infinite energy. Thus, they were able to create life forms. This they began to do instead of healing and perfecting their own mind/body/spirit complexes, turning their distortions towards what you may call the negative.

Approximately eleven thousand [11,000] of your years ago, the first of the, what you call, wars, caused approximately forty percent of this population to leave the density by means of disintegration of the body. The second and most devastating of the conflicts occurred approximately one oh eight two one, ten thousand eight hundred twenty-one [10,821] years in the past according to your illusion. This created an earth-changing configuration and the large part of Atlantis was no more, having been inundated. Three of the positively oriented of the Atlantean groups left this geographical locus before that devastation, placing themselves in the mountain areas of what you call Tibet, what you call Peru, and what you call Turkey.

Do you have any brief questions before we close this meeting?

52.1 Questioner: In the previous session you stated that “the other type of experience is the fourth, fifth, and sixth densities of other galaxies and some within your own galaxy which have learned necessary disciplines of personality to view the universe as one being, and therefore are able to proceed from locus to locus by thought alone, materializing the necessary craft.” I would like to ask you when you say that “fourth, fifth, and sixth densities of other galaxies, and some within your own galaxy,” are you stating here that more of the entities in other galaxies have developed the abilities of personality than have in this galaxy for this type of, shall I say, travel? (I am using the term galaxy with respect to the lenticular shape of 250 billion stars.)

Ra: I am Ra. We have once again used a meaning for this term, galaxy, that does not lie within your vocabulary at this time, if you will call it so. We referred to your star system.

It is incorrect to assume that other star systems are more able to manipulate the dimensions than your own. It is merely that there are many other systems besides your own.

16.44 Questioner: Where do these thought-forms come from?

Ra: I am Ra. This is a very ambiguous question. However, we will attempt to answer. Firstly, they come from the Creator. Secondly, they come from what you may call, lower astral in plane, thought. Thirdly, in construct visualization complex they reside in part beneath the crust of your planet.

106.18 Questioner: My experience with dehumidifiers indicates to me that it will probably be impossible to lower the humidity in that house much with a dehumidifier, although we can try that, and probably if we do move in there, we’ll have to move out very shortly.

Is there anything further that need be done to complete the healing of Jim’s kidney problem?

Ra: I am Ra. If it be realized that the condition shall linger in potential for some months after the surcease of all medication, then care will be taken and all will continue well.

We may note that, for the purposes you intend, the location, [address redacted], whether humid or arid, is uncharacteristically well-suited. The aggravated present distortions of the instrument having abated due to lack of acute catalyst, the condition of the location about which the assumption was made is extremely beneficial.

91.9 Questioner: What occurred when the microphone cords were slightly moved?

Ra: I am Ra. The link between the instrument’s mind/body/spirit complex and its yellow-ray, chemical, physical vehicle was jarred. This caused some maladjustment of the organ you call the lungs and, if the repair had not been done, would have resulted in a distorted physical complex condition of this portion of the instrument’s physical vehicle.

85.19 Questioner: I would like to carry that on to find out what specific functions of the mind were most effectual and the three or four most effective changes brought about to create the polarization.

Ra: I am Ra. This is an interesting query. The primary veiling was of such significance that it may be seen to be analogous to the mantling of the Earth over all the jewels within the Earth’s crust; whereas previously all facets of the Creator were consciously known. After the veiling, almost no facets of the Creator were known to the mind. Almost all was buried beneath the veil.

If one were to attempt to list those functions of mind most significant in that they might be of aid in polarization, one would need to begin with the faculty of visioning, envisioning, or far-seeing. Without the veil the mind was not caught in your illusory time. With the veil space/time is the only obvious possibility for experience.

Also upon the list of significant veiled functions of the mind would be that of dreaming. The so-called dreaming contains a great deal which, if made available to the conscious mind and used, shall aid it in polarization to a great extent.

The third function of the mind which is significant and which has been veiled is that of the knowing of the body. The knowledge of and control over the body, having been lost to a great extent in the veiling process, is thusly lost from the experience of the seeker. Its knowledge before the veiling is of small use. Its knowledge after the veiling, and in the face of what is now a dense illusion of separation of body complex from mind complex, is quite significant.

Perhaps the most important and significant function that occurred due to the veiling of the mind from itself is not in itself a function of mind but rather is a product of the potential created by this veiling. This is the faculty of will or pure desire.

We may ask for brief queries at this time. Although there is energy remaining for this working, we are reluctant to continue this contact, experiencing continual variations due to pain flares, as you call this distortion. Although we are unaware of any misgiven material we are aware that there have been several points during which our channel was less than optimal. This instrument is most faithful but we do not wish to misuse this instrument. Please query as you will.

77.20 Questioner: In other words you are saying that originally the Logoi that did not choose this free will path did not choose it simply because they had not conceived of it and later Logoi, extending the first distortion farther down through their evolution, experienced it as an outcropping or growth from that extension of the first distortion. Am I correct in saying that?

Ra: I am Ra. Yes.

88.23 Questioner: You mentioned earlier that the tarot was a method of divination. Would you explain that?

Ra: I am Ra. We must first divorce the tarot as a method of divination from this Major Arcana as representative of twenty-two archetypes of the archetypical mind.

The value of that which you call astrology is significant when used by those initiated entities which understand, if you will pardon the misnomer, the sometimes intricate considerations of the Law of Confusion. As each planetary influence enters the energy web of your sphere those upon the sphere are moved much as the moon which moves about your sphere moves the waters upon your deeps. Your own nature is water in that you as mind/body/spirit complexes are easily impressed and moved. Indeed, this is the very fiber and nature of your journey and vigil in this density: to not only be moved but to instruct yourself as to the preferred manner of your movement in mind, body, and spirit.

Therefore, as each entity enters the planetary energy web each entity experiences two major planetary influxes, that of the conception, which has to do with the physical, yellow-ray manifestation of the incarnation, and that of the moment you call birth when the breath is first drawn into the body complex of chemical yellow ray. Thus those who know the stars and their configurations and influences are able to see a rather broadly drawn map of the country through which an entity has traveled, is traveling, or may be expected to travel, be it upon the physical, the mental, or the spiritual level. Such an entity will have developed abilities of the initiate which are normally known among your peoples as psychic or paranormal.

When the archetypes are shuffled into the mix of astrologically oriented cards which form the so-called Court Arcana and Minor Arcana these archetypes become magnetized to the psychic impressions of the one working with the cards, and thusly become instruments of a linkage between the practitioner of the astrological determinations and divinations and the one requesting information. Oft times such archetypical representations will appear in such a manner as to have seemingly interesting results, meaningful in configuration to the questioner. In and of themselves, the Major Arcana have no rightful place in divination but, rather, are tools for the further knowledge of the self by the self for the purpose of entering a more profoundly, acutely realized present moment.

18.10 Questioner: I see. The entity Aleister Crowley wrote “Do what thou wilt is the whole of the law.” He was obviously in understanding, to some extent, of the Law of One. Where is this entity now?

Ra: I am Ra. This entity is within your inner planes. This entity is in an healing process.

61.4 Questioner: Would it be helpful to plot the cycles for the instrument and attempt to have these sessions at the most favorable points with respect to the cycle?

Ra: I am Ra. To that specific query we have no response.

It may be noted that the three in this triad bring in this energy pattern which is Ra. Thus each energy input of the triad is of note.

We may say that while these information systems are interesting they are in sway only insofar as the entity or entities involved have not made totally efficient use of catalyst and, therefore, instead of accepting the, shall we say, negative or retrograde moments or periods without undue notice, have the distortion towards the retaining of these distortions in order to work out the unused catalyst.

It is to be noted that psychic attack continues upon this entity although it is only effective at this time in physical distortions towards discomfort.

We may suggest that it is always of some interest to observe the road map, both of the cycles and of the planetary and other cosmic influences, in that one may see certain wide roads or possibilities. However, we remind that this group is an unit.

31.3 Questioner: Would this then be the primal mechanism for the Creator to experience Self?

Ra: I am Ra. This is not a proper term. Perhaps the adjective would be “one appropriate” way of the Creator knowing Itself, for in each interaction, no matter what the distortion, the Creator is experiencing Itself. The bisexual knowing of the Creator by Itself has the potential for two advantages.

Firstly, in the green-ray activated being there is the potential for a direct and simple analog of what you may call joy, the spiritual or metaphysical nature which exists in intelligent energy. This is a great aid to comprehension of a truer nature of beingness. The other potential advantage of bisexual reproductive acts is the possibility of a sacramental understanding or connection, shall we say, with the gateway to intelligent infinity, for with appropriate preparation, work in what you may call magic may be done and experiences of intelligent infinity may be had. The positively oriented individuals concentrating upon this method of reaching intelligent infinity, then, through the seeking or the act of will, are able to direct this infinite intelligence to the work these entities desire to do, whether it be knowledge of service or ability to heal or whatever service to others is desired .

These are two advantages of this particular method of the Creator experiencing Itself. As we have said before, the corollary of the strength of this particular energy transfer is that it opens the door, shall we say, to the individual mind/body/spirit complexes’ desire to serve in an infinite number of ways an other-self, thus polarizing towards positive.

61.3 Questioner: Can you expand on what you meant by the “cycling instreamings of energy?”

Ra: I am Ra. There are four types of cycles which are those given in the moment of entry into incarnation. There are in addition more cosmic and less regularized inpourings which, from time to time, affect a sensitized mind/body/spirit complex. The four rhythms are, to some extent, known among your peoples and are called biorhythms.

There is a fourth cycle which we may call the cycle of gateway of magic of the adept or of the spirit. This is a cycle which is completed in approximately eighteen of your diurnal cycles.

The cosmic patterns are also a function of the moment of incarnative entrance and have to do with your satellite you call the moon, your planets of this galaxy, the galactic sun, and in some cases the instreamings from the major galactic points of energy flow.

41.27 Questioner: I’ll only ask if there’s anything that we can do to make the instrument more comfortable or improve the contact?

Ra: I am Ra. All is well. I leave you, my friends, in the love and in the light of the One Infinite Creator. Go forth, therefore, rejoicing in the power and the peace of the One Infinite Creator. Adonai.

102.15 Questioner: Is there a group of foods which is most likely not to cause the spasming condition or any foods that Ra could mention that are highly probable not to cause spasm?

Ra: I am Ra. Yes.

60.30 Questioner: What civilization was it that helped Ra using the pyramid shape while Ra was in third density?

Ra: I am Ra. Your people have a fondness for the naming. These entities have begun their travel back to the Creator and are no longer experiencing time.

29.28 Questioner: I see. Then if you are able to read the violet ray of an entity, to see that ray, is it possible then to immediately determine whether the entity could use crystals to tap intelligent energy?

Ra: I am Ra. It is possible for one of fifth density or above to do this.

89.14 Questioner: I have here a deck of twenty-two tarot cards which have been copied, according to information we have, from the walls of, I would suspect, the large pyramid at Giza. If necessary we can duplicate these cards in the book that we are preparing. I would ask Ra if these cards represent an exact replica of that which is in the Great Pyramid?

Ra: I am Ra. The resemblance is substantial.

43.32 Questioner: I’d only ask if there is anything we can do to make the instrument more comfortable or to improve the contact?

Ra: I am Ra. All is well. I leave you in the love and the light of the One Infinite Creator. Go forth, therefore, rejoicing in the power and the peace of the One Infinite Creator. Adonai.

35.8 Questioner: Well in that case I would like to know the motivation for this use of Abraham Lincoln’s body at that time?

Ra: I am Ra. This shall be the last full query of this session as we find the instrument quite low in vital energies.

The one known as Abraham had an extreme difficulty in many ways and, due to physical, mental, and spiritual pain, was weary of life but without the orientation to self-destruction. In your time, 1853, this entity was contacted in sleep by a fourth-density being. This being was concerned with the battle between the forces of light and the forces of darkness which have been waged in fourth density for many of your years.

This entity accepted the honor/duty of completing the one known as Abraham’s karmic patterns and the one known as Abraham discovered that this entity would attempt those things which the one known as Abraham desired to do but felt it could not. Thus the exchange was made.

The entity, Abraham, was taken to a plane of suspension until the cessation of its physical vehicle much as though we of Ra would arrange with this instrument to remain in the vehicle, come out of the trance state, and function as this instrument, leaving this instrument’s mind and spirit complex in its suspended state.

The planetary energies at this time were at what seemed to this entity to be at a critical point, for that which you know as freedom had gained in acceptance as a possibility among many peoples. This entity saw the work done by those beginning the democratic concept of freedom, as you call it, in danger of being abridged or abrogated* by the rising belief and use of the principle of the enslavement of entities. This is a negative concept of a fairly serious nature in your density. This entity, therefore, went forward into what it saw as the battle for the light, for healing of a rupture in the concept of freedom.

This entity did not gain or lose karma by these activities due to its detachment from any outcome. Its attitude throughout was one of service to others, more especially to the downtrodden or enslaved. The polarity of the individual was somewhat, but not severely, lessened by the cumulative feelings and thought-forms which were created due to large numbers of entities leaving the physical plane due to trauma of battle.

May we ask if this is the information you requested or if we may supply any further information?

75.5 Questioner: I see the way to do this as a visualization of the operating room and a visualization of the three of us performing the banishing ritual in the room as we perform it in another location. Is this the correct procedure?

Ra: I am Ra. This is one correct method of achieving your desired configuration.

103.14 Questioner: The bent left leg of the two sphinxes indicate[s] a transformation that occurs on the left that doesn’t on the right, possibly an inability in that position to move. Does this have any merit?

Ra: I am Ra. The observation has merit in that it may serve as the obverse of the connotation intended. The position is intended to show two items, one of which is the dual possibilities of the time-full characters there drawn.

The resting is possible in time, as is the progress. If a mixture is attempted, the upright, moving leg will be greatly hampered by the leg that is bent. The other meaning has to do with the same right angle, with its architectural squareness, as the device upon the breast of the actor.

Time/space is close in this concept complex, brought close due to the veiling process and its efficaciousness in producing actors who wish to use the resources of the mind in order to evolve.

100.13 Questioner: In that case I will ask only one more question and that will be having to do with the sword and the scepter. It would seem that the sword would be the power of the negative adept indicating control over other-selves and the scepter would indicate the power of the positive adept with unity in mind, body, and spirit. However, they seem to be in opposite hands than I would have guessed. Would Ra comment on that?

Ra: I am Ra. These symbols are astrological in origin. The shapes, therefore, may be released from their stricture.

We may note that there is an overriding spiritual environment and protection for the environment of the mind. We may further note that the negatively polarized adept will attempt to fashion that covenant for its own use whereas the positively polarized entity may hold forth that which is exemplified by the astrological sword; that is, light and truth.

39.4 Questioner: I will then continue now with the general questioning, attempting to find a way into a line of questioning which will get us into an area of understanding non-transient functions which may be worked upon by us and others to raise our consciousness and I may make several mistakes here in trying to find a way into this questioning. I apologize in advance if my questioning is misleading. I notice that everything seems… or most of the basic things seem to be divided into units which total seven. In looking at a transcript by Henry Puharich from “The Nine” I found a statement by The Nine where they say, “If we get seven times the electrical equivalent of the human body then it would result in sevenon of the mass of electricity.” Could you explain this?

Ra: I am Ra. To explain this is beyond the abilities of your language. We shall, however, make an attempt to address this concept.

As you are aware, in the beginning of the creations set up by each Logos, there are created the complete potentials, both electrical, in the sense of the one you call Larson, and metaphysical. This metaphysical electricity is as important in the understanding, shall we say, of this statement as is the concept of electricity.

This concept, as you are aware, deals with potentiated energy. The electron has been said to have no mass but only a field. Others claim a mass of infinitesimal measure. Both are correct. The true mass of the potentiated energy is the strength of the field. This is also true metaphysically.

However, in your present physical system of knowledge it is useful to take the mass number of the electron in order to do work that you may find solutions to other questions about the physical universe. In such a way, you may conveniently consider each density of being to have a greater and greater spiritual mass. The mass increases, shall we say, significantly but not greatly until the gateway density. In this density the summing up, the looking backwards— in short, all the useful functions of polarity have been used. Therefore, the metaphysical electrical nature of the individual grows greater and greater in spiritual mass.

For an analog one may observe the work of the one known as Albert who posits the growing to infinity of mass as this mass approaches the speed of light. Thus the seventh-density being, the completed being, the Creator who knows Itself, accumulates mass and compacts into the One Creator once again.

22.21 Questioner: Then did the technological advancement of Atlantis come because of this call? I am assuming the call was answered to bring them the Law of One and the Law of Love as a distortion of the Law of One, but did they also then get technological information that caused them to grow into such a highly technological society?

Ra: I am Ra. Not at first. At about the same time as we first appeared in the skies over Egypt and continuing thereafter, other entities of the Confederation appeared unto Atlanteans who had reached a level of philosophical understanding, shall we misuse this word, which was consonant with communication, to encourage and inspire studies in the mystery of unity.

However, requests being made for healing and other understandings, information was passed having to do with crystals and the building of pyramids as well as temples, as you would call them, which were associated with training.

47.5 Questioner: Then at fourth-density graduation into fifth is there anything like the percentages you gave for third-density graduation into fourth for polarization?

Ra: I am Ra. There are, in your modes of thinking, responses we can make, which we shall make. However, the important point is that the graduations from density to density do occur. The positive/negative polarity is a thing which will, at the sixth level, simply become history. Therefore, we speak in an illusory time continuum when we discuss statistics of positive versus negative harvest into fifth. A large percentage of fourth-density negative entities continue the negative path from fourth- to fifth-density experience, for without wisdom the compassion and desire to aid other-self is not extremely well-informed. Thus though one loses approximately two percent moving from negative to positive during the fourth-density experience we find approximately eight percent of graduations into fifth density those of the negative.

7.3 Questioner: By squared, do you mean that if ten people call you can count that, when comparing it to the planetary ratio of people, as 100 people, squaring ten, getting 100? Is that correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is incorrect. The square is sequential — one, two, three, four, each squared by the next number.

78.24 Questioner: This is a hard question just to ask, but what is the function or what is the value experientially of the formation of positive and negative social memory complexes, of the separation of the polarities at that point rather than the allowing for the mixing of mind/body/spirit complexes of opposite polarity at the higher densities?

Ra: I am Ra. The purpose of polarity is to develop the potential to do work. This is the great characteristic of those, shall we say, experiments which have evolved since the concept of The Choice was appreciated. Work is done far more efficiently and with greater purity, intensity, and variety by the voluntary searching of mind/body/spirit complexes for the lessons of third and fourth densities. The action of fifth density is, viewed in space/time, the same with or without polarity. However, viewed in time/space, the experiences of wisdom are greatly enlarged and deepened due, again, to the voluntary nature of polarized mind/body/spirit action.

15.1 Questioner: I would like to apologize for my past and any future stupid questions due to the fact that I am searching for the proper entry into investigating the Law of One. We will be eliminating the stupid ones from the book.*

I would like to ask if the use of the instrument is a function of the time we use the instrument or the amount of information or the number of words the instrument gives? In other words, do I have to hurry and ask the questions, or can I take my time to ask the questions?

Ra: I am Ra. There are two portions to your query. Firstly, this instrument’s reserve of vital energy, which is a product of body, mind, and spirit distortions in the various complexes, is the key to the length of time which we may expend using this instrument. We searched your group when we contacted you for each in your group possesses significantly more vital energy of the body complex. However, this instrument was tuned most appropriately by the mind/body/spirit complex distortions of its beingness in this illusion. Therefore, we remained with this instrument.

Secondly, we communicate at a set rate which is dependent upon our careful manipulation of this instrument. We cannot be more, as you would say, quick. Therefore, you may ask questions speedily but the answers we have to offer are at a set pace given.

16.23 Questioner: Does this mean that you would have awareness of all that is?

Ra: I am Ra. This is partially correct. It is our understanding that it would not be our awareness, but simply awareness of the Creator. In the Creator is all that there is. Therefore, this knowledge would be available.

88.3 Questioner: I assume from this that our fifth-density negative companion is still on R and R. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. Your fifth-density companion is not accompanying you at this time. However, it is not resting.

71.15 Questioner: Could you please comment on the accuracy of this statement? I’m going to generally talk about the concept of magic and first define it as the ability to create changes in consciousness at will. Is this an acceptable definition?

Ra: I am Ra. This definition is acceptable in that it places upon the adept the burden it shall bear. It may be better understood by referring back to an earlier query, in your measurement, within this working having to do with the unmanifested self. In magic one is working with one’s unmanifested self in body, in mind, and in spirit; the mixture depending upon the nature of the working.

These workings are facilitated by the enhancement of the activation of the indigo-ray energy center. The indigo-ray energy center is fed, as are all energy centers, by experience but far more than the others is fed by what we have called the disciplines of the personality.

38.15 Questioner: I would just like to know if there is anything that we can do to make the instrument more comfortable or improve the contact?

Ra: I am Ra. All is well. We leave you in the love and light of the One Infinite Creator. Go forth rejoicing in the power and in the peace of the One Creator. Adonai.

8.21 Questioner: Well, what density did the entities who picked up Charlie Hickson come from? What was their density?

Ra: I am Ra. The entities in whom you show such interest are third-density beings of a fairly high order. We should express the understanding to you that these entities would not have used the mind/body/spirit complex, Charlie, except for the resolve of this entity before incarnation to be of service.

89.45 Questioner: I’ll just make the statement that I perceive that a negative polarity harvest is possible with less negativity in the environment like Ra’s environment than in the environment such as we have at present and ask if that is correct, and then is there anything that we can do to improve the contact or the comfort of the instrument?

Ra: I am Ra. Firstly, the requirements of harvest are set. It is, however, easier to serve the self completely or nearly so if there is little resistance.

In the matter of the nurturing of the instrument we suggest further manipulation of the dorsal side and appendages of this instrument and the whirling of the waters, if possible. The alignments are conscientious. We ask for your vigilance in alignments and preparations. All is well, my friends.

I am Ra. I leave you in the love and in the light of the One Infinite Creator. Go forth, then, rejoicing in the power and in the peace of the One Infinite Creator. Adonai.

6.3 Questioner: I’m not quite sure what you meant by appurtenances.

Ra: I was referring to the symbolic objects which trigger this instrument’s distortions towards love/light. The placement and loving acceptance of them by all present is important in the nurturing of this instrument. Therefore, the appurtenances involved must be described and their presence explained in your own words of teach/learning, for you have the proper attitude for the required results.

68.4 Questioner: The primary reason that we considered it important to have this session today is that I might not be around for a while and I had a pressing question about what happened Sunday night when, apparently, the instrument was slipping into a trance state during one of the normal meetings, and I would like to question you on this. Can you give me information about what happened?

Ra: I am Ra. We can.

8.25 Questioner: Do you say the United States actually has a manufacturing plant in Mexico?

Ra: I am Ra. I spoke thusly. May I, at this time, reiterate that this type of information is very shallow and of no particular consequence compared to the study of the Law of One. However, we carefully watch these developments in hopes that your peoples are able to be harvested in peace.

9.15 Questioner: Did any of these second-density entities have shapes like ours— two arms, two legs, head, and walk upright on two feet?

Ra: I am Ra. The two higher of the sub-vibrational levels of second-density beings had the configuration of the biped, as you mentioned. However, the erectile movement which you experience was not totally effected in these beings who were tending towards the leaning forward, barely leaving the quadrupedal position.

102.19 Questioner: You mentioned the possibility of surgery. What would be the surgery to be done, specifically?

Ra: I am Ra. The body cannot long bear the extreme acidity which is the environment of such spasms and will develop the holes or ulcerations which then do appear upon the allopathic testings and suggest to the chirurgeon that which is to be excised.

79.5 Questioner: We have been ending our banishing ritual prior to the session here by a gesture that relieves us of the magical personality. I was just wondering if we should omit that gesture so as to maintain the magical personality while performing the Circle of One and then only relinquish the magical personality either after that has formed or after the session? Which would be more appropriate?

Ra: I am Ra. The practice of magical workings demands the most rigorous honesty. If your estimate of your ability is that you can sustain the magical personality throughout this working, it is well. As long as you have some doubt it is inadvisable. In any case it is appropriate for this instrument to return its magical personality rather than carry this persona into the trance state, for it does not have the requisite magical skill to function in this circumstance and would be far more vulnerable than if the waking personality is offered as channel. This working is indeed magical in nature in the basic sense. However, it is inappropriate to move more quickly than one’s feet may walk.

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The original Law of One books are copyright ©1982, 1984, 1998 L/L Research. The Ra Contact books are copyright ©2018 L/L Research and Tobey Wheelock.
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